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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Elia Experienced Financial Healthy Elnusa

Former Commissioner of PT Elnusa Tbk, Waluyo, Elia Massa Manik know a person who can restore the condition of the company from a loss into a profit. Elia entered candidat Elnusa directors in 2011, when a subsidiary of Pertamina was buffeted by the embezzlement of money by a member of its board. She escaped into a major director in the decision of the general meeting of shareholders at that time.

According to Waluyo, the cold hand of Elijah was in the second year, when Elnusa revenue of Rp 4.777 trillion and profit of Rp 135.597 billion. Despite the increase in income is not too high compared to previous years, Waluyo and commissioners then assess Elia has more capabilities.

"He was able to turn around (turn things around) quickly," said Waluyo.

Waluyo, who served as Commissioner of Elnusa in 2010, said that, before entering Elnusa, Elijah name is not so familiar in the energy business. However, experience or professional capabilities in the energy sector is not absolutely necessary for the lead Pertamina. "In 2011, when there will be a change of directors, we saw several candidates. We chose Elia because we believe he is able to do turn around, "said Waluyo.

In line with Waluyo, Special Staff of the Minister for State Owned Enterprises Budi Gunadi Sadikin declared Elia is a professional who has a good performance. The indicators, after the exit of Elnusa in 2014, Elia re-occupy important positions in state companies. In the middle of last year, State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno appointed to occupy the seat President Director of PT Perkebunan Nusantara III or PTPN Holding.

The first step Elijah as boss PTPN is to improve efficiency by trimming the number of members of the board of directors an average of five to three. The number of commissioners in all the plantation companies also reduced from 62 people to 41 people. Elia entered PTPN Holding as the company which has 13 state-owned enterprises such plantations loss of Rp 615 billion. In fact, revenue has reached Rp 37 trillion. "Only five PTPN the profit," he said at the time.

Elia also felt the cold hand Employees Union chairman PTPN I, Adi Yusfan. According to him, since last January, they no longer have a received a salary. "Previously, the wages they should receive every 5th always late transferred to the middle of the month," said Adi.

Now, Elia will lead Pertamina, which was recently hit by the problem of dualism of leadership. This case led to Soetjipto bounced out of the chair and chief executive Ahmad Bambang also down from the post of Deputy Director.

Vice-Chairman of the Commission on State-Owned Enterprises House of Representatives, Inas Nasrullah Zubir, giving another view. According to him, when he became boss of PTPN, Elijah feat not too bright. "The issue of what in PTPN he finish? That there is even adds to the debt, "said Inas.


Elia Berpengalaman Menyehatkan Keuangan Elnusa

Mantan Komisaris Utama PT Elnusa Tbk, Waluyo, mengenal Elia Massa Manik sebagai orang yang mampu memulihkan kondisi perusahaan dari rugi menjadi untung. Elia masuk candidat direksi Elnusa pada 2011, saat anak usaha Pertamina itu diterpa kasus penggelapan uang oleh seorang anggota direksinya. Ia lolos menjadi direktur utama dalam keputusan rapat umum pemegang saham saat itu.

Menurut Waluyo, tangan dingin Elia baru terasa pada tahun kedua, saat Elnusa meraup pendapatan Rp 4,777 triliun dan laba Rp 135,597 miliar. Meski kenaikan pendapatan tersebut tidak terlampau tinggi dibanding pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, Waluyo dan jajaran komisaris saat itu menilai Elia mempunyai kemampuan lebih.

“Dia mampu turn around (membalikkan keadaan) dengan cepat,” kata Waluyo.

Waluyo, yang menjabat Komisaris Utama Elnusa pada 2010, menuturkan, sebelum masuk Elnusa, nama Elia tidak begitu familier dalam bisnis energi. Namun, pengalaman atau kemampuan profesional di sektor energi tidak mutlak diperlukan buat memimpin Pertamina. “Pada 2011, saat akan ada pergantian direksi, kami melihat beberapa kandidat. Kami memilih Elia karena kami yakin ia mampu melakukan turn around,” kata Waluyo.

Senada dengan Waluyo, Staf Khusus Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Budi Gunadi Sadikin menyatakan Elia adalah seorang profesional yang memiliki kinerja baik. Indikatornya, setelah keluar dari Elnusa pada 2014, Elia kembali menempati posisi penting di perusahaan negara. Pada pertengahan tahun lalu, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno menunjuknya untuk menduduki kursi Direktur Utama PT Perkebunan Nusantara III atau PTPN Holding.

Langkah pertama Elia sebagai bos PTPN adalah melakukan efisiensi dengan memangkas jumlah anggota direksi dari rata-rata lima orang menjadi tiga orang. Jumlah komisaris di seluruh perusahaan perkebunan juga dikurangi dari 62 orang menjadi 41 orang. Elia masuk PTPN Holding saat perusahaan yang membawahkan 13 BUMN perkebunan tersebut merugi Rp 615 Miliar. Padahal, pendapatannya mencapai Rp 37  Triliun. “Hanya lima PTPN yang untung," kata dia saat itu.

Tangan dingin Elia juga dirasakan Ketua Serikat Karyawan PTPN I, Adi Yusfan. Menurut dia, sejak Januari lalu, mereka tidak lagi telat menerima gaji. “Sebelumnya, upah yang seharusnya diterima setiap tanggal 5 selalu terlambat ditransfer hingga pertengahan bulan,” kata Adi.

Kini, Elia akan memimpin Pertamina, yang baru saja dihantam masalah dualisme kepemimpinan. Perkara ini menyebabkan Dwi Soetjipto terpental dari kursi direktur utama dan Ahmad Bambang juga turun dari jabatan Wakil Direktur Utama.

Wakil Ketua Komisi Badan Usaha Milik Negara Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Inas Nasrullah Zubir, memberi pandangan lain. Menurut dia, saat menjadi bos PTPN, prestasi Elia tidak terlalu bersinar. “Persoalan apa di PTPN yang dia selesaikan? Yang ada malah menambah utang,” kata Inas. 

 Koran Tempo, Page-4, Thursday, March, 16, 2017

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