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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Employees JOB PPEJ to be Teachers one Day

As social caring of people around, oil and gas (Gas) Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) carry out teaching activities in schools around the company (20/3). The teaching activities carried JOB PPEJ team at State Elementary School (SDN) Rahayu Village, District Soko, Tuban with materials related to the activities of the oil and also Occupational Health and Safety (K3).

"This is one form of our social responsibility by providing knowledge, learning and information to citizens about the company, especially with teaching to schools like this," said Nusdhi Septikaputra, Field Manager JOB PPEJ (20/3).

Among the material that is taught in the students is how North can apply the K3, both at school and at home as well. Not only that, the children were asked to maintain cleanliness and maintaining a green environment. "Occupational Health and Safety was not only performed in the company, but the safety was included in the school, on the road and at home," he added.

Besides the K3, the teaching team of JOB PPEJ also explained associated with the drilling process, oil exploration, refining and distribution of oil and gas. The process of oil and gas production is described by a very simple language that can be understood by children elementary school. "We also provide information relating to petroleum, such as how the oil is made from, how to get, and how to drill it," he continued.

JOB PPEJ their program to teach the 279 students of State Elementary School Rahayu very enthusiastic about taking the learning process with the teachers of JOB PPEJ from morning until completion of activities. The reason, they claim to gain experience and new knowledge, whether related to health and the oil world.

"It was nice, had been taught about the selection of nutritious foods," said Novriza Elicha Octavia, second grade student who aspires to be a doctor. Head of State Elementary School, Rahayu Village, District Soko, Sri Rahayu as confirmed said, with the program JOB PPEJ teach so motivation for students of State Elementary School, about corporate upstream oil and gas to have an ideal higher and to stay in school kejenjang higher.

"We are very happy, as this activity can have a positive impact related to children's motivation. Hopefully events like this make children more eager in the pursuit of his ideals," said Sri Rahayu.


Karyawan JOB PPEJ Menjadi Guru Sehari

Sebagai bentuk kepedulian sosial terhadap warga sekitar, perusahaan minyak dan gas (Migas) Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) melaksanakan kegiatan mengajar di sekolah yang berada di sekitar perusahaan(20/3). Kegiatan mengajar itu dilakukan tim JOB PPEJ di Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Kabupaten Tuban dengan materi terkait dengan kegiatan proses perminyakan dan juga Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3).

"Ini adalah salah satu bentuk tanggung jawab sosial kita dengan memberikan pengetahuan, pembelajaran dan juga informasi terhadap warga sekitar perusahaan, terutama dengan mengajar ke sekolah-sekolah seperti ini," jelas Nusdhi Septikaputra, Field Manager JOB PPEJ (20/3).

Di antara materi yang diajarkan dalam kepada para siswa adalah bagiamana bisa menerapkan K3, baik di sekolah maupun di rumah secara baik. Tidak hanya itu, anak-anak diajak menjaga kebersihan dan memelihara lingkungan yang asri. "Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja itu tidak hanya dilakukan di perusahaan, tapi keselamatan itu termasuk di sekolah, di jalan raya dan di rumah," tambahnya.

Selain tentang K3, tim pengajar dari JOB PPEJ juga menjelaskan terkait dengan proses pengeboran, eksplorasi minyak, penyulingan, dan distribusi migas. Proses produksi migas ini dijelaskan dengan bahasa yang sangat sederhana supaya bisa dipahami anak-anak Sekolah Dasar. "Kita juga memberikan informasi terkait dengan perminyakan, seperti bagaimana proses minyak itu terbentuk, bagaimana mendapatkan, dan bagaimana cara mengebornya," sambungnya.

Adanya program JOB PPEJ mengajar itu, 279 siswa-siswi Sekolah Dasar Negeri Rahayu sangat antusias mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan para guru dari JOB PPEJ sejak pagi sampai kegiatan selesai. Pasalnya, mereka mengaku mendapatkan pengalaman dan pengetahuan baru, baik terkait dengan kesehatan dan dunia perminyakan.

"Senang sekali, tadi diajarkan tentang pemilihan makanan yang bergizi," kata Novriza Elicha Octavia, siswi kelas 2 yang bercita-cita ingin jadi dokter. Kepala Sekolah Dasar Negeri, Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Sri Rahayu saat dikonfirmasi mengatakan, dengan adanya program JOB PPEJ mengajar jadi motivasi tersendiri bagi siswa-siswi Sekolah Dasar Negeri, sekitar korporasi hulu migas untuk memiliki cita-cita yang lebih tinggi dan terus bersekolah kejenjang lebih tinggi.

"Kita sangat senang sekali, karena kegiatan seperti ini bisa memberikan dampak positif terkait motivasi anak-anak. Mudah-mudahan kegiatan seperti ini menjadikan anak-anak lebih bersemangat dalam mengejar cita-citanya," kata Sri Rahayu.

Bhirawa, Page-6, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

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