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Friday, March 24, 2017

Inpex Mandatory Makes Two Scenarios in Masela Block

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will also coordinate with the Ministry of Industry for Masela gas buyers

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ordered lnpex Masela Limited in order to make the two scenarios related to the production capacity and also the location of onshore refineries. The warrant has already been submitted last week. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arcandra Tahar said in the letter, the government decided that the preliminary front end engineering design (pre-FEED) remain to be done for the two capacities.

With so Inpex must perform pre-FEED for a capacity of 9.5 million tonnes per year or a million tons per annum (MTPA) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7.5 MTPA plus 474 MMSCFD.

Inpex also has to do Pre FEED for two locations. Lnpex government has decided to conduct the Pre-FEED on the island of Aru and yamdena. Whereas in the previous letter Inpex asked for, so the government decided in advance of the location and the capacity before the Pre-FEED. "What basisnya requested a preliminary study? Evaluation of both. I've looked at the data to be a draw, if the island, two islands," said Arcandra, Wednesday (23/3).

By doing PreFEED at two locations and two capacities, Arcandra mention, the cost will not be too big. Costs incurred Pre-FEED will be included in the cost recovery. "The cost of its small, not too big. Even better, more cost offer, benefit more," said Arcandra without mentioning the PreFEED costs.

With this decision, Arcandra requested that Inpex could soon start Pre FEED. The government is targeting the six months to do PreFEED for two capacities and two locations. In Pre FEED, Inpex will be looking for a buyer of gas that will be produced by the Masela block.

One of them, through the Ministry of Industry (Kemeneperin). The Ministry of Industry has stated previously, the buyer for the block "Masela of fertilizer and petrochemical sectors. The government will also seek the help Inpex gas buyers if PreFEED already begun. "Start Pre FEED we engage the Ministry of Industry to build a start talking to who would buy gas," said Arcandra.

Inpex itself is not a lot of comments related to the government's decision. Senior Manager of Communication and Relations Inpex Usman Slamet just mentioned, Inpex just received a letter from the government's decision. "Indeed we received a letter from the Ministry yesterday morning," said Usman.

Inpex Masela as the operator in fact have filed five clauses for project Masela block, ie the refinery capacity additions liquified natural gas (LNG) of 7.5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 9.5 MTPA. Later additions to the contract for 10 years, the internal rate of return (IRR) of 15%, the cost recovery during the exploration period and a government license. Yet it has not been approved.


Inpex Wajib Membuat Dua Skenario di Blok Masela

Kementerian ESDM juga akan berkoordinasi dengan Kementerian Perindustrian untuk pembeli gas Masela

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memerintahkan kepada lnpex Masela Limited agar membuat dua skenario terkait kapasitas produksi dan juga lokasi kilang darat. Surat perintah tersebut sudah dikirimkan pada pekan lalu. Wakil Menteri ESDM, Arcandra Tahar bilang, dalam surat tersebut, pemerintah memutuskan agar preliminary front end engineering design (Pre-FEED) tetap dilakukan untuk dua kapasitas.

Dengan begitu Inpex harus melakukan Pre-FEED untuk kapasitas 9,5 juta ton per tahun atau million tons per annum (MTPA) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) dan 7,5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd.

Inpex juga harus melakukan Pre FEED untuk dua lokasi. Pemerintah memutuskan agar lnpex melakukan Pre-FEED di Pulau Aru dan Pulau Yamdena. Padahal dalam surat sebelumnya Inpex meminta, agar pemerintah memutuskan terlebih dahulu satu lokasi dan satu kapasitas sebelum melakukan Pre-FEED. "Apa basisnya minta studi awal? Evaluasi dua-duanya. Saya sudah melihat datanya harus imbang, kalau pulau, kedua pulau," kata Arcandra, Rabu (23/3).

Dengan melakukan PreFEED di dua lokasi dan dua kapasitas, Arcandra menyebutkan, biaya yang dikeluarkan juga tidak akan terlalu besar. Biaya yang dikeluarkan Pre-FEED ini akan masuk dalam cost recovery. " Biaya-nya Kecil, tidak terlalu besar. Lebih bagus, lebih cost offer, benefit lebih banyak," ujar Arcandra tanpa menyebutkan biaya PreFEED tersebut.

Dengan keputusan ini, Arcandra meminta agar Inpex bisa segera memulai Pre FEED. Pemerintah menargetkan enam bulan untuk melakukan PreFEED untuk dua kapasitas dan dua lokasi. Dalam Pre FEED, nantinya Inpex akan mencari pembeli gas yang akan diproduksi oleh Blok Masela. 

Salah satunya melalui Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemeneperin). Sebelumnya Kementerian Perindustrian telah menyatakan, adanya pembeli untuk blok”Masela dari Sektor pupuk dan Petrokimia. Pemerintah juga akan membantu Inpex mencari para pembeli gas jika PreFEED sudah dimulai. "Start Pre FEED kami engage Kementerian Perindustrian untuk membangun mulai bicara siapa yang akan membeli gasnya," kata Arcandra.

Inpex sendiri tidak banyak berkomentar terkait keputusan pemerintah tersebut. Senior Manager Communication and Relation Inpex Usman Slamet hanya menyebutkan, Inpex hanya menerima surat keputusan dari pemerintah. "Memang kami menerima Surat dari Kementerian kemarin pagi,"kata Usman.

Inpex selaku operator di Blok Masela sebenarnya telah mengajukan lima klausul untuk pengerjaan proyek blok Masela, yaitu penambahan kapasitas kilang liquified natural gas (LNG) dari 7,5 million ton per annum (MTPA) menjadi 9,5 MTPA. Kemudian penambahan kontrak selama 10 tahun, internal rate of return (IRR) 15%, cost recovery selama masa eksplorasi dan perizinan dari pemerintah. Namun itu semua belum disetujui.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, March, 24, 2017

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