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Monday, March 20, 2017

Beginning April 2017, HCML Begin Drilling New Well

Husky Madura Cnooc Limited (HCML) plans to initiate the development of MDA and MBH wells in the waters of Pulau Raas District of Sumenep in early April this year. Before starting its activities, HCML have to disseminate to affected communities in the District Raas Island, District Gayam and Nonggunong Sapudi Island.

Representatives of SKK Migas Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa), Singgih said, before starting the activity development of new wells in the waters Raas, HCML together SKK gas to disseminate to the fishermen in the three districts namely Raas, Gayam and Nonggunong, Island Sepudi, Sumenep ,

"Our arrival to meet the people in the three districts so that people do not need to worry about the planned activities of oil and gas drilling, because we still consider the safety of the environment," said a representative of SKK oil Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa), Singgih, Sunday (19 / 03).

Existing communities in three districts that are expected to support the upstream oil and gas activities are still the backbone of the state budget. "During this time the oil and gas sector accounted for about 20 percent of the state budget. For that, we ask for the support of this community towards our activities," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Relations HCML, Hamim Tohari convey, well development activities of MDA and MBH which will begin around the beginning of April 2017 was very important for disseminated to affected communities.


Awal April 2017, HCML Mulai Pengeboran Sumur Baru  

Husky Cnooc Madura Limited (HCML) berencana memulai pengembangan sumur MDA dan MBH di perairan Pulau Kecamatan Raas Kabupaten Sumenep pada awal April tahun ini. Sebelum memulai aktifitasnya, HCML telah melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat terdampak yang ada di Pulau Kecamatan Raas, Kecamatan Gayam dan Nonggunong Pulau Sapudi.

Perwakilan dari SKK Migas Jawa, Bali, Nusa Tengara (Jabanusa), Singgih mengatakan, sebelum memulai aktifitas pengembangan sumur baru di perairan Raas, HCML bersama SKK migas melakukan sosialisasi kepada nelayan di tiga kecamatan yakni Raas, Gayam dan Nonggunong, Pulau Sepudi, Kabupaten Sumenep. 

"Kedatangan kami untuk menemui masyarakat di tiga kecamatan agar masyarakat tidak perlu khawatir dengan rencana kegiatan pengeboran migas ini, karena kami tetap memperhatikan keselamatan lingkungan," kata perwakilan dari SKK migas Jawa, Bali, Nusa Tengara (Jabanusa), Singgih, Minggu (19/03). 

Masyarakat yang ada ditiga kecamatan itu diharapkan mendukung terhadap kegiatan hulu migas yang masih menjadi tulang punggung APBN. "Selama ini sektor migas menyumbang ke APBN sekitar 20 persen. Untuk itu, kami meminta dukungan dari masyarakat terhadap kegiatan kami ini," ucapnya.

Sementara itu, Head of Relation HCML, Hamim Tohari menyampaikan, kegiatan pengembangan sumur MDA dan MBH yang akan dimulai sekitar awal April 2017 sangat penting untuk disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat terdampak.

Bhirawa, Page-6, Monday, March, 20, 2017

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