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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Draft Already in Tables Jokowi

Draft Government Regulation No. 79/2010 on the Operating Costs and Treatment Refundable Income Tax in Sector Upstream Oil and Gas was at the desk of President Joko Widodo to be signed soon. The revision beleid players awaited oil and gas business. Because, since it was first published, businesses want to be a regulation is changed even revoked because it is considered as disincentives to invest.

Secretary to the Director of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Susyanto said the current draft revision of Government Regulation No. 77 were in the President's desk Joko. Widodo so soon be legalized. "I heard it already on the table RI-1," he said.

In the draft revision of PP 79/2010, several important points in the revision of a regulation that there are additional clauses for tax facilities for the exploration and exploitation activities.

In additional chapters mentioned that the contractor can obtain tax facilities arranged in six new chapters. In exploration, the contractor may be subject to levy duty exemption on imported goods, VAT and luxury sales pedestal acquisition of goods or services of a particular taxable imports of certain taxable goods.

In the draft revision of Government Regulation 79/2010, several important points in the revision of a regulation that there are additional clauses for tax facilities for the exploration and exploitation activities.

    Meanwhile, at the stage of exploitation, including processing activities, transportation, storage, and sale of products as a continuation of the upstream oil and gas, contractors also have facilities levy exemption of import duty and other tax items.

The condition is considered to be a sweetener when oil prices have not recovered. Because the upstream activities of oil and natural gas are currently subject to the tax, such as tax, income tax, VAT dau. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja reluctant to give a complete description of why a regulation is not immediately determined.

According to him, the draft revision has been completed by the Ministry of Energy last year. He calls since the chance of a joint press conference in September 2016 which was attended by Acting Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, the process can run smoothly because of the draft submitted no longer conflict with other beleid related taxation. However, until now such a regulation can not be applied.

"And we've had for a long time finished [draft] his. If odds [with other rules], no, "he said, Wednesday (1/3).

In addition to the revision of Government Regulation No.79 / 2010, the company was preparing a series of new regulations is also amendments to speed up administrative and support businesses of oil and gas sector.


Draf Sudah di Meja Jokowi

Draft Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79/2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi sudah berada di meja Presiden Joko Widodo untuk segera ditandatangani. Revisi beleid tersebut ditunggu para pemain usaha minyak dan gas. Pasalnya, sejak pertama kali terbit, pelaku usaha menginginkan agar beleid tersebut diubah bahkan dicabut karena dianggap sebagai disinsentif investasi.

Sekretaris Direktorat Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Susyanto mengatakan, saat ini draf revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 77 sudah berada di meja Presiden Joko. Widodo sehingga tidak lama lagi segera disahkan. “Saya mendengarnya sudah di meja RI-1,” ujarnya. 

Dalam draf revisi Peraturan Pemerintah 79 / 2010, beberapa poin penting dalam revisi beleid tersebut yakni terdapat tambahan pasal yang mengatur fasilitas perpajakan bagi kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

Dalam bab tambahan disebutkan bahwa kontraktor bisa mendapatkan fasilitas perpajakan yang diatur dalam enam pasal baru. Pada kegiatan eksplorasi, kontraktor bisa mendapatkan fasilitas berupa pembebasan pungutan bea masuk atas impor barang, PPN, dan PPnBM alas perolehan barang atau jasa kena pajak tertentu, impor barang kena pajak tertentu.

Selain itu, di masa eksplorasi pun kontraktor tidak dilakukan pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 atas impor barang dan pengurangan PBB 100% terutang yang tercantum dalam Surat Pemberitahuan Pajak Terutang (SPPT).

Sementara itu, pada tahap eksploitasi, termasuk kegiatan pengolahan, pengangkutan, penyimpanan, dan penjualan hasil produksi sebagai kelanjutan kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi, kontraktor juga mendapat fasilitas berupa pembebasan pungutan bea masuk atas impor barang dan perpajakan lainnya.

Kondisi tersebut dianggap akan menjadi pemanis saat harga minyak belum pulih. Pasalnya, kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi saat ini dikenakan pajak seperti, PBB, PPh, dau PPN. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja enggan memberi keterangan lengkap mengapa beleid tersebut tidak segera ditetapkan. 

Menurutnya, draf revisi telah diselesaikan oleh Kementerian ESDM tahun lalu. Dia menyebut sejak kesempatan konferensi pers bersama pada September 2016 yang dihadiri Pelaksana Tugas Menteri ESDM Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan dan Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani, proses bisa berjalan mulus karena dari draf yang diserahkan tidak lagi bertentangan dengan beleid lainnya terkait perpajakan. Namun, hingga kini beleid tersebut belum bisa diterapkan.

“Dan kami sudah lama sekali selesai [draf]-nya. Kalau bertentangan [dengan aturan lainnya], tidak,” katanya, Rabu (1 /3).

     Selain revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No.79/2010, pihaknya sedang menyusun sederet regulasi baru juga perubahannya untuk mempercepat administrasi dan mendukung kegiatan usaha sektor migas.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, March, 3, 2017

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