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Friday, March 3, 2017

Auction Winners Announced Oil and Gas Back Postponed

The government delayed the announcement of the winner of the auction oil and gas blocks in 2016 became the period of March, beginning in January of yesterday. This is because the government wants to offer the use of schemes for the gross proceeds (gross split) in the oil and gas contracts the winner of this auction. Director of Upstream Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Single say, on the auction block oil and gas last year, the ministry has applied the auction scheme open bid split in which companies can bid on the amount of profit sharing (split) in accordance economical project ,

However, earlier this year, the government issued EMR Menten Regulation 8/2017 which became the basis for the cooperation contracts (production sharing contract / PSC), gross split. The government wants to test this new scheme contract to the winning bidder. "So we postpone for a while, we are evaluating," he said.

According to him, this step does not mean the government does not respect the agreement with the investor. Because, although the auction has taken place, the government has not signed the PSC dengen. As long as oil and gas contracts have not been signed, the form of the contract is still subject to change. However, the government will not force oil companies to use PSC Gross Split.

If the oil companies refuse to use gross split, it is called is not a problem because it offered an open bid auction time split. However, if both parties agree to use PSC Gross Split, then it does not violate any rules. Therefore, the government oil company calling participants to discuss this.

"Therefore with the new split, offered by the new system. But it needs to be coordinated. The plan at the beginning of March, because they do not necessarily want to, "said Son.

These two concepts oil and gas contracts have fundamental differences. In split open bid, investors can bid for the amount of basil by the government according to a count of the project economics. Bidders are also free offers signature bonus. Furthermore, the government chose the best deals with certain restrictions to the owner estimate has been determined.

While the Gross Contracts Split, the government set for the preliminary results (base split) of oil by 57% for the state and 43% to the contractor, while for gas, the state quota of 52% and 48% contractors. In the contract finally signed, the base of this split will change based on the variable components and progressive. Variable components include block status, location, depth, up to the amount of local content. Progressive component consists of oil prices and the cumulative amount of oil and gas production.

As is known, the government offered 14 oil and gas blocks in the last year. Seven oil and gas blocks auctioned through direct deals, namely Block Ebuny, Onin, West Kaimana, West Hill, Batu Gajah two, Kasongan Sampit, and Powerful. As for regular auctions, there are seven blocks offered by the South Block CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar, North Arguni, and Kasuri II. So far, the single, only the Bloc Ebuny, Onin, and West Kaimana interest by the four oil and gas companies of the seven blocks offered through direct deals.

For the regular auctions, is still in the evaluation phase. All participants of the auction will be called to discuss the changes in gross contract to split Block oil and gas that are not sold at the auction will be auctioned calls back next year. Thus, the amount of oil and gas blocks offered in the next year will likely be many more, including those in the auction. "We'll re-auction, there will be a Ministerial Regulation No. 8/2017 and Government Regulation No. 79/2010 last revision on cost recovery, we expect more attractive again, right, "said the Director General of Oil and Gas I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja


Pengumuman Pemenang Lelang Migas Kembali Ditunda

Pemerintah menunda pengumuman pemenang lelang blok migas periode 2016 menjadi Maret nanti, dari awalnya pada Januari kemarin. Hal ini lantaran pemerintah ingin menawarkan penggunaan skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) dalam kontrak migas pemenang lelang ini. Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Tunggal mengatakan, pada lelang blok migas tahun lalu, pihaknya menerapkan lelang dengan skema open bid split di mana perusahaan dapat menawar besaran bagi hasil (split) sesuai keekonomian proyek. 

Namun, awal tahun ini, pemerintah menerbitkan Peraturan Menten ESDM 8/2017 yang menjadi dasar penerapan kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC), gross split. Pemerintah ingin mencoba menawarkan kontrak skema baru ini kepada pemenang lelang. “Jadi kami postpone sebentar, kami evaluasi,” kata dia.

Menurutnya, langkah ini bukan berarti pemerintah tidak menghormati kesepakatan dengan investor. Pasalnya, meski lelang telah berlangsung, PSC dengen pemerintah belum diteken. Selama kontrak migas belum diteken, maka bentuk kontrak tersebut masih dapat berubah. Meski demikian, pemerintah tidak akan memaksa perusahaan migas untuk memakai PSC Gross Split. 

Jika perusahaan migas menolak memakai gross split, hal ini disebutnya tidak masalah karena memang saat lelang ditawarkan open bid split. Namun, jika kedua belah pihak sepakat menggunakan PSC Gross Split, maka tidak melanggar aturan apapun. Untuk itu, pemerintah memanggil perusahaan migas peserta untuk membahas hal ini.

“Maka dari itu dengan split baru, ditawarkan dengan sistem baru. Tetapi perlu dikoordinasikan. Rencananya di awal Maret, karena mereka belum tentu mau,” ujar Tunggal.

Dua konsep kontrak migas ini memiliki perbedaan mendasar. Pada open bid split, investor dapat menawar besaran bagi basil dengan pemerintah sesuai hitungan keekonomian proyek. Peserta lelang juga bebas memberikan penawaran bonus tanda tangan. Selanjutnya, Pemerintah memilih penawaran terbaik dengan batasan tertentu terhadap owner estimate yang telah ditetapkan.

Sementara dalam Kontrak Gross Split, pemerintah menetapkan bagi hasil awal (base split) minyak bumi sebesar 57% untuk negara dan 43% untuk kontraktor, sementara untuk gas, jatah negara 52% dan kontraktor 48%. Dalam kontrak yang akhirnya diteken, base split ini akan berubah berdasarkan komponen variabel dan progresif. Komponen variabel diantaranya status blok, lokasi, kedalaman, hingga besaran tingkat kandungan dalam negeri. Komponen progresif terdiri dari harga minyak dan jumlah kumulatif produksi migas. 

Seperti diketahui, pemerintah menawarkan 14 blok migas pada tahun lalu. Tujuh blok migas dilelang melalui penawaran langsung, yakni Blok Ebuny, Onin, West Kaimana, Bukit Barat, Batu Gajah dua, Kasongan Sampit, dan Ampuh. Sementara untuk lelang reguler terdapat tujuh blok yang ditawarkan yaitu Blok South CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar, North Arguni, dan Kasuri II. Sejauh ini, lanjut Tunggal, hanya Blok Ebuny, Onin, dan West Kaimana yang diminati oleh empat perusahaan migas dari tujuh blok yang ditawarkan melalui penawaran langsung. 

Untuk lelang reguler, sampai saat ini masih dalam tahap evaluasi. Seluruh peserta lelang akan dipanggil untuk membahas soal perubahan ke kontrak gross split Blok migas yang tidak laku pada lelang kali ini disebutnya akan dilelang kembali pada tahun depan. Sehingga, jumlah blok migas yang ditawarkan pada tahun depan kemungkinan akan lebih banyak lagi, termasuk yang di lelang ulang.  “Nanti kami lelang ulang, nanti akan ada Peraturan Menteri  No. 8/2017 dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79/2010 soal cost recovery ada revisinya, kami harapkan lebih atraktif lagi kan,” kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja

Investor Daily, Page-11, Monday, Feb, 27, 2017

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