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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Government Will Offer 10 oil and gas blocks

New Field offered by the Gross Split scheme.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is preparing the tender documents 10 new working area of ​​oil and gas. The offer will begin on May. According to Director of Upstream Oil and Gas, Single, Ministry of Energy will use a joint study scheme in seven blocks. "The rest will be offered through a regular auction," he said in a press release.

He added that the government is also reviewing offers oil and gas blocks 10 others outside the working area. "There is likely to rise. From the evaluation, if allowed to grow. "

Currently the Ministry of Energy is still facing the problem has not showed interest in 15 of the 17 oil and gas working areas are offered. Seven of the 17 blocks were offered through open auction scheme, namely South CPP in Riau, Suremana I Makassar Strait; South East Mandar off the coast of South Sulawesi, North Arguni in West Papua, Kasuri II in West Papua, Manakarra Mamuju in the Makassar Strait, and Oti offshore East Kalimantan.

Regional offered directly among other things block the West Hill off the coast of Riau Islands, Block Batu Gajah Two in Jambi, Block Kasingan Sampit off the coast of Central Kalimantan, Block Powerful off the coast of Java Sea, Block Ebuny offshore Southeast Sulawesi, Block Onin in West Papua, as well as Block West Kaimana in West Papua.

Likewise, the Bloc King, Bungamas, and Batu Ampar. Director General of Oil and Gas, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, said the deals these blocks can be reopened by the Ministry of Energy. Later, the Ministry will regulate the terms and conditions to attract new investors. Points consideration of the auction is not the amount of profit-sharing, but the technical proposal and the amount of signature bonus.

The government gives the lure a scheme for gross proceeds or gross split. The revenue sharing stipulated in Minister of Energy No. 8 of 2017. The scheme is believed to improve oil and gas investment climate in Indonesia.

"If using the gross split, more efficient, more profit," said Wiratmaja. Deputy Minister of Energy Arcandra Tahar said the profit-sharing scheme contract made upstream oil and gas operations are not efficient. By contrast, gross scheme split will increase exploration. Currently, the rate of return Indonesia to stop oil and gas reserves at 50 percent. "The contractor shall appoint, free to use any technology. You who bear the cost. "

In the research business consultants Wood Mackenzie, a copy of which was obtained by Tempo, for gross proceeds of the scheme had lower rates of return on investment and make the net present value, especially oil and gas projects located in Iaut, becoming negative. The payback in gross schemes split a long time because the government does not change the operating costs (cost recovery).


Pemerintah Akan Menawarkan 10 blok migas

Lapangan baru ditawarkan dengan skema bagi hasil kotor.

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sedang menyiapkan dokumen lelang 10 wilayah kerja baru minyak dan gas bumi. Penawaran akan dimulai pada Mei nanti. Menurut Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas, Tunggal, Kementerian Energi akan menggunakan skema studi bersama di tujuh blok. “Sisanya akan ditawarkan melalui lelang reguler,” ujarnya dalam keterangan pers.

Ia menambahkan, pemerintah juga sedang mereview penawaran blok migas lain di luar 10 wilayah kerja tersebut.“ Ada kemungkinan bertambah. Dari hasil evaluasi, kalau memungkinkan bisa bertambah.”

Saat ini Kementerian Energi masih menghadapi masalah belum diminatinya 15 dari 17 wilayah kerja migas yang ditawarkan. Tujuh dari 17 blok itu ditawarkan melalui skema lelang terbuka, yakni South CPP di Riau, Suremana I di Selat Makassar; South East Mandar di lepas pantai Sulawesi Selatan, North Arguni di Papua Barat, Kasuri II di Papua Barat, Manakarra Mamuju di Selat Makassar, dan Oti di lepas pantai Kalimantan Timur.

Wilayah yang ditawarkan secara langsung antara lain Blok Bukit Barat di lepas pantai Kepulauan Riau, Blok Batu Gajah Dua di Jambi, Blok Kasingan Sampit di lepas pantai Kalimantan Tengah, Blok Ampuh di lepas pantai Laut Jawa, Blok Ebuny di lepas pantai Sulawesi Tenggara, Blok Onin di Papua Barat, Serta Blok West Kaimana di Papua Barat.

Demikian juga dengan Blok Raja, Bungamas, dan Batu Ampar. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, mengatakan penawaran blok-blok tersebut bisa dibuka kembali oleh Kementerian Energi. Nantinya, Kementerian akan mengatur syarat dan ketentuan baru untuk menarik investor. Poin pertimbangan lelang bukanlah besaran bagi hasil, melainkan proposal teknis dan besarnya bonus tanda tangan.

Pemerintah memberikan iming-iming skema bagi hasil kotor atau gross split. Pembagian hasil diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi Nomor 8 Tahun 2017. Skema ini diyakini bisa memperbaiki iklim investasi migas Indonesia.

“Kalau menggunakan gross split, lebih efisien, lebih dapat profit,” kata Wiratmaja. Wakil Menteri Energi Arcandra Tahar mengatakan skema bagi hasil kontrak membuat operasi hulu migas tidak efisien. Sebaliknya, skema gross split akan meningkatkan eksplorasi. Saat ini, tingkat pengembalian cadangan migas Indonesia berhenti pada angka 50 persen. “Kontraktor boleh menunjuk, bebas menggunakan teknologi apa pun. Cost kamu yang menanggung.”

Dalam hasil riset konsultan bisnis Wood Mackenzie, yang salinannya diperoleh Tempo, skema bagi hasil kotor justru menurunkan angka pengembalian investasi dan membuat net present value, terutama proyek migas yang berlokasi di Iaut dalam, menjadi negatif. Adapun pengembalian modal dalam skema gross split cukup lama karena pemerintah tidak mengganti biaya operasional (cost recovery).

Koran Tempo, Page-22, Wednesday, March, 22, 2017

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