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Monday, March 27, 2017

Arcandra: Mackenzie Research Problem Gross Split It Wrong

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) did not agree with the results of the analysis of consultants and research institutes in the fields of energy, metals and mining Wood Mackenzie. In KONTAN Daily News March 13, the company said gross split scheme could deter investment in the upstream oil and gas.

Once it appears that analysis, the Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar Wood Mackenzie discussions with officials last week. The result, says Arcandra, Wood Mackenzie: WRONG ", because it does not include all the advantages contractor cooperation contract (PSC) of the gross split.

He said, the gross profit split not only "ABOUT EFFICIENT", but were able to shorten the time, so it can produce oil and gas PSC earlier. "If you shorten the period of two years to three years, which means more production early. Three years was equal to how much money? If you split it, cost recovery with gross split does not make any difference, "
Arcandra said.

He also cited the preliminary process from end engineering design (pre-FEED). The process of pre-FEED administration can take 8 months to 1.5 years. While the completion of the process of pre-FEED for only 6 months. The government asked for Wood Mackenzie show the correct data. Because Indonesia is already at the cap does not appeal to upstream oil and gas investment. "Show me the data is correct, the reviews will be updated again," said Arcandra. While Ignatius Jonan Minister claim, it does not apply pressure to revise the analysis.


Arcandra: Riset Mackenzie Soal Gross Split Itu Salah

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tidak setuju dengan hasil analisis konsultan dan lembaga riset di bidang energi, logam dan tambang Wood Mackenzie. Dalam berita Harian KONTAN 13 Maret lalu, perusahaan itu menyebutkan, skema gross split bisa menghalangi investasi di hulu migas.

Setelah muncul analisis itu, Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar berdiskusi dengan petinggi Wood Mackenzie pekan lalu. Hasilnya, kata Arcandra, Wood Mackenzie :SALAH", karena tidak memasukkan semua keuntungan kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS) dari gross split.

Kata dia, keuntungan gross split bukan hanya "TENTANG EFISIEN", tapi mampu mempersingkat waktu, sehingga KKKS bisa memproduksi migas lebih awal. "Kalau mempersingkat waktu dua tahun tiga tahun, artinya produksi lebih
awal. Tiga tahun itu equal dengan uang berapa? Kalau split saja, cost recovery dengan gross split tidak ada bedanya," kata Arcandra.

Ia juga mencontohkan proses preliminary from end engineering design (pre FEED). Proses administrasi pre-FEED bisa membutuhkan waktu 8 bulan hingga 1,5 tahun. Sedangkan proses penyelesain pre-FEED hanya 6 bulan. Pemerintah meminta Wood Mackenzie menunjukkan data yang benar. Pasalnya Indonesia sudah di cap tidak menarik bagi investasi hulu migas. "Tunjukkan data yang benar, review akan diperbarui lagi," kata Arcandra. Sementara Ignasius Jonan Menteri ESDM mengklaim, pihaknya tidak melakukan tekanan untuk merevisi analisis tersebut.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, March, 27, 2017

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