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Monday, March 27, 2017

Indonesia Oil and Gas Exploration in Eastern Need Incentives

Along with the rapid depletion of oil and natural gas, the government is now intensifying the exploration and production to Eastern Indonesia. Moreover, 80% of oil and gas potential in the region known to have not been explored.

Therefore, according to energy analyst from Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro, the government should provide incentives to stimulate the interest of investors or cooperation contract (PSC) to not only play in the conventional area. Providing incentives, said is very important, given the development of oil fields in the eastern region overshadowed by a number of challenges, ranging regional characteristics more alien to the deeper ocean.

  The most important how incentives prepared by the government to investors. Actual gross imposition split is also one incentive, "said Komaidi.


Eksplorasi Migas di Indonesia Timur Butuh Insentif

Seiring dengan menipisnya cadangan minyak dan gas nasional, pemerintah kini gencar mendorong eksplorasi dan produksi ke wilayah Indonesia Timur. Apalagi 80% potensi migas di kawasan tersebut diketahui belum di eksplorasi.

Oleh karena itu, menurut pengamat energi dari Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro, pemerintah perlu memberikan insentif dalam menggairahkan minat investor atau kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) agar tidak hanya bermain di wilayah konvensional. Pemberian insentif, dikatakannya sangat penting, mengingat pengembangan lapangan migas di kawasan timur dibayangi sejumlah tantangan, mulai karakteristik wilayah yang lebih asing hingga lautan yang lebih dalam.

Paling utama bagaimana insentif yang disiapkan pemerintah untuk investor. Sebenarnya pemberlakuan gross split juga menjadi salah satu insentif," kata Komaidi.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Monday, March, 27, 2017

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