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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Government Back Holds Auction 10 Block Oil and Gas

Although enthusiasts, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) again offered oil and gas blocks to the contractor cooperation contract (PSC). Understandably, the auction period last year, only two oil and gas blocks in demand of 14 oil and gas blocks were auctioned.

Well, this time the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will auction 10 oil and gas blocks to conventional PSC. However, IGN Wiratmaja Puja is not willing to disclose the name of the block, its area, as well as the category position is in the deep sea or onshore. "It will be announced when the IPA Convention and Exhibition 2017," he said.

Single, Director of Upstream Oil and Gas added 10 new oil and gas blocks were auctioned, seven oil and gas blocks is a joint study. The remaining three oil and gas blocks offered via regular auctions.

The Government will evaluate oil and gas blocks previously not been getting offers. If the oil and gas block may be eligible for re-tendered, the government will offer back this year. There is a possibility to increase (the number of blocks auctioned). From the results of the evaluation, if possible increased.

As an illustration, in the period April 2016-April 2017, of the 14 oil and gas blocks were auctioned, only two blocks that have the winner of the auction. Related result of oil and gas blocks offered in 2016, the results of the evaluation have been reported to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the results are expected this month can be announced.

Special auction 10 oil and gas blocks in 2017 lahun or oil and gas blocks auction was repeated this year, the course will use the gross revenue share split scheme. Tuiuannya that investors are more interested in developing oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Komaidi Notonegoro, Executive Director ReforMiner Institute, said, if the government really wanted to try to auction off the block using a split gross scheme go ahead.

But, according to him, is more appropriate to split the gross blocks of termination or the oil and gas that are not renewed by the government. If new oil and gas blocks because the system is not yet clear, the perpetrators are still asked about rights obligations, including the division split.

He understood, wearing gross government objectives is to simplify the bureaucracy split than using the results (PSC) cost recovery. But in practice becomes more complex. Players attempt said, check out the split is offered, it is more obvious that uses PSC cost recovery due to the result 85:15. Later there are cots recovery.

In the end, the government wants a large part of the country and PSC also got a big part. It's definitely there will be a negotiation process. It's not simple.


Pemerintah Kembali Gelar Lelang 10 Blok Migas

Kendati sepi peminat, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) kembali menawarkan blok migas kepada kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS). Maklum, pada periode lelang setahun terakhir, hanya dua blok migas yang diminati dari 14 blok migas yang dilelang.

Nah, kali ini Kementerian ESDM akan melelang 10 blok migas konvensional ke KKKS. Namun, IGN Wiratmaja Puja belum bersedia mengungkapkan nama blok, wilayahnya, serta kategori posisi laut dalam atau berada di onshore. "Nanti akan diumumkan saat IPA Convention and Exhibition 2017," kata dia.

Tunggal, Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas menambahkan, dari 10 blok migas baru yang dilelang itu, tujuh blok migas merupakan joint study. Adapun sisa tiga blok  migas ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler.

Pemerintah akan mengevaluasi blok migas sebelumnya yang belum mendapatkan penawaran. Jika blok migas tersebut dapat memenuhi persyaratan untuk dilelang ulang, pemerintah akan menawarkan kembali pada tahun ini. Ada kemungkinan bertambah (jumlah blok dilelang). Dari hasil evaluasi kalau memungkinkan bertambah.

Sebagai gambaran, pada periode April 2016-April 2017, dari 14 blok migas yang dilelang, hanya dua blok yang memiliki pemenang lelang. Terkait hasil blok migas yang ditawarkan tahun 2016, hasil evaluasinya telah dilaporkan ke Menteri ESDM dan diharapkan bulan ini hasilnya sudah dapat diumumkan.

Khusus lelang 10 blok migas pada Lahun 2017 atau blok migas yang lelangnya diulang pada tahun ini, tentu saja akan menggunakan skema bagi hasil gross split. Tuiuannya agar investor lebih tertarik mengembangkan blok migas di Indonesia. Sementara itu, Komaidi Notonegoro, Direktur Eksekutif ReforMiner Institute, menyatakan, jika memang pemerintah ingin mencoba melelang blok dengan menggunakan skema gross split silahkan saja.

Tetapi, menurut dia, gross split lebih tepat bagi blok-blok terminasi atau blok migas yang sudah tidak diperpanjang oleh pemerintah. Kalau blok migas baru karena sistemnya belum jelas, para pelaku masih bertanya tentang hak kewajiban termasuk pembagian split.

Dia memahami, tujuan pemerintah memakai gross split adalah untuk menyederhanakan birokrasi dibandingkan dengan memakai bagi hasil (PSC) cost recovery. Tapi pada praktiknya menjadi lebih kompleks. Pemain usaha bilang, lihat dulu split yang ditawarkan, justru lebih jelas yang menggunakan PSC cost recovery karena bagi hasilnya 85:15. Nanti ada cots recovery.

Pada akhirnya pemerintah ingin bagian negara besar dan KKKS juga mendapat bagian besar. Ini pasti nanti ada proses negosiasi. Ini tidak sederhana.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 22, 2017

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