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Monday, March 20, 2017

Dumai Refinery Maintenance Schedule Delayed

Maintenance schedule or turn around crude oil refineries in Dumai, Riau delayed from its original April 2017 to around June 2017, or after the moment of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

Processing Director PT Pertamina Toharso say, all refineries have a maintenance schedule respectively. However, the Dumai refinery, estimated to be undergoing treatment in approximately June 2017. The reason, the maintenance schedule is adjacent to the moment of Ramadan and Eid Fitr.

Meanwhile, when the maintenance period, the refinery with a capacity of 175,000 barrels per day (bpd) was not in operation for a while. The duration of treatment time depends on the type of treatment plant and refinery capacity.

Currently, also takes care of the largest units in Balikpapan refinery with a capacity of 200,000 bpd. Treatments performed since 8 March to mid April 2017.

With these activities, it delayed maintenance activities one unit Balikpapan refinery with a capacity of 60,000 bpd. Supposedly, the unit has been receiving treatment since 2016. However, the company postponed it be April 2017 and back in retreat until 2018.

"This March is again TA (turn around) Balikpapan II, scheduled TA. It was a great [capacity], 200,000 bpd. That [capacity] of 60,000 bpd, will follow, "he said.


PT Trans Pacific Petroleum Refinery Indotama (TPPI) in Tuban, East Java, had planned to do the treatment in September 2017. However, it was still in talks due to maintenance costs despite treatment at the refinery was not done since 2006 or 11 years ago.

In the project, Pertamina has a stake of 48%. As a result, the company must bear the cost of the treatment plant.

"TA took charge, so TPPI submitted to us. Later, the scheme is in Mr. Arief as Chief Financial Officer. He applied in September," said Toharso. In general, the maintenance schedule refineries should be followed because of the pressure to produce will result in disruptions and refinery not can operate (unplanned shut down), noted that, throughout 2016 occurred unplanned shut down for 35 times including blackout or fault in the turbine system in Balikpapan refinery in December 2016.

The high unplanned shut down, due to frequent maintenance schedule backwards and risk factor management of the old refinery. It causes inefficient processing sector for several times to stop the operation.

      Meanwhile, refinery maintenance schedule should be adjusted to the availability of supply. Fuel imports in 2017 is targeted at 8 million barrels per month. However, the initial projection of 8 million barrels rise to 11 million barrels per month for their care Balongan refinery.

"Pursue the production front, but in fact it is a problem in the back," he said. The company owns and operates six refineries with a total capacity unit reached 1.0467 million million bpd. Some refineries such as refinery-III Plaju UP and UP-IV Cilacap refinery integrated with petrochemicals refineries, and produce petrochemical products


Jadwal Perawatan Kilang Dumai Diundur

Jadwal perawatan atau turn around kilang pengolahan minyak mentah di Dumai, Riau di tunda dari semula April 2017 menjadi sekitar Juni 2017 atau setelah momen Ramadan dan Idul fitri.

Direktur Pengolahan PT Pertamina Toharso mengatakan, semua kilang memiliki jadwal perawatan masing-masing. Namun, Kilang Dumai, diperkirakan baru akan menjalani perawatan pada sekitar Juni 2017. Alasannya, jadwal perawatan berdekatan dengan momen Ramadan dan Idul fitri.

Adapun, ketika masa perawatan, kilang yang berkapasitas 175.000 barel per hari (bph) itu tidak beroperasi untuk sementara. Durasi waktu perawatan kilang tergantung pada jenis perawatan dan kapasitas kilang.

Saat ini, juga berlangsung perawatan unit terbesar di Kilang Balikpapan berkapasitas 200.000 bph. Perawatan dilakukan sejak 8 Maret sampai pertengahan April 2017.

Dengan kegiatan tersebut, pihaknya menunda kegiatan perawatan salah satu unit Kilang Balikpapan yang berkapasitas 60.000 bph. Seharusnya, unit tersebut sudah mendapat perawatan sejak 2016. Namun, perseroan menundanya menjadi April 2017 dan kembali di undur hingga 2018.

“Maret ini yang lagi TA (turn around) Balikpapan II, scheduled TA. Itu yang besar [kapasitasnya], 200.000 bph. Yang [kapasitasnya] 60.000 bph, nanti menyusul,” katanya. 


Kilang PT Trans Pacific Petroleum Indotama (TPPI) di Tuban, Jawa Timur pun rencananya dilakukan perawatan pada September 2017. Namun, hal itu masih dalam pembicaraan karena untuk perawatan membutuhkan biaya meskipun perawatan di kilang itu tidak dilakukan sejak 2006 atau 11 tahun lalu.

Dalam proyek tersebut, Pertamina memiliki saham sebesar 48 %. Alhasil, perseroan harus turut menanggung biaya perawatan kilang. 

"TA butuh biaya, makanya TPPI di serahkan ke kami. Nanti skemanya ada pada Tuan Arief  sebagai Direktur Keuangan. Dia mengajukan pada bulan September,” kata Toharso. Secara umum, jadwal perawatan kilang harus diikuti karena tekanan untuk memproduksi akan mengakibatkan gangguan dan kilang tidak bisa beroperasi (unplanned shut down). Tercatat, sepanjang 2016 terjadi unplanned shut down sebanyak 35 kali termasuk blackout atau kesalahan sistem pada turbin di Kilang Balikpapan pada Desember 2016. 

Tingginya unplanned shut down, dikarenakan jadwal perawatan yang sering mundur dan faktor risiko pengelolaan kilang tua. Hal itu menyebabkan sektor pengolahan tidak efisien karena beberapa kali harus berhenti operasi.

 Adapun, jadwal perawatan kilang harus disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan pasokan. Impor BBM pada 2017 ditargetkan sebesar 8 juta barel per bulan. Namun, proyeksi semula 8 juta barel naik menjadi 11 juta barel per bulan selama adanya perawatan Kilang Balongan.

“Kejar produksi di depan, tapi sebetulnya itu masalah di belakang,” katanya. Pertamina memiliki dan mengoperasikan enam unit kilang dengan kapasitas total mencapai 1.046.700 juta bph. Beberapa kilang minyak seperti kilang UP-III Plaju dan Kilang UP-IV Cilacap terintegrasi dengan kilang petrokimia, dan memproduksi produk-produk petrokimia

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, March, 20, 2017


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