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Monday, March 13, 2017

Industry President Bill Promises

Gas prices in North Sumatra Still Pegged 12.22 US Dollars per MMBTU

Among industrial users of gas in North Sumatra re-charge the realization of the promise of President Joko Widodo lower gas prices in North Sumatra. Until mid-March 2017, the price of gas for industry players in Medan remain pegged at a price of 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU.

Although it has been published Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016, which states the decline in prices per January 1, 2016, then came the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 453K / 12 / MEM / 2017 dated February 13, 2017, stating the fall in prices per February 1, 2017, but until Sunday (12/3) in industrial gas prices fixed Sumatra 12.22 US dollars per million metric british thermal unit (MMBTU).

The price was much higher than the prices in East Java, for example, is pegged 8 US dollars per MMBTU or Malaysia-Singapore 4-5 dollars per MMBTU. Industry requested immediate realization considering the decline in industry conditions increasingly depressed. Industry in North Sumatra increasingly competitive, inferior to similar industries of Java, let alone similar products from abroad.

Waste Oil

Compass watchlist PT Kedaung Industrial Medan, Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang, last weekend, the two production machines are not in operation. One machine was turned off in 2015 when the gas crisis occurred in North Sumatra, and another one is turned off on December 29, 2016. The atmosphere deserted factory, glass block production machine network and equipment began dusty.

In an effort to reduce the cost of gas energy, which reached 40 percent of total production costs, the company uses fuel oil to burn Iimbah products. However, the impact is bad, because it makes the engine crusty. As a result, kilns collapsed and the company lose money twice.

Two factories of the four existing factories eventually stopped operating. Employees who reach 1,000 people, to 800 people. "We are now waiting for the realization of the decline in gas prices was to reduce production costs," said Plant Manager PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto.

The increase in gas price to 12.22 dollars from 8.7 dollars per MMBTU in 2015 made glassware production costs rose 200 percent. While product prices can not be raised because similar products from Java to Sumatra entered at competitive rates.

Since January, in addition to using gas from PT PGN worth 12.22 US dollars per MMBTU, PT Kedaung also use gas supplied trucking Pertagas PT Niaga at a price of 10.5 US dollars per MMBTU. Companies claimed could save 1.72 US dollars per MMBTU. The total requirement Kedaung gas per day to 20,000 MMBTU


Steel industry conditions worse, because in addition to bear the burden of high energy costs, also should bear the fee of Anti-Dumping (BMAD). PT Intan National Iron Industry (PT inii), for example, after the price of gas went up, they switch to using oil. However, his condition is getting worse because BMAD policy.

To produce zinc coated steel (BjLS) with material cold rolled coil (CRC) in the country, the cost of the required production reached 16.152 million USD per ton. While currently producing BjLS of CRC imports (from India), the cost is only $ 14.113 million per tonne. It also must compete with products imported non-BMAD BjLS non-SNI outstanding in the field that cost Rp 12.6 million per ton.

"Better we trade any noisier than take care of the plant and its employees," said General Manager of PT inii, Nurbahagia. Since 2014, the company is only selling services.

PT Intan Suar Kartika, a manufacturer of nail, through the same thing. The Company reduced production. "If the CRC imports are allowed, we can promise to the state revenue of Rp 3.8 million per ton of our products," says Production Manager PT Intan Suar Kartika Sutrisno.

At present, the import duty nail Rp 30 million per one container (25 tons), or Rp 1.2 million per ton. That is where the money goes into unknown direction. Sales Area Head of PT PGN Medan Saeful Hadi said it was still waiting for the realization of the price decrease. At present, counting the downturn in various sectors, especially in the upstream, still do. "Despite the minister's decision, there must be the details," said Saeful.

Saeful admit, it never gives a circular about the decline in gas prices last year, but was canceled again because there is no law provisions. "We just follow the steps of the government," said Hadi Saeful.

According Saeful, the decline in gas prices in North Sumatra walking difficult, because the industry in North Sumatra collapsed not only because of the gas. Many factors led to lower production industry. Plan a decrease in gas prices, according to Saeful, turned out to have an impact on the increase in the number of gas consumption. Last February, PGN gas consumption in North Sumatra reached 9 million MMBTU per month. After the government announced last fall in prices, the last two months increased gas consumption reached 30 percent.


Industri Tagih Janji Presiden

Harga Gas di Sumut Tetap Dipatok 12,22 Dollar AS Per MMBTU

Kalangan industri pengguna gas di Sumatera Utara kembali menagih realisasi janji Presiden Joko Widodo menurunkan harga gas di Sumatera Utara. Sampai pertengahan Maret 2017, harga gas untuk pelaku industri di Medan tetap dipatok dengan harga 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU.

Meski telah terbit Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016, yang menyatakan penurunan harga per 1 Januari 2016, lalu muncul Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral 453K/12/MEM/2017 tanggal 13 Februari 2017, yang menyatakan penurunan harga per 1 Februari 2017, tetapi hingga Minggu (12/3) harga gas industri di Sumut tetap 12,22 dollar AS per juta metrik british thermal unit (MMBTU).

