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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Depressed prices US Oil Production

US oil production rose to 9.03 million barrels per day

Production of oil the United States (US) continues to rise. As a result, oil prices also depressed. Add to this, the US dollar exchange rate tends to rise due to political and economic sentiment this superpower. Thursday (2/3), at 17:19 pm, the price of WTI oil contracts April 2017 delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange was down 0.92% compared to the previous day to US $ 53.38 per barrel.

Last week, oil prices trimmed 2.05%. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported that US weekly oil stockpiles rose 520.2 million barrels. This is the highest weekly gain since 1982.

This means that an increase in supply by 41 million barrels since the start of 2017. "The increase in stocks is in line with reports of US oil production is growing," said Adil torch Wicaksono, Indonesia Smart Futures analyst.

US oil production last week reportedly rose 31,000 barrels to 9.03 million barrels per day. Impact, the supply at the largest US oil shipping port, Cushing, Oklahoma rose 495,000 barrels to 63.5 million barrels. US President's speech Donald Trump also raised hopes the US economy will be squirming in the future.

"This is supported speech several Fed officials were hawkish and expect the Fed rate hike could be implemented on the FOMC this month," said torch.

This makes the US dollar strengthened. As at 17:59 pm yesterday, the US dollar index rose 0.21% to 101.99 compared to the previous day. "Friday (3/3), the opportunity in oil prices back down still great, but it seems not to reach down to US $ 53.00 per barrel," the analysis torch.

Rithy SoeGee Futures analyst Nizar also said that US oil stocks data bring negative sentiment. The rise in oil prices above US $ 50 a barrel has pushed US producers to boost production. Baker Hughes Inc. data show, drilling rigs active US last week rose to 602 rigs, the highest since October 2015.

"The addition of US oil stocks inhibit the rise in prices, but do not drop." Nizar said. Understandably, OPEC cut oil production remains consistent. Technically, Nizar see the current price is below the moving average (MA) 10 and seek to achieve MA25. This indicates short-term correction. MACD rolling in the negative area 0.2. Stochastic fell to a 39 and RSI correction to 50.

Friday (3/3), Nizar predicts oil prices fell and moving between US $ 53.3 to US $ 54.3. The next week, prices moved between US $ 53-US $ 55 per barrel. Torch predict the price of oil today is moving in the range of US $ 53.20 to US $ 53.90 per barrel


Harga Tertekan Produksi Minyak AS

Produksi minyak Amerika Serikat naik menjadi 9,03 juta barel per hari

Produksi minyak Amerika Serikat (AS) terus naik. Alhasil, harga minyak pun tertekan. Tambah lagi, kurs dollar AS cenderung naik karena sentimen politik dan ekonomi negara adidaya ini. Kamis (2/3), pukul 17.19 WIB, harga minyak WTI kontrak pengiriman April 2017 di New York Mercantile Exchange turun 0,92% dibanding hari sebelumnya ke US$ 53,38 per barel.

Sepekan terakhir, harga minyak terpangkas 2,05%. Energy Information Administration (EIA) melaporkan, stok minyak mingguan AS naik 520,2 juta barel. Ini merupakan kenaikan mingguan tertinggi sejak 1982. 

Artinya terjadi kenaikan pasokan sebanyak 41 juta barel sejak awal 2017. “Kenaikan stok ini sejalan dengan laporan produksi minyak AS yang bertambah besar," tutur Suluh Adil Wicaksono, analis Cerdas Indonesia Berjangka.

Produksi minyak AS pekan lalu dilaporkan naik 31.000 barel menjadi 9,03 juta barel per hari. Imbasnya, pasokan di pelabuhan pengiriman minyak terbesar AS, Cushing, Oklahoma naik 495.000 barel menjadi 63,5 juta barel. Pidato Presiden AS Donald Trump juga menumbuhkan harapan ekonomi AS bakal menggeliat di masa depan.

"Hal ini didukung pidato beberapa pejabat The Fed yang hawkish dan mengharapkan kenaikan suku bunga The Fed bisa dilaksanakan pada FOMC bulan ini," imbuh Suluh.

Hal ini membuat dollar AS menguat. Per pukul 17.59 WIB kemarin, indeks dollar AS naik 0,21% ke 101,99 dibanding hari sebelumnya. "Jumat (3/3) ini peluang harga minyak kembali turun masih besar, tapi nampaknya belum akan mencapai ke bawah US$ 53,00 per barel," analisa Suluh. 

Analis SoeGee Futures Nizar Hilmy juga mengatakan, data stok minyak AS membawa sentimen negatif. Kenaikan harga minyak di atas level US$ 50 per barel telah mendorong produsen AS menggenjot produksi. Data Baker Hughes Inc menunjukkan, rig pengeboran minyak AS yang aktif pekan lalu naik jadi 602 rig, tertinggi sejak Oktober 2015. 

"Penambahan stok minyak AS menghambat kenaikan harga, tetapi tidak menjatuhkan." kata Nizar. Maklum, OPEC masih konsisten memangkas produksi minyak. Secara teknikal, Nizar melihat harga saat ini berada di bawah moving average (MA) 10 dan berusaha mencapai MA25. Hal ini mengindikasikan koreksi jangka pendek. MACD bergulir di area negatif 0,2. Stochastic turun ke level 39 dan RSI koreksi ke 50.

Jumat (3/3), Nizar memprediksi harga minyak turun dan bergerak antara US$ 53,3-US$ 54,3. Sepekan ke depan, harga bergerak antara US$ 53-US$ 55 per barel. Suluh memprediksi harga minyak hari ini bergerak di kisaran di US$ 53,20-US$ 53,90 per barel

Kontan, Page-7, Friday, March, 3, 2017

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