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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Agree Gas Prices Down

PT Krakatau Steel Expects 2017 Profit Rises

PT Krakatau Steel, received a new set gas prices since January 2017. Prices received by state-owned enterprises was 6 dollars per million metric British thermal units from the previous 7.3 US dollars per MMBTU.

According to the Corporate Secretary of PT Krakatau Steel Iip Arief Budiman, in Cilegon, Banten, on Wednesday (22/8), the price drops corresponding Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40 Year 2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry Specific. Before the drop in gas prices to be realized, it is proposed that the steel producer price to be 4-5 dollars per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU).

"Now it is set by the government. We accept the decision, "said lip. The decline in gas prices plus incessant development of infrastructure by Iip believed, would increase its profit in 2017 PT Krakatau Steel posted an operating profit in 2016 amounted to 4.39 million US dollars, or around Rp 58.98 billion. In that year, the sales volume of PT Krakatau Steel of approximately 2.3 million tons with main products like Iembaran hot rolled steel, steel wire, and cold rolled sheet steel.

We can not deliver 2017 earnings forecast, however, price reductions and absorption of steel products because of increased government infrastructure development, increase our optimism, "said Iip.

Steel plant blast furnace (blast furnace) that will be solved in the near future is expected to support an increase in the performance of PT Krakatau Steel. "We grateful. However, the decline in gas prices shows that the government pay attention to the steel industry, "he said.

Yet the Same

President Director of PT Krakatau Steel Sukandar also welcomed this decline in gas prices. That price is not the same as some other countries that are less expensive, but provide fresh air for the future of PT Krakatau Steel. The price of natural gas abroad, including in Malaysia amounted to 4.6 to 5.8 US dollars per MMBTU in Vietnam US $ 3.6 to 5.3 per MMBTU, Australia US $ 3.3 per MMBTIL and India US $ 5.6 per MMBTU ,

"The decline in gas prices this helps to improve the performance of our company. We can make savings to develop other potential sectors, "said Sukandar.

Dedi Fahruli, Marketing Manager of PT Thermax Indonesia in Cilegon, said it welcomed the decline in gas prices. The condition is expected to create industries that use gas more passionate and encouraging the construction of the plant. "The price of gas is expected to be cheaper than electricity, not only for Thermax Indonesia, but also all industries," he said.

Thermax Indonesia, among others, generating boiler (kettle), air pollution control, as well as water and wastewater treatment. "If the construction of the plant more quickly, we will have a positive impact" said Dedi.

According to the Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions Steel Cilegon Safrudin, the decline in gas prices for specific industries are expected to make steel producers, including PT Krakatau Steel, pay more attention to the welfare of employees. The price drop will certainly contribute positively to the steel business.


Setuju Harga Gas Turun

PT Krakatau Steel Proyeksikan Laba Tahun 2017 Meningkat

PT Krakatau Steel, menerima harga gas baru yang ditetapkan sejak Januari 2017. Harga yang diterima badan usaha milik negara itu 6 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit dari sebelumnya 7,3 dollar AS per MMBTU.

Menurut Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Krakatau Steel Iip Arief Budiman, di Cilegon, Banten, Rabu (22/8), harga turun sesuai Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu. Sebelum penurunan harga gas direalisasikan, produsen baja itu mengusulkan agar harga menjadi 4-5 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU).

”Sekarang sudah ditetapkan pemerintah. Kami menerima keputusan tersebut,” kata lip. Penurunan harga gas ditambah gencarnya pembangunan infrastruktur menurut Iip, diyakini akan meningkatkan laba perusahaan pada 2017 PT Krakatau Steel membukukan laba operasi pada tahun 2016 sebesar 4,39 juta dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 58,98 miliar. Pada tahun itu, volume penjualan PT Krakatau Steel sekitar 2,3 juta ton dengan produk utama seperti baja Iembaran canai panas, kawat baja, dan baja lembaran canai dingin. 

Kami belum bisa menyampaikan proyeksi laba 2017. Namun, penurunan harga dan penyerapan produk baja karena pembangunan infrastruktur yang ditingkatkan pemerintah, meningkatkan optimisme kami,” ujar Iip.

Pembangunan pabrik baja tanur tinggi (blast furnace) yang akan diselesaikan dalam waktu dekat diharapkan dapat mendukung peningkatan kinerja PT Krakatau Steel. ”Kami bersyukur. Bagaimanapun, penurunan harga gas menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah memperhatikan industri baja,” ujarnya. 

Belum sama

Direktur Utama PT Krakatau Steel Sukandar juga menyambut gembira penurunan harga gas ini. Harga itu memang belum sama dengan beberapa negara lain yang lebih murah, tetapi memberikan angin segar bagi masa depan PT Krakatau Steel. Harga gas alam di luar negeri, seperti di Malaysia sebesar 4,6-5,8 dollar AS per MMBTU di Vietnam US$3,6-5,3 per MMBTU, Australia US$3,3 per MMBTIL dan India US$5,6 per MMBTU.

”Penurunan harga gas ini ikut meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan kami. Kami bisa melakukan penghematan untuk mengembangkan sektor potensial lainnya,” kata Sukandar. 

Dedi Fahruli, Manajer Pemasaran PT Thermax Indonesia di Cilegon, mengatakan, pihaknya menyambut positif penurunan harga gas. Kondisi itu diharapkan membuat industri yang menggunakan gas lebih bergairah dan mendorong pembangunan pabrik. ”Harga gas diharapkan lebih murah daripada listrik, tidak hanya untuk Thermax Indonesia, tetapi juga semua industri,” ujarnya.

Thermax Indonesia antara lain menghasilkan boiler (ketel), pengontrol polusi udara, serta penanganan air dan limbah cair. ”Kalau pembangunan pabrik semakin cepat, kami akan mendapat dampak positif” kata Dedi.

Menurut Ketua Umum Federasi Serikat Pekerja Baja Cilegon Safrudin, penurunan harga gas untuk industri tertentu diharapkan membuat produsen baja, termasuk PT Krakatau Steel, lebih memperhatikan kesejahteraan karyawan. Penurunan harga tentu akan berkontribusi positif terhadap bisnis baja.

Kompas, Page-22, Thursday, March, 23, 2017

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