Harga itu jauh lebih tinggi daripada harga di Jawa Timur, misalnya yang dipatok 8 dollar AS per MMBTU atau Malaysia-Singapura 4-5 dollar AS per MMBTU. Kalangan industri meminta realisasi penurunan segera dilakukan mengingat kondisi industri semakin tertekan. Industri di Sumut semakin tidak memiliki daya saing, kalah dengan industri serupa dari Jawa, apalagi produk serupa dari luar negeri.

Minyak Limbah

Pantauan Kompas di PT Kedaung Industrial Medan, di Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang, akhir pekan lalu, dua mesin produksi tidak beroperasi. Satu mesin dimatikan pada tahun 2015 saat krisis gas terjadi di Sumut, dan satu lagi sudah dimatikan pada 29 Desember 2016. Suasana pabrik sunyi, jaringan mesin produksi block glass dan peralatan itu mulai berdebu.

Dalam upaya menekan biaya energi gas yang mencapai 40 persen total biaya produksi, perusahaan menggunakan bahan bakar minyak Iimbah untuk membakar produknya. Namun, dampaknya buruk, karena membuat mesin berkerak. Akibatnya, dapur pembakaran ambrol dan perusahaan merugi dua kali.

Dua pabrik dari empat pabrik yang ada akhirnya berhenti beroperasi. Karyawan yang mencapai 1.000 orang, menjadi 800 orang. ”Kami kini menunggu realisasi penurunan harga gas itu untuk mengurangi beban produksi,” kata Manager Pabrik PT Kedaung Industrial Medan Sugianto.

Kenaikan harga gas hingga 12,22 dollar AS dari 8,7 dollar AS per MMBTU pada 2015 membuat biaya produksi barang pecah belah naik 200 persen. Sementara harga produk tidak bisa dinaikkan karena produk sejenis dari Jawa pun masuk ke Sumatera dengan harga yang bersaing.

Sejak Januari lalu, selain menggunakan gas dari PT PGN seharga 12,22 dollar AS per MMBTU, PT Kedaung juga menggunakan gas trucking yang dipasok PT Pertagas Niaga dengan harga 10,5 dollar AS per MMBTU. Perusahaan mengaku bisa menghemat 1,72 dollar AS per MMBTU. Total kebutuhan gas Kedaung per hari mencapai 20.000 MMBTU

Lebih buruk

Kondisi industri baja lebih buruk lagi, karena selain menanggung beban biaya energi yang tinggi, juga harus menanggung Biaya Masuk Anti-Dumping (BMAD). PT Intan Nasional Iron Industri (PT INII), misalnya, setelah harga gas naik, mereka beralih menggunakan minyak. Namun, kondisinya semakin terpuruk karena kebijakan BMAD.

Untuk memproduksi baja lapis seng (BjLS) dengan bahan cold rolled coil (CRC) dalam negeri, biaya produksi yang dibutuhkan mencapai Rp 16,152 juta per ton. Sementara saat memproduksi BjLS dari CRC impor (dari India), biayanya hanya Rp 14,113 juta per ton. Pihaknya juga harus bersaing dengan produk BjLS impor non-BMAD non-SNI yang beredar di lapangan yang harganya Rp 12,6 juta per ton. 

”Lebih baik kami berdagang saja daripada ribut mengurus pabrik dan karyawan,” kata General Manager PT INII, Nurbahagia. Sejak 2014, perusahaan hanya menjual jasa. 

PT Intan Suar Kartika, produsen paku, mengalami hal yang sama. Perusahaan mengurangi produksi. ”Kalau CRC impor diperbolehkan, kami bisa menjanjikan pemasukan ke negara Rp 3,8 juta per ton produk kami,” kata Manajer Produksi PT Intan Suar Kartika Sutrisno.

Saat ini, bea masuk impor paku Rp 30 juta per satu kontainer (25 ton) atau Rp 1,2 juta per ton. Itu pun uangnya masuk ke mana tidak jelas arahnya. Sales Area Head PT PGN Medan Saeful Hadi mengatakan, pihaknya masih menunggu realisasi penurunan harga itu. Saat ini, penghitungan penurunan di berbagai sektor, terutama di hulu, masih dilakukan. ”Meskipun sudah ada keputusan menteri, harus ada detailnya,” kata Saeful.

Saeful mengakui, pihaknya pernah memberikan surat edaran tentang penurunan harga gas pada tahun lalu, tetapi dibatalkan lagi karena belum ada ketetapan hukumnya. ”Kami hanya mengikuti langkah dari pemerintah,” kata Saeful Hadi.

Menurut Saeful, penurunan harga gas di Sumut berjalan sulit,  karena industri di Sumut terpuruk tidak hanya karena gas. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan kalangan industri menurunkan produksinya. Rencana penurunan harga gas, menurut Saeful, ternyata berdampak pada kenaikan jumlah konsumsi gas. Februari lalu, konsumsi gas PGN di Sumut mencapai 9 juta MMBTU per bulan. Setelah pemerintah mengumumkan ada penurunan harga, dua bulan terakhir konsumsi gas meningkat mencapai 30 persen. 

Kompas, Page-22, Monday, March, 13, 2017

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