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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Exposure Project Bontang Refinery In follow 96 Corporations

PT Pertamina held a construction project to expose the Bontang plant, on Tuesday (28/2). Project expose it will follow the 95 prospective international partners to local companies.

Several international companies participating include: Rosneft, Aramco, PTT Thailand, Marubeni, to Mitsui. As for local companies that follow expose the project: Humpus, PT PP, Bakrie Corps, Wijaya Karya, to Tri Wahana owned by Tommy Suharto.

Director of Processing and Petrochemical Pertamina megaproject Hardadi Rachmat said that anyone has the potential to become a partner of Pertamina in Bontang. "Including investor role in the country," said Hardadi.

Pertamina also create opportunities for companies that had already become partners of Pertamina, namely Rosneft and Saudi Aramco.

Even so, the Senior Vice President of Business Development Directorate Pertamina Refining Iriawan Yulianto said there has been no specific talk on potential partners in Bontang. "If it is given the response from that we send there must be clarification and information, Iriawan said.


Ekspose Proyek Kilang Bontang Di ikuti 96 Korporasi

PT Pertamina menggelar project expose untuk pembangunan kilang Bontang, Selasa (28/2). Project expose itu akan di ikuti 95 calon mitra internasional hingga perusahaan lokal.

Beberapa perusahaan internasional yang ikut antara lain: Rosneft, Aramco, PTT Thailand, Marubeni, hingga Mitsui. Adapun perusahaan lokal yang mengikuti project expose tersebut: Humpus, PT PP,  Bakrie Corps, Wijaya Karya, hingga Tri Wahana milik Tommy Soeharto.

Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi mengatakan siapapun berpotensi menjadi mitra Pertamina di Bontang. "Termasuk investor dalan negeri," kata Hardadi.

Pertamina juga membuka peluang bagi perusahaan-perusahaan yang selama ini sudah menjadi mitra Pertamina yaitu Rosneft dan Saudi Aramco.

Biarpun begitu, Senior Vice President Business Development Refining Directorate Pertamina Iriawan Yulianto bilang belum ada pembicaraan khusus atas calon mitra di Bontang. "Kalau sudah berikan respon dari yang kami kirim tentu ada klarifikasi dan informasi, kata Iriawan.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

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