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Monday, March 6, 2017

Governments Need to Follow Agreement

Oil Refinery

Director of Indonesian Resources Studies Marwan Coal hope the Government act quickly to follow up agreements made with Saudi Arabia's upstream oil and gas. Do not let the difficulties of the past repeat itself, which is only limited to a memorandum of understanding without the support of incentives for investors.

"I remember, in the past also similar to the current situation, ie after the signature of the MOU (memorandum of understanding) there was no follow-up. Finally, 10 years of rule that had not succeeded in realizing the construction of a single plant, "Marwan said on the sidelines of a discussion titled" Capturing Opportunities megaproject Refinery in Indonesia ", Sunday (5/3), in Jakarta

The government at the time, was not able to provide the desired incentives such as investors, such as giving up 20-year tax holiday or exemption from import duty. In fact, the government should be able to realize such incentives because other countries can give.

     In the end, the signed MOU does not continue on the realization of the project from both sides.

"I'm worried like that happen again. Once the MOU is completed, no follow up. Need a strong commitment from the government to be able to really want an investor is willing to build a refinery in Indonesia, "said Marwan.


Director General of Oil and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja said, Indonesia actually requires the construction of new refineries. In the future, the need for fuel oil (BBM) nationwide in 2023 ranged from 2 million to 2.3 million barrels per day. Currently, national fuel consumption ranges from 1.5 million to 1.6 million barrels per day.

"While the production capacity of oil refineries in the country is only 800,000 barrels per day and the rest from imports. In 2023 the refinery production capacity should reach at least 2 million barrels per day. Thus, Indonesia really needs to build new refineries in order not to depend on imports continuously, "said Wiratmaja.

About incentives, according Wiratmaja, the government is preparing a number of regulations, such as inserting a clause supporting industries upstream oil and gas sector in the revision of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas. To accelerate the construction of the refinery, the government has issued Presidential Regulation (Per-pres) No. 146 Year 2015 on the Implementation of the Development and Return of Oil Refinery in the Interior.

In perpres set on refinery construction scheme, both by enterprises and cooperation with government entities, as well as incentives for investors. Rules about the construction of the refinery by the private sector has also been published in the form of Regulation of the Minister No. 35 of 2016.

    Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Up-stream and Petrochemical Industry in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Indonesia Achmad Widjaja argues, upstream oil and gas industry really hope there are investors interested in building a refinery in Indonesia. Because the existence of the refinery can ensure the resilience of supply of fuel oil or its derivatives in the form of much-needed petrochemical industry.


Pemerintah Perlu Menindaklanjuti Kesepakatan

Direktur  Indonesian Resources Studies Marwan Batubara berharap Pemerintah bertindak cepat menindaklanjuti kesepakatan yang dibuat dengan Arab Saudi untuk sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Jangan sampai kesulitan di masa lalu terulang, yaitu hanya sebatas nota kesepahaman tanpa dukungan berupa pemberian insentif bagi investor.

”Saya ingat, pada masa lalu juga situasinya mirip dengan sekarang, yaitu setelah tanda tangan MOU (nota kesepahaman) tak ada tindak lanjut. Akhirnya, 10 tahun pemerintahan yang dulu tidak berhasil mewujudkan pembangunan kilang satu pun," kata Marwan di sela-sela diskusi bertajuk ”Menangkap Peluang Megaproyek Kilang di Indonesia”, Minggu (5/3), di Jakarta.

Pemerintah saat itu, tidak mampu memberi insentif yang seperti diinginkan investor, misalnya pemberian tax holiday sampai 20 tahun atau pembebasan bea masuk. Padahal, pemerintah seharusnya bisa merealisasikan insentif semacam itu karena negara lain pun bisa memberikannya.

Ujung-ujungnya, MOU yang sudah ditandatangani tidak berlanjut pada realisasi proyek dari kedua pihak.

”Saya khawatirnya semacam itu terulang lagi. Setelah MOU selesai, tidak ada tindaklanjut. Perlu komitmen yang kuat dari pemerintah untuk bisa benar-benar menginginkan ada investor yang bersedia membangun kilang di Indonesia," ujar Marwan.


Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengatakan, Indonesia betul-betul membutuhkan pembangunan kilang baru. Di masa mendatang, kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) nasional pada 2023 berkisar 2 juta-2,3 juta barrel per hari. Saat ini, konsumsi BBM nasional berkisar 1,5 juta-1,6 juta barrel per hari.

”Sementara kapasitas produksi BBM kilang dalam negeri hanya 800.000 barrel per hari dan sisanya dari impor. Pada 2023 kapasitas produksi kilang setidaknya harus mencapai 2 juta barrel per hari. Jadi, Indonesia memang benar-benar perlu membangun kilang baru agar tidak bergantung pada impor terus-menerus,” kata Wiratmaja.

Soal insentif,  menurut Wiratmaja, pemerintah sedang menyiapkan sejumlah regulasi, seperti memasukkan klausul industri penunjang sektor hulu migas dalam revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Untuk mempercepat pembangunan kilang, pemerintah telah menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden (Per-pres) Nomor 146 Tahun 2015 tentang Pelaksanaan Pembangunan dan Pengembalian Kilang Minyak di Dalam Negeri.

Dalam perpres tersebut diatur mengenai skema pembangunan kilang, baik oleh badan usaha dan kerja sama badan usaha dengan pemerintah, serta insentif bagi investor. Aturan soal pembangunan kilang oleh swasta juga sudah diterbitkan berupa Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 35 Tahun 2016.

Wakil Ketua Komite Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia pada Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia Achmad Widjaja berpendapat, industri hulu migas sangat berharap ada investor yang berminat membangun kilang di Indonesia. Pasalnya, keberadaan kilang dapat menjamin ketahanan pasokan bahan bakar minyak ataupun produk turunannya berupa petrokimia yang sangat dibutuhkan kalangan industri.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, March, 6, 2017

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