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Friday, March 10, 2017

Deep Sea Gas Project constrained Oil Prices

Development Gendalo-Gehem compiled when the crude oil price of US $ 100 per barrel.

Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) said that until now Chevron Indonesia Company has not deposited revision project development plans deep-sea gas (Indonesia deepwater development / IDD) phase 2. 

Indonesia deepwater development / IDD

  According to a spokesman SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, Gendalo and Gehem field development in the Makassar Strait restrained by the price of oil is still low. "Economies are still marginal projects," said Taslim.


Chevron has filed a document in the development plan (the plan of development / POD) Gendalo-Gehem the end of 2015. However, SKK Migas return it because it is considered incomplete. 

SKK Migas

    Planning Control Deputy SKK Migas, Sutadiwiria Gunawan, said the revision POD for IDD also contains changes in production schedules or onstream and investment value. Therefore, IDD project documents have been prepared assuming oil prices of US $ 100 per barrel. In fact, the current world oil prices in the Brent market is the only US $ 53.11 per barrel.

As for the trade market West Texas Intermediate crude oil priced at the US $ 50.28 per barrel. "They still use the old benchmark oil price at the US $ 100 per barrel," said Gunawan.

Gunawan said the production schedule Gendalo-Gehem field to postpone to 2023. To improve the economics of the project, Chevron asked for incentives in the form of investment loans above 100 percent. But the government refused. Moreover, the investment value of the project is not expected until IDD US $ 10 billion. 

 Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, confirmed the existence of the incentive request. Currently, Wiratmaja said, it is still being discussed along with Chevron and SKK Migas. "While intensively discussed."

The Ministry of Energy noted Gendalo and Gehem field production is expected to reach 1.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 47 thousand barrels of condensate per day. The IDD project phase I in the Bangka field has been producing since the end of August last year. Wednesday, Chevron meets with Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the Vice Presidential Office, Jakarta. 

   Vice President Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia, Sianipar Yanto, said Chevron will continue to increase the number of production and reduce operating costs. "We want to continue the good cooperation with the government.


Proyek Gas Laut Dalam Terkendala Harga Minyak

Pengembangan Gendalo-Gehem disusun saat harga minyak mentah US$ 100 per barel.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menyatakan sampai kini Chevron Indonesia Company belum menyetorkan revisi rencana pengembangan proyek gas laut dalam (Indonesia deepwater development/ IDD) tahap 2. Menurut juru bicara SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, pengembangan lapangan Gendalo dan Gehem di Selat Makassar tertahan oleh harga minyak yang masih rendah.  “Keekonomian proyek masih marginal,” ujar Taslim.

Chevron telah mengajukan dokumen rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD) Gendalo-Gehem pada akhir 2015. Namun SKK Migas mengembalikannya karena dinilai kurang lengkap. 

Deputi Pengendalian Perencanaan SKK Migas, Gunawan Sutadiwiria, mengatakan revisi POD untuk IDD juga berisi perubahan jadwal produksi atau onstream dan nilai investasi. Sebab, dokumen proyek IDD disusun dengan asumsi harga minyak US$ 100 per barel. Padahal, saat ini harga minyak dunia di pasar Brent hanya US$ 53,11 per barel.

Adapun dalam perdagangan pasar West Texas Intermediate, minyak mentah dibanderol dengan harga US$ 50,28 per barel. “Mereka masih pakai acuan harga minyak lama, yakni US$ 100 per barel," ujar Gunawan.

Gunawan mengatakan jadwal produksi lapangan Gendalo-Gehem dimundurkan menjadi 2023. Untuk memperbaiki keekonomian proyek, Chevron meminta insentif berupa kredit investasi di atas 100 persen. Namun pemerintah menolak. Apalagi, nilai investasi proyek IDD diperkirakan tidak sampai US$ 10 miliar. 

 Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, membenarkan adanya permintaan insentif tersebut. Saat ini, ujar Wiratmaja, hal itu masih dibahas bersama Chevron dan SKK Migas. “Sedang intensif didiskusikan.”

Kementerian Energi mencatat produksi Lapangan Gendalo dan Gehem diperkirakan mencapai 1,1 miliar kaki kubik gas alam dan 47 ribu barel kondensat per hari. Adapun proyek IDD tahap I di lapangan Bangka sudah berproduksi sejak akhir Agustus tahun lalu. Rabu lalu, Chevron menemui Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla di kantor Wakil Presiden, Jakarta. 

  Vice President Public Affairs Chevron Indonesia, Yanto Sianipar, mengatakan Chevron terus berusaha meningkatkan angka produksi dan mengurangi biaya operasinya. “Kami ingin meneruskan kerja sama yang baik dengan pemerintah.

Koran Tempo, Page-20, Friday, March 10, 2017

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