Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Jonan quibble offer these shares to maintain production Mahakam Block
Not wanting to get off oil and gas production, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will give additional shares to PT Total EP lndonesie and Inpex Corp. in Block-Mahakam. If earlier, the two companies are receiving a share of 30% stake, is now added 9% to 39%. The 10% will be given to the local government (local government).
By doing so, Pertamina will have a 51% stake in the Mahakam block with PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Not only the provision of stock. EMR Minister Ignatius Jonan also provide an opportunity for Total EP remain the operator. According Jonan, he had said to Total EP in order to discuss with Pertamina and SKK Migas.
"Pertamina could offer share down 39% maximum share, it may be because 10% of its shares to local governments. Pertamina to be the majority. Total can bargain, willing to joint operator or operators continued Total and so on. Employees also I guess not changed," said Jonan.
According to information, the background of rising stocks Total and Inpex because the government feared Mahakam production will go down. Therefore, the working proposal to SKK Migas, Pertamina only will drill 19 wells.
Yet every year, Total EP drilled in the Mahakam block up to 100 wells that gas production is not down. Moreover, Total EP also took care of 8,500 old wells in the Mahakam so that production is maintained. Special Staff Communication Unit MEMR Djuraid Hadi explained, though contract share down 30% to Total EP and lnpex been signed, there is still opportunity in business to business, so stake Total EP and Inpex be 39%. To be sure, "The government's target, the production should not be dropped," said Hadi
He suggested that PT Pertamina discuss the operator to SKK Migas. The government will not regulate such detail. "Please talk SKK Migas and Pertamina. The important thing is the government's target, the production should not be dropped, including in transition now,"
In response, PT Pertamina still relied on the decision of the previous government, which only gives 30% share down to Total EP and Inpex. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said he did not hear directly Jonan statement. "But the company still refers to the decision that there is no associated operatorship and participating interest (PI). Minister also said please talk with Pertamina" said Syamsu
President and General Manager of Total EP lndonesie Arividya Novianto, declined to comment related to the addition of the stock portion. Discussion related to these shares has not been implemented. "I have not replied, it means yet," said Novianto.
Meanwhile, Vice President of Corporate Services Inpex Corporation revealed Nico Muhyiddin, Inpex will follow related Total share equity. Inpex-Total and Pertamina new talks after signing a bridging agreement and funding agreement.
Bridging Funding agreement and the new agreement just signed by the three parties on Monday (13/3) afternoon. "We have discussed it after these signatures. Starting next week," said Nico.
In this agreement also confirmed the position of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam in order to start getting into the Mahakam block in 2017 or the year of transition. In the provision of bridging agreement that regulate the operations are carried out, as operators existing in 2017 for the benefit of PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam Meanwhile, funding agreement governing the financing mechanism PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam on the operations of PT Total EP Indonesie 2017, according bridging agreement ,
Denie S. Tampubolon, Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina explained, related to the number of wells drilled will still put a third party. "Pertamina can invest for the drilling," he said. Previous Pertamina is ready to drill 19 wells this year with an investment of around US $ 1.5 billion.
ESDM Tawarkan 39% Saham Mahakam ke Total
Menteri ESDM Jonan berdalih tawaran saham tersebut untuk menjaga produksi Blok Mahakam
Tidak ingin produksi migas turun, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan memberikan saham tambahan bagi PT Total EP lndonesie dan Inpex Corp di Blok-Mahakam. Jika sebelumnya, kedua perusahaan ini hanya mendapatkan porsi saham 30%, kini ditambah 9% menjadi 39%. Adapun 10% akan diberikan ke pemerintah daerah (pemda).
Dengan begitu, Pertamina akan memiliki 51% saham di Blok Mahakam melalui PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam. Bukan hanya pemberian saham. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan juga memberikan peluang bagi Total EP tetap menjadi operator. Menurut Jonan, ia sudah mengatakan ke Total EP agar membicarakan dengan Pertamina dan SKK Migas.
"Pertamina bisa menawarkan share down 39% saham maksimum, itu boleh karena 10% sahamnya ke pemerintah daerah. Pertamina harus mayoritas. Total bisa menawar, mau operator bersama atau operator dilanjutkan Total dan sebagainya. Pegawai juga saya kira tidak diganti," kata Jonan.
Menurut informasi, latar belakang naiknya saham Total dan Inpex karena pemerintah takut produksi Mahakam akan turun. Sebab, dalam proposal kerja ke SKK Migas, Pertamina hanya akan mengebor 19 sumur.
Padahal setiap tahun, Total EP mengebor di Blok Mahakam hingga 100 sumur agar produksi gas tidak turun. Apalagi, Total EP juga merawat 8.500 sumur tua di Mahakam agar produksi terjaga. Staf Khusus Bidang Komunikasi Kementerian ESDM Hadi Djuraid menerangkan, meski kontrak share down 30% kepada Total EP dan lnpex sudah diteken, masih ada kesempatan secara business to business, agar saham Total EP dan Inpex bisa 39%. Yang pasti, "Target pemerintah, produksi tidak boleh turun," ungkap Hadi
Dia menyarankan agar PT Pertamina membicarakan soal operator ke SKK Migas. Pemerintah tidak akan mengatur sedetail itu. "Silahkan bicarakan SKK Migas dan dengan Pertamina. Yang penting target pemerintah adalah, produksi tidak boleh turun, termasuk dalam masa transisi sekarang,"
Menanggapi hal tersebut, PT Pertamina masih berpatokan pada putusan pemerintah sebelumnya, yang hanya memberikan 30% share down kepada Total EP dan Inpex. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengaku tidak mendengar langsung statement Jonan. "Tapi Pertamina tetap mengacu keputusan yang ada terkait operatorship maupun participating interest (Pl). Menteri ESDM juga menyampaikan silakan dibicarakan dengan Pertamina " kata Syamsu
Presiden dan General Manager PT Total EP lndonesie Arividya Novianto, enggan berkomentar terkait penambahan porsi saham tersebut. Pembicaraan terkait saham tersebut belum dilaksanakan. "Saya belum jawab, berarti belum," kata Novianto.
Sementara, Vice President Corporate Service Inpex Corporation Nico Muhyiddin mengungkapkan, Inpex akan mengikuti langkah Total terkait share saham. Inpex-Total dan Pertamina baru melakukan pembicaraan setelah meneken bridging agreement dan funding agreement.
Bridging agreement dan Funding agreement baru saja ditandatangani ketiga pihak pada Senin (13/3) sore. "Kami baru diskusikan itu setelah tandatangan ini. Mulai pekan depan," kata Nico.
Dalam perjanjian ini juga mengukuhkan posisi PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam agar mulai masuk ke Blok Mahakam pada 2017 ini atau tahun transisi. Di dalam ketentuan bridging agreement itu mengatur pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi yang dilakukan , sebagai operator eksisting pada tahun 2017 untuk kepentingan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam Adapun, funding agreement mengatur tentang mekanisme pembiayaan PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam atas kegiatan operasi PT Total EP Indonesie tahun 2017, sesuai bridging agreement.
Denie S. Tampubolon, Senior Vice President Upstream Business Development Pertamina menjelaskan, terkait jumlah sumur yang dibor masih akan disiapkan ketiga pihak. "Pertamina sudah bisa berinvestasi untuk pemboran," kata dia. Sebelumnya Pertamina siap mengebor 19 sumur tahun ini dengan investasi sekitar US$ 1,5 miliar.
Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, March, 14, 2017
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