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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Cooperation with Saudi Aramco Can Be More

PT Pertamina expects no more cooperation with the Government of Saudi Arabia, particularly with Saudi Aramco, the oil company and the country's national natural gas. Subject planned initial public offering of Saudi Aramco, Pertamina has not received further information.

So far, Pertamina cooperation with Saudi Aramco in the development of a refinery in Cilacap, Central Java. "There has been the signing of an agreement for the establishment of a joint venture development project between Pertamina's Cilacap refinery and Saudi Aramco. The project value of about 6 billion US dollars, "said Vice President Corporate Communications of Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro, Monday (27/2), in Jakarta.

When asked about about the possibility of Pertamina to buy shares offered Saudi Aramco, Wianda said not to have more information about it. Saudi Aramco will sell its shares through an initial public offering (IPO) as much as 5 percent to the public.

A visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as carrying a number of countries reported that stock deals. "However, there is an expectation Indonesia could purchase LPG directly from Saudi Aramco to certain terms and conditions are competitive compared to LPG supplied from the Middle East," said Wianda. Besides the desire to buy LPG from Saudi Aramco, Pertamina also want any crude oil sale and purchase transactions with the company.

Lecturer at Trisakti University, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, said, has a stake in Saudi Aramco is a good chance. Because, it is fairly bonafide company with tremendous assets. However, if the government and state-owned Saudi Aramco is interested in buying stocks, you should have to know the details of the offer.

"If you just want to have a stake in the holding company, the dividend only in the can. Unless there stock purchase plan or divest in one of the oil and gas blocks are already in production. It is more realistic because their products can be brought to Indonesia, "said Pri Agung


Kerja Sama dengan Saudi Aramco Bisa Lebih Banyak

PT Pertamina mengharapkan ada kerja sama lebih banyak dengan Pemerintah Arab Saudi, khususnya dengan Saudi Aramco, perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi nasional negara tersebut. Perihal rencana penawaran saham perdana Saudi Aramco, Pertamina belum mendapat informasi lebih lanjut. 

Sejauh ini, kerja sama Pertamina dengan Saudi Aramco di bidang pengembangan kilang di Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. ”Sudah ada penandatanganan perjanjian pembentukan perusahaan patungan untuk proyek pengembangan kilang Cilacap antara Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco. Nilai proyeknya sekitar 6 miliar dollar AS,” ujar Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro, Senin (27/2), di Jakarta.

Saat ditanya soal perihal kemungkinan Pertamina membeli saham yang ditawarkan Saudi Aramco, Wianda mengatakan belum memiliki informasi lebih jauh tentang hal tersebut. Saudi Aramco akan melepas sahamnya melalui penawaran saham perdana (IPO) sebanyak 5 persen kepada publik.

Kunjungan pihak Kerajaan Arab Saudi ke sejumlah negara dikabarkan sekaligus mengusung penawaran saham itu. ”Namun, ada ekspektasi Indonesia bisa membeli elpiji langsung dari Saudi Aramco dengan syarat serta ketentuan tertentu yang kompetitif dibandingkan dengan elpiji yang dipasok dari Timur Tengah lainnya,” kata Wianda.  Selain keinginan membeli elpiji dari Saudi Aramco, Pertamina juga ingin ada transaksi jual beli minyak mentah dengan perusahaan tersebut. 

Pengajar pada Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Pri Agung Rakhmanto, menuturkan, memiliki saham di Saudi Aramco adalah sebuah peluang bagus. Karena, perusahaan itu terbilang bonafide dengan aset luar biasa besar. Namun, apabila pemerintah dan BUMN berminat membeli saham Saudi Aramco, sebaiknya harus mengetahui detail penawarannya.

”Kalau hanya ingin memiliki saham di induk perusahaan, paling hanya dividen yang di dapat. Kecuali kalau ada skema pembelian saham atau divestasi di salah satu blok migas yang sudah berproduksi. Itu lebih realistis karena hasil produksinya bisa dibawa ke Indonesia,” ujar Pri Agung

Kompas, Page-18, Tuesday, Feb, 28, 2017

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