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Monday, March 6, 2017

BUMD Gresik Migas Dying

Regent Requested Pressure PGN

Conditions Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) PT Gresik Migas (GM) is dying and on the verge of bankruptcy. Therefore, the allocation of gas from PT Pertamina has been discontinued as from March 2016 ago.

"Currently, GM is still not operating normally from the previous business. We suffered a loss of Rp 3.5 billion in 2006 as the main source of income stalled. But, there is little revenue from leased buildings, "said Managing Director (CEO) GM, Bukhari in a hearing with Commission B DPRD Gresik, Friday (3/3).

Explained, after PT Pertamina stop the supply of gas, GM still sells gas from PetroChina JOB allocation through Lengowangi wells. However, revenue is still very small. "The result is around 100 million per month." To suppress the greater the losses, GM is doing step by rationalizing employees for efficiency.

"It is not comfortable, but we will seek a major source of GM recover". Initially, GM gets a total of 17 MMBTU gas. But the Minister only allocates only 5 MMBTU. Nonetheless, GM rations can search to other parties if it is able to sell it. "Because of our performance is considered unsatisfactory, then mid-March only allotted 5 MMBTU. So, if you have the market, we are allowed to sell 17 MMBTU, "he explained. However, the main problem is the price of gas is pegged just a difference of US $ 0.5.

"We are given a price of $ 7.5. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has only 3-year contract until 2018. We trouble our negotiations with prospective buyers. Who can afford to buy only PGN (State Gas Company) because it has a pipe connected to our pipeline ". Previously, the gas network which buy gas to GM already closing the deal because they failed to absorb the gas from GM.

"The difficulty we are more due to PGN oversupply. In addition, the price we offer diurutan 5. So, our price is expensive. But, PGN still trying to get us to absorb gas. If by PGN fails, we ask for the intervention of the regent with other considerations as they do activities here. It's critical condition. In fact, we are with WMO has been closed, ".

Explained, the purchase price of gas GM to PHE WMHO of US $ 7.73. While potential buyers are able to buy only the PGN. "If the industry is able to buy at US $ 7.6 to 7.7 for Traffic consumer purchasing power disconnected".

Bukhari only wish to Tuban block which will be managed by PT Pertamina. Therefore, there is a rule of the Minister if the area gets participation interest (PI). "We expect GM recover soon. And during this time, we are living on savings that exist ".

In response to the exposure of GM, a member of Commission B DPRD Gresik, Zulfan Hashim said shareholders should lobby to Jakarta to seek a solution. "We also need to talk with the commissioners and shareholders," he said.

Other members of Commission B, Fakih Usman asserted that GM per December 31, 2016 loss of 3.5 billion and waiting for a possible follow PI in Tuban block, then the GM was very critical condition. "The thing to look for solutions, how looking operating expense GM until 2018". Meanwhile, Secretary of Commission B, Asroin Widyana ask GM provides financial data belonging to the local government for the years 2015 and 2016. "So, we can compare".


BUMD Gresik Migas Sekarat

Bupati Diminta Pressure PGN

Kondisi Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) PT Gresik Migas (GM) sedang sekarat dan diambang kebangkrutan. Sebab, alokasi gas dari PT Pertamina sudah dihentikan terhitung sejak Maret 2016 silam. 

“Saat ini, GM masih belum beroperasi secara normal dari bisnis sebelumnya. Kita mengalami kerugian sebesar Rp 3,5 miliar pada tahun 2006 karena sumber pendapatan utama terhenti. Tapi, ada pendapatan kecil dari gedung yang disewakan,” ujar Direktur Utama (Dirut) GM, Bukhari dalam hearing dengan Komisi B DPRD Gresik, Jumat (3/3). 

Di jelaskan, setelah PT Pertamina menghentikan pasokan gas, GM masih menjual gas dari alokasi JOB Petrochina melalui sumur Lengowangi. Tetapi, pendapatannya masih sangat kecil. “Hasilnya sekitar 100 juta per bulan". Untuk menekan kerugian yang semakin besar, GM melakukan langkah dengan melakukan rasionalisasi pegawai untuk efisiensi. 

“Memang tidak nyaman, tapi kita akan berupaya sumber utama dari GM kembali pulih”. Awalnya, GM mendapat jatah gas sebanyak 17 MMBTU. Tetapi Menteri ESDM hanya memberikan jatah hanya 5 MMBTU. Meskipun demikian, jatah GM dapat mencari ke pihak lain apabila mampu menjualnya. “Karena kinerja kita dianggap tidak memuaskan, maka pertengahan Maret hanya diberi jatah 5 MMBTU. Jadi, kalau memiliki pasar, kita diperbolehkan menjual 17 MMBTU,” jelasnya. Hanya saja, masalah utama adalah harga gas yang dipatok hanya selisih US$ 0,5.

“Kita diberi harga US$ 7,5. Menteri ESDM hanya memberi kontrak 3 tahun sampai 2018. Kita kesulitan negoisasi dengan calon buyers kita. Yang mampu beli hanya PGN (Perusahan Gas Negara) karena memiliki pipa yang terhubung dengan pipa kita”. Sebelumnya,  Jaringan gas yang membeli gas ke GM sudah tutup buku perjanjiannya karena mereka gagal menyerap gas dari GM.

“Kesulitan kita lainnya karena PGN oversupply. Selain itu, harga yang kita tawarkan diurutan ke 5. Jadi, harga kita termasuk mahal. Tapi, PGN tetap berupaya agar bisa menyerap gas kita. Kalau dengan PGN gagal, kita minta campur tangan bupati dengan pertimbangan lain karena mereka melakukan aktifitasnya disini. Ini kondisi kritis. Padahal, kita dengan PHE WMO sudah closed,” .

Dijelaskan, harga beli gas GM ke PHE WMHO sebesar US$ 7,73. Sedangkan pembeli potensial yang mampu beli hanya PGN. “Kalau industri mampu membeli di US$ 7,6 - 7,7 karena kemapuan daya beli konsumen tidak nyambung".

Bukhari hanya berharap dengan blok Tuban yang rencananya akan dikelola oleh PT Pertamina. Sebab, ada aturan dari Menteri ESDM kalau daerah mendapat partisipasi interest (PI). “Kita berharap GM segera pulih. Dan selama ini, kita hidup dari tabungan yang ada”. 

Menanggapi pemaparan dari GM, anggota Komisi B DPRD Gresik, Zulfan Hasyim menyatakan, pemegang saham harus melobi ke Jakarta untuk mencari solusi. “Kami juga perlu ngobrol dengan komisaris dan pemegang saham,” ujarnya.

Anggota Komisi B lainnya, Fakih Usman menegaskan kalau GM per 31 Desember 2016 rugi 3,5 miliar dan menunggu kemungkinan ikut PI di blok Tuban, maka kondisi GM sangat kritis. “Yang harus dicari solusi, bagimana mencari beban operasional GM sampai 2018”. Sedangkan Sekretaris Komisi B, Asroin Widyana meminta GM memberikan data keuangan milik pemerintah daerah tersebut untuk tahun 2015 dan 2016. “Sehingga, kami bisa membandingkan”. 

Duta Masyarakat, Page-12, Saturday, March, 4, 2017

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