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Friday, March 31, 2017

Difficult Blocks Access, Oil and Gas Upstream Investment Still a little bit

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) realize that loneliness upstream oil and gas investment not only because oil prices fell. Another cause for new blocks offered are in the deep sea area, complete with difficult access.

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja Puja IGN mentions, new oil and gas blocks are usually located in remote areas so that Indonesia has become less attractive to the upstream oil and gas investment. Indonesia currently has 100 hydrocarbon basins.

But only about 30 basins in exploration. The problem is the location of the block, in the frontier region. "That is, the location of the frontier of high risk and require huge capital," said Wiratmaja, Wednesday (29/3).

The most frightening is the number of Cooperation Contract (PSC) today continued to decline since since 2014, even when oil prices are still quite high.

"That is something, is not a factor in oil prices," said Wiratmaja. In 2014 the number reached 321 PSC and PSC 300 are currently staying active.

Thus, the government continues to discuss new policies that could make the investment climate more attractive upstream oil and gas. However, this time the new government dependent on gross scheme split.


Akses Blok Susah, lnvestasi Hulu Migas Minim

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyadari bahwa sepinya investasi hulu migas bukan hanya karena harga minyak turun. Penyebab lain karena blok-blok baru yang ditawarkan berada di daerah laut dalam, lengkap dengan akses yang sulit.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja menyebutkan, blok-blok migas baru biasanya berada di wilayah terpencil sehingga Indonesia menjadi kurang menarik bagi investasi hulu migas. Saat ini Indonesia memiliki 100 cekungan hidrokarbon.

Namun baru sekitar 30 cekungan yang di eksplorasi. Masalahnya lokasi blok tersebut, di Wilayah frontier. "Artinya, lokasi frontier tentu risiko tinggi dan memerlukan modal besar sekali," ujar Wiratmaja, Rabu (29/3).

Paling menakutkan adalah jumlah Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) saat ini terus menurun sejak sejak tahun 2014, bahkan ketika harga minyak masih cukup tinggi.

"Artinya ada sesuatu, bukan faktor harga minyak saja, "kata Wiratmaja. Pada tahun 2014 jumlah KKKS mencapai 321 dan saat ini hanya 300 KKKS yang aktif.

Maka, pemerintah terus membahas kebijakan-kebijakan baru yang bisa membuat iklim investasi hulu migas lebih menarik. Namun, saat ini pemerintah baru bergantung pada skema gross split.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March, 31, 2017

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