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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Contribute HCML National Gas Production Late 2018

SKK Migas Representative stated Husky Jabanusa-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) will contribute to the national gas production through Gas Fields "MDA-MBH" at the end of 2018.

"Alhamdulillah, MDA-MBH Gas Fields managed HCML estimated production in late 2018," said Head of Public Relations Representative Jabanusa SKK Migas, Fatah Mohammad Yasin in Sumenep, East Java, on Wednesday (8/3).

On Wednesday afternoon, Fatah together HCML management representatives are in Sumenep to implement additional socialization Gas Field development plan "MAC" for the Madura Strait Block Island Residents Giliraja, District Giligenting.

"Four wells in MDA-MBH Gas Field is estimated to production by the end of 2018 will produce 110 MMSCFD. This is a great contribution to the national gas production," said Fatah.

He explained, SKK Migas Jabanusa as Deputy State authority is continuing to monitor the activities HCML and cooperation contracts (K3S) others in performing each stage of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas.

MDA-MBH Gas Fields that were located at the southern point of Sapudi and Raas, Sumenep, until Situbondo it will produce gas.

"HCML started doing activities in the gas field since 2012. If gas field production estimates it really happen at the end of 2018 means it can add or offset a decline in gas production in other fields," he said.

Fatah hope the management HCML prepared everything needed to produce MDA-MBH Gas Field it carefully, thoroughly, and carefully.

According to the results of technical studies HCML, four wells in MDA-MBH Gas Field is expected to produce up to around ten years. As for the MAC Gas Fields that were located at the southern point of Giligenting Island and Giliraja Island, Sumenep, HCML will conduct a series of activities for the exploitation phase at the end of 2018 and mid-2019.


HCML Sumbang Produksi Gas Nasional Akhir 2018

SKK Migas Perwakilan Jabanusa menyatakan Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) akan menyumbang produksi gas nasional melalui Lapangan Gas "MDA-MBH" pada akhir 2018.

"Alhamdulillah, Lapangan Gas MDA-MBH yang dikelola HCML diperkirakan berproduksi pada akhir 2018," kata Kepala Urusan Humas SKK Migas Perwakilan Jabanusa, Moh Fatah Yasin di Sumenep, Jawa Timur, Rabu (8/3). 

Pada Rabu siang, Fatah bersama perwakilan manajemen HCML berada di Sumenep untuk melaksanakan sosialisasi tambahan rencana pengembangan Lapangan Gas "MAC" Blok Madura Strait bagi Warga Pulau Giliraja, Kecamatan Giligenting.

"Empat sumur di Lapangan Gas MDA-MBH yang diperkirakan bisa produksi pada akhir 2018 tersebut akan menghasilkan 110 MMSCFD. Ini sumbangan yang bagus bagi produksi gas nasional," kata Fatah.

Ia menjelaskan, SKK Migas Jabanusa sebagai Wakil kuasa Negara memang terus memonitor kegiatan HCML dan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (K3S) lainnya dalam melakukan setiap tahapan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi migas.

Lapangan Gas MDA-MBH yang posisinya berada di sebelah selatan Pulau Sapudi dan Raas, Sumenep, hingga Situbondo itu akan menghasilkan gas.

"HCML mulai melakukan aktivitas di lapangan gas tersebut sejak 2012. Kalau perkiraan produksi lapangan gas itu benar-benar terwujud pada akhir 2018 berarti bisa menambah atau menutupi penurunan produksi gas di lapangan lainnya," ujarnya.

    Fatah berharap manajemen HCML menyiapkan segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi Lapangan Gas MDA-MBH itu secara cermat, teliti, dan hati-hati.

    Sesuai hasil kajian teknis HCML, empat sumur di Lapangan Gas MDA-MBH diperkirakan bisa berproduksi hingga sekitar sepuluh tahun. Sementara untuk Lapangan Gas MAC yang posisinya berada di sebelah selatan Pulau Giligenting dan Giliraja, Sumenep, HCML akan melakukan serangkaian kegiatan untuk tahap eksploitasi pada akhir 2018 hingga pertengahan 2019.

Bhirawa, Page-8, Thursday, March, 9, 2017

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