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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Gas PNBP 2017 Can Higher

The increase in world oil prices increase opportunities Tax State Revenue (non-tax). Directorate General of Budget, Ministry of Finance Askolani say, non-tax revenues from oil and gas will be even better in the future. "In the first two months of 2017, its revenue on track, oil and gas revenues higher than the same period last year.

In addition to rising world oil prices, production (lifting) Indonesian oil and the strengthening of the rupiah also boosted non-tax revenues from oil and gas sector. If in 2016 the realization of non-tax oil and gas sector reached Rp 44.9 trillion, Askolani sure, the realization of this year will be greater.

According Askolani, in addition to higher prices, lifting the oil in the past two months was also higher than the same period in 2016. There is a tendency to exceed the target of our oil and gas revenues in the state budget in 2017.

In Budget 2017, the government targets the oil and gas sector non-tax revenues of Rp 63.7 trillion, assuming the price of crude oil Indonesia (ICP) at US $ 45 per barrel. Target non-tax revenues in the state budget in 2017 is lower than the target of non-tax revenues of oil and gas in the 2016 revised budget of Rp 68.7 trillion with ICP assumption of US $ 40 per barrel.

According Askolani, PNBP additional potential oil and gas sector will be included in the revised budget 2017. According to him, the increase in world crude oil prices to $ 50 per barrel will be considered by the government to raise non-tax revenues of oil and gas in 2017. The revised budget value will be decided before the revised budget proposed by the government. We Never seen a trend of two months.

Economist Samuel Asset Management Lana Soelistianingsih asked the government not to rush to raise non-tax revenues from oil and gas. Because there is no risk of price uncertainty. If it turns out later on oil prices tend to fall, then there will be potential revenue below target as last year.

There are consequences trimmed spending again, he said. According to Lana, assuming the price of oil and gas and non-tax revenues in the state budget targets in 2017 is quite safe. He suggested the government was in the safe zone.


PNBP Migas 2017 Bisa Lebih Tinggi

Kenaikan harga minyak dunia membuka peluang peningkatan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP). Dirjen Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan Askolani bilang, PNBP dari migas akan semakin baik ke depannya. "Di dua bulan awal 2017, pendapatan-nya on the track, penerimaan migas lebih tinggi ketimbang periode sama di tahun lalu.

Selain kenaikan harga minyak dunia, produksi (lifting) minyak Indonesia dan penguatan nilai tukar rupiah juga mendorong kenaikan PNBP dari sektor migas. Jika pada 2016 realisasi PNBP sektor migas mencapai Rp 44,9 triliun, Askolani yakin, realisasi tahun ini akan lebih besar.

Menurut Askolani, selain harga yang lebih tinggi, lifting minyak dalam dua bulan lalu juga lebih tinggi dibandingkan periode sama tahun 2016. Ada tendensi penerimaan migas kita melebihi target di APBN 2017.

Dalam APBN 2017, pemerintah mentargetkan PNBP sektor migas Rp 63,7 triliun dengan asumsi harga minyak mentah Indonesia (ICP) sebesar US$ 45 per barel. Target PNBP dalam APBN 2017 lebih rendah dibandingkan target PNBP migas dalam APBNP 2016 yang sebesar Rp 68,7 triliun dengan asumsi ICP sebesar US$ 40 per barel.

Menurut Askolani, potensi tambahan PNBP sektor migas akan dimasukkan dalam APBNP 2017. Menurut dia, kenaikan harga minyak mentah dunia menjadi US $ 50 per barel akan menjadi pertimbangan pemerintah menaikkan PNBP migas dalam APBNP 2017. Nilainya akan diputuskan sebelum APBNP diusulkan pemerintah. Kita Iihat tren dua bulan.

Ekonom Samuel Asset Management Lana Soelistianingsih meminta pemerintah tidak buru-buru menaikkan PNBP dari migas. Sebab masih ada risiko ketidak pastian harga. Jika ternyata nantinya harga minyak cenderung turun, maka akan ada potensi penerimaan negara di bawah target seperti tahun lalu.

     Ada konsekuensi belanja dipangkas lagi, katanya. Menurut Lana, asumsi harga dan target PNBP migas dalam APBN 2017 cukup aman. Dia menyarankan pemerintah berada di zona aman.

Kontan, Page-2, Saturday, 25, March, 2017

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