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Monday, March 6, 2017

Government to Increase Impor LPG from Iran

Ministry of Energy asking price discount.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is exploring the addition of imported liquified petroleum gas (LPG) from Iran, next year. Procurement volume will be increased from currently approximately 600 thousand metric tons to 1 million tons of LPG.

"We are currently evaluate," said Director General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, told Tempo yesterday. Indonesia's efforts to lobby the additional volume of imports was accompanied by a demand for discount prices. Known, the value of LPG supply contract signed in May last year reached US $ 60 million. But the realization of new deliveries in the last year amounted to 88 thousand tons. The rest will be delivered this year.

Wiratmaja said the additional import aims to anticipate the surge in LPG consumption. The Ministry of Energy noted LPG subsidy spending rose an average of 13 percent each year.

Based on the State Budget (APBN) in 2017, the quota of subsidized LPG set of 7.09 million metric tons, an increase compared to last year's quota at 6.25 million metric tons. Increasing the quota granted in line with the policy division of 537 thousand packages of the prime LPG conversion program from kerosene.

Pertamina marketing director, Alexander predicts fund subsidy borne by the government this year increased. Therefore, assuming Crude Price Aramco, which is used as the benchmark price in the state budget, only US $ 300 per metric ton. And now prices have gone up slowly in the range of US $ 320 per metric ton. "The energy subsidy in the amount of LPG," said Iskandar.

Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar hope Iran can meet 10 percent of domestic LPG import requirement or about 700 thousand tons per year. Today, almost the entire supply of LPG imports from Saudi Arabia. "We expect a maximum of about 10 percent of the LPG import requirement."

Arcandra argued the government is also eyeing management cooperation two Iranian oil fields, the Ab-Teymour and Mansouri. Two field holds the potential of up to 3 billion barrels of oil. That figure is equivalent to the entire Indonesia's proven oil reserves were 3.8 billion barrels.

If cooperation is realized, production from the two fields will reach 400 thousand barrels per day. The amount is equivalent to 37 percent of oil production the national average a year. According Arcandra, Iran responded positively to the plan.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam previous said oilfield management proposals already submitted in the last month. Syamsu said Pertamina has sent a team to Iran several times to start the preliminary technical studies for approximately four months. Another aspect in the review are technical issues and legal compliance.

"We hope this proposal became the foundation of both companies to negotiate on the management of both large field," said Syamsu.

Iran is the country with the fourth largest oil reserves in the world. The country has proven oil reserves of 157 billion barrels, or 9.3 percent of total proven reserves in the world. While the proven gas reserves, which is as much as 1,200 trillion cubic feet, is the largest in the world, or the equivalent of 18.2 percent of the total global gas reserves.

Iran is also committed to supply crude oil by 150 thousand barrels per day with an investment commitment of US $ 5 billion. But waiting for certainty of supply of oil refinery construction in Situbondo, East Java. Two companies, namely PT Kilanindo Golden Star and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), has signed a financial agreement


Pemerintah Naikkan Impor LPG dari Iran

Kementerian Energi meminta harga 

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sedang menjajaki penambahan impor liquified petroleum gas (LPG) dari Iran, tahun depan. Volume pengadaan akan ditambah dari saat ini sekitar 600 ribu metrik ton LPG menjadi 1 juta ton.

“Kami sedang mengevaluasinya,” kata Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, kepada Tempo, kemarin. Upaya Indonesia melobi tambahan volume impor itu disertai dengan permintaan diskon harga. Diketahui, nilai kontrak pengadaan LPG yang diteken pada Mei tahun lalu mencapai US$ 60 juta. Tapi realisasi pengiriman pada tahun lalu baru sebesar 88 ribu ton. Sisanya akan dikirimkan pada tahun ini. 

Wiratmaja mengatakan penambahan impor bertujuan untuk mengantisipasi lonjakan konsumsi LPG. Kementerian Energi mencatat pengeluaran subsidi LPG naik rata-rata 13 persen setiap tahun.

Berdasarkan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) 2017, kuota LPG bersubsidi ditetapkan 7,09 juta metrik ton, atau naik dibanding jatah pada tahun lalu sebesar 6,25 juta metrik ton. Peningkatan kuota diberikan seiring dengan kebijakan pembagian 537 ribu paket perdana LPG dalam program konversi minyak tanah.

Direktur Pemasaran Pertamina, Iskandar memprediksi dana subsidi yang ditanggung pemerintah pada tahun ini bertambah besar. Sebab, asumsi Crude Price Aramco, yang digunakan sebagai patokan harga dalam APBN, hanya US$ 300 per metrik ton.  Padahal saat ini harga sudah naik secara perlahan di kisaran US$ 320 per metrik ton. “Subsidi energi besarnya di LPG,” kata Iskandar.

Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar berharap Iran bisa memenuhi 10 persen kebutuhan impor LPG domestik atau sekitar 700 ribu ton per tahun. Saat ini, hampir seluruh pasokan LPG impor berasal  dari Arab Saudi. “Kami berharap maksimal sekitar 10 persen dari kebutuhan impor LPG.”

Arcandra mengemukakan pemerintah juga mengincar kerja sama pengelolaan dua lapangan minyak Iran, yaitu Ab-Teymour dan Mansouri. Dua lapangan ini menyimpan potensi minyak hingga 3 miliar barel. Angka itu setara dengan cadangan minyak terbukti seluruh Indonesia yang mencapai 3,8 miliar barel.

Jika kerja sama terealisasi, produksi dari kedua lapangan itu akan mencapai 400 ribu barel per hari. Jumlah itu setara dengan 37 persen produksi minyak rata-rata nasional setahun. Menurut Arcandra, Iran menyambut positif rencana itu.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam sebelumnya mengatakan proposal pengelolaan ladang minyak sudah diajukan pada bulan lalu. Syamsu mengatakan Pertamina sudah mengirim tim ke Iran beberapa kali untuk memulai studi teknis pendahuluan selama kurang-lebih empat bulan. Aspek lain yang di tinjau adalah persoalan teknis dan kepatuhan hukum.

“Kami berharap proposal ini menjadi landasan kedua perusahaan untuk bernegosiasi pada pengelolaan kedua lapangan besar itu,” kata Syamsu.

Iran merupakan negara dengan cadangan minyak terbesar keempat di dunia. Negeri itu memiliki cadangan minyak terbukti sebesar 157 miliar barel, atau 9,3 persen dari total cadangan terbukti di dunia. Sedangkan cadangan gas terbukti, yang sebanyak 1.200 triliun kaki kubik, adalah terbesar di dunia, atau setara 18,2 persen dari total cadangan gas global.

   Iran juga berkomitmen memasok minyak mentah hingga 150 ribu barel per hari dengan komitmen investasi sebesar US$ 5 miliar. Tapi pasokan menunggu kepastian pembangunan kilang minyak di Situbondo, Jawa Timur. Dua perusahaan, yakni PT Kilanindo Golden Star dan National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), sudah meneken persetujuan finansial

Koran Tempo, Page-21, Monday, March, 6, 2017

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