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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Duties Acting Director of Pertamina Extended

Pertamina CEO selection process has not been finished.

State Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno ensure tenure of executing the task (Plt) Director of PT Pertamina extended by one section. "The board of commissioners to extend," said Rini.

Currently, the position of Acting Director of Pertamina filled by Yenni Andayani, which previously was Director of New and Renewable Energy. Yenni served for 30 days starting 3 Febfuari 2017, after the shareholders takes down Soetjipto of the main director's chair. At the same time, Ahmad Bambang also derived from the chair the vice president for allegedly triggered the dual leadership body owned oil and gas companies of the country.

Yenni tenure was supposed to end today. But Rini ensure that the board of commissioners to extend it. According to the Commissioner of Pertamina Sahala Lumban Gaul, council commissioner have raised concerns the extension of the task of implementing the post of managing director with the Minister of SOEs. But he was reluctant to tell the reason for the extension.

"It definitely be discussed first. Can be asked to shareholder commissioner" he said. Rini explained that office extension was decided because Pertamina CEO selection process has not been completed. "The process is long. There, the assessment team (TPA) everything, "he said. Landfill in question is the Assessment Team (TPA) led by President Joko Widodo. Its members number of ministers, including the Minister of SOEs and technical minister in this case the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Therefore, Rini is not sure when the chief executive will be sworn definitive. Rini claimed to have suggested several names to be elected as President Director of Pertamina. There are many, "he said. The names are now in the process of checking or verification.

Rini touted carrying Yenni Andayani, supported by a majority of commissioners. Another candidate is Rachmad Hardadi which is currently Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject. He is mentioned is supported by the Deputy Commissioner who is also Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar.

Yenni could not be reached for confirmation about his candidacy. As Rachmat said he did not know the particulars Arcandra support given to him to be the Director of Pertamina. "I just focus on work and menyeIesaikan job became my responsibility," he said Wednesday.

The election Arcandra said Pertamina President submitted to the President. He also denied giving support to Rachmad. "How to? I was doing nothing, "he said.


Tugas Plt Direktur Utama Pertamina Diperpanjang

Proses seleksi Direktur Utama  Pertamina belum kelar.

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Rini Soemarno memastikan masa jabatan pelaksana tugas (Plt) Direktur Utama PT Pertamina diperpanjang selama satu bagian. “Dewan komisaris memperpanjang,” kata Rini.

Saat ini, posisi Plt Direktur Utama Pertamina di isi oleh Yenni Andayani, yang sebelumnya adalah Direktur Energi Baru dan Terbarukan. Yenni bertugas selama 30 hari mulai 3 Febfuari 2017, setelah pemegang saham moncopot Dwi Soetjipto dari kursi direktur utama. Pada waktu bersamaan, Ahmad Bambang juga diturunkan dari kursi wakil direktur utama karena diduga memicu terjadinya kepemimpinan ganda di tubuh perusahaan minyak dan gas milik negara itu.

Masa jabatan Yenni seharusnya berakhir hari ini. Tapi Rini memastikan bahwa dewan komisaris memperpanjangnya. Menurut Komisaris Pertamina Sahala Lumban Gaul, dewan komisari telah membicarakan masalah perpanjangan jabatan pelaksana tugas direktur utama dengan Menteri BUMN. Tapi dia enggan memberi tahu alasan perpanjangan tersebut.

"Sudah pasti dibicarakan terlebih dulu.  Bisa ditanya ke pemegang saham komisaris utama" kata dia. Rini menjelaskan perpanjangan jabatan itu diputuskan karena proses seleksi Direktur Utama Pertamina belum selesai. “Prosesnya panjang. Ada, Tim Penilai Akhir (TPA) segala,” kata dia. TPA yang dimaksud adalah Tim Penilai Akhir (TPA) yang dipimpin Presiden Joko Widodo. Anggotanya sejumlah menteri, termasuk Menteri BUMN dan menteri teknis dalam hal ini Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. 

Karena itu, Rini tidak bisa memastikan kapan direktur utama definitif akan dilantik. Rini mengaku telah mengusulkan beberapa nama untuk dipilih menjadi Direktur Utama Pertamina. Ada banyak jumlahnya,” kata dia. Nama-nama tersebut kini sedang dalam proses pengecekan atau verifikasi.

Rini disebut-sebut mengusung Yenni Andayani, yang didukung oleh mayoritas anggota komisaris. Kandidat lain adalah Rachmad Hardadi yang saat ini masih menjabat Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina. Ia disebut-sebut didukung oleh Wakil Komisaris Utama yang juga Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Arcandra Tahar.

Yenni belum bisa dimintai konfirmasi soal pencalonannya. Adapun Rachmad mengaku tidak tahu ihwal dukungan yang diberikan Arcandra kepadanya untuk menjadi Direktur Utama Pertamina. “Saya hanya fokus bekerja dan menyeIesaikan pekerjaan yang menjadi tanggung jawab saya,” ujar dia, Rabu lalu.

Adapun Arcandra mengatakan pemilihan Direktur Utama Pertamina diserahkan kepada Presiden. Ia juga membantah memberi dukungan kepada Rachmad. “Bagaimana caranya? Saya itu tidak berbuat apa- apa,”tutur dia.

Koran Tempo, Page-5, Friday, March, 3, 2017

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