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Saturday, March 4, 2017

EMR Setting Three rules Migas

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) seadng preparing to launch a number of new rules in the oil and gas sector. The rule is a matter of flare gas utilization, permission for supporting oil and gas, and the Domestic Component Level (DCL).

Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IGN Wiratmaja Puja said, Indonesia does not have the facilities to take advantage of flare gas. Though Indonesia has enough gas flare, up to 200 MMSCFD. However, scattered in various oil and gas block with small volume, so that the gas to be burned.

To that end, the government will soon issue a special regulation for managing the utilization of flare gas. "With this flare gas regulation, we expect the volume will go down and there is a legal basis flare gas can be used with a reasonably economical price," said Wiratmaja,

This flare gas can be used by contractors, industry players to entrepreneur. The purchase procedure flare gas was being prepared by the government. Surely the government will open the data of all gas flares in Indonesia. For those industry players who are interested can bid openly (open bid).

However, if one gas flare was no interest, the government will make arrangements prices for the gas flare or assigned to certain parties to manage flare gas, so that the emission of flare gas is reduced

"We hope to soon rise and help reduce emissions," said Wiratmaja. In addition to issuing a regulation gas flare, the second, the government also soon release revisions to regulations Registration Certificate. The government will set up an extension of time to Registration Certificate supporting the oil and gas industry.

During this period of validity of the Certificate of Registered only three years. The Government will extend the validity period to six years. Registration Certificate publication time will be accelerated from 20 days to 5 days on condition that all the documents were already attached to the full.

Third, the government will also issue technical inspection regulation. With the regulation is expected to be an evaluation DCL, especially for contracts that still use cost recovery.

When regulation was published, before the approval of the Ministry of Energy will begin construction to check how their DCL. "Recently we provide construction approval. Of course there will be a new inspection we provide for an operating license," said 


ESDM Menyiapkan Tiga Aturan Migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) seadng  bersiap meluncurkan sejumlah aturan baru di sektor minyak dan gas. Aturan tersebut adalah soal pemanfaatan gas suar, izin bagi penunjang migas, dan Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN).

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM, IGN Wiratmaja Puja bilang, Indonesia belum memiliki fasilitas untuk memanfaatkan gas Suar. Padahal Indonesia memiliki cukup banyak gas suar, hingga mencapai 200 mmscfd. Namun tersebar di berbagai blok migas dengan volume kecil, sehingga gas tersebut harus dibakar. 

Untuk itu, pemerintah akan segera menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri khusus untuk menata pemanfaatan gas suar. "Dengan Peraturan Menteri gas suar ini, kami berharap volume akan turun dan ada dasar hukum gas suar bisa dimanfaatkan dengan harga cukup ekonomis," ujar Wiratmaja,

Gas suar ini bisa dimanfaatkan oleh kontraktor, pelaku industri hingga entrepreneur. Prosedur pembelian gas suar pun sedang disiapkan oleh pemerintah. Pastinya pemerintah akan membuka data seluruh gas suar di Indonesia. Bagi pelaku industri yang berminat bisa melakukan penawaran secara terbuka (open bid). 

Namun jika satu tempat gas suar tidak ada peminat, pemerintah akan membuat penataan harga untuk gas suar tersebut atau menugaskan ke pihak-pihak tertentu untuk mengelola gas suar, sehingga emisi dari gas suar berkurang

"Kami berharap segera terbit dan membantu mengurangi emisi," ujar Wiratmaja. Selain menerbitkan beleid gas suar, kedua, pemerintah juga segera merilis revisi peraturan Surat Keterangan Terdaftar. Pemerintah akan mengatur perpanjangan Waktu Surat Keterangan Terdaftar industri penunjang migas.

Selama ini masa berlaku Surat Keterangan Terdaftar hanya tiga tahun. Pemerintah akan memperpanjang masa berlaku menjadi enam tahun. Waktu penerbitan Surat Keterangan Terdaftar akan dipercepat dari 20 hari menjadi 5 hari dengan syarat seluruh dokumen sudah dilampirkan dengan lengkap.

Ketiga, pemerintah juga akan menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri pemeriksaan teknis. Dengan Peraturan Menteri ini diharapkan akan ada evaluasi TKDN, terutama bagi kontrak yang masih memakai cost recovery.

Saat Peraturan Menteri terbit, sebelum persetujuan mulai konstruksi Kementerian ESDM akan mengecek bagaimana TKDN mereka. "Baru kami berikan persetujuan konstruksi. Tentu akan ada inspeksi baru yang kami berikan untuk izin beroperasi," ujar Wiratmaja.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March, 3, 2017

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