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Monday, March 27, 2017

Inpex State There is a point of Light Masela Project

Inpex Corporation, as the operator in the Masela still doing preliminary front end engineering design (pre-feed) for the progress of the oil and gas projects. In fact, last week the government had already decided, Inpex immediately pre-feed at two locations and two capacities.

Namely, Inpex Mandatory create two scenarios project with a capacity of 9.5 million tonnes per year and a million tons per annum (MTPA) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7.5 MTPA plus 474 MMSCFD. Inpex also must perform a pre-feed for two locations, namely on the island of Aru and yamdena.

Vice President Corporate Service Inpex Corporation, Nico Muhyiddin admitted, decisions Block Masela of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan indeed bring a bright spot fate Block Masala project continuation. "It's already started to appear," said Nico.

Even so, it still will negotiate with the government about the decision. "Yes, we are still discussions about the letter to the government, so that later we can give an answer," said Nico.

He also said that discussions with the new government started last week. Jonan themselves hope with this government decision, Inpex could soon run pre-feed. According Jonan, details will be run by SKK Migas. "I have sent a letter," said Jonan.


Inpex Nyatakan Ada Titik Terang Proyek Masela

Inpex Corporation, selaku operator di Blok Masela masih belum melakukan preliminary front end engineering design (pre feed) demi kemajuan proyek minyak dan gas tersebut. Padahal pekan lalu pemerintah sudah memutuskan, Inpex segera melakukan pre-feed di dua lokasi dan dua kapasitas.

Yakni, Inpex Wajib membuat dua skenario proyek dengan kapasitas 9,5 juta ton per tahun dan million tons per annum (MTPA) plus 150 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) dan 7,5 MTPA plus 474 mmscfd. Inpex juga harus
melakukan pre-feed untuk dua lokasi, yakni di Pulau Aru dan Pulau Yamdena.

Vice President Corporate Service Inpex Corporation, Nico Muhyiddin mengaku, keputusan terkait dengan Blok Masela dari Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) lgnasius Jonan memang membawa titik terang
nasib kelanjutan proyek Blok Masala. "Sekarang sudah mulai kelihatan," kata Nico.

Biarpun begitu, pihaknya masih akan berunding dengan pemerintah mengenai keputusan tersebut. "Ya, kami masih diskusi mengenai Surat itu dengan pemerintah, supaya nanti kami bisa memberi jawaban," kata Nico.

Dia juga menyebutkan, diskusi dengan pemerintah baru dimulai pada pekan lalu. Jonan sendiri berharap dengan keputusan pemerintah tersebut, Inpex bisa segera menjalankan pre-feed. Menurut JOnan, detailnya akan dijalankan oleh SKK Migas. "Saya sudah mengirimkan surat," kata Jonan.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, March, 27, 2017

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