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Thursday, March 23, 2017

Investment Cost Gas Refinery Cricket Down

Jonan ask the contractor gas projects shared facilities

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources announced the construction of a floating gas processing facility (floating production unit) Field crickets will cost US $ 4.2 billion (exceeding Rp 54 trillion). The numbers are down from an estimated investment by the contractor Field Crickets, ENI Muara Bakau BVQ amounted to US $ 4.5 billion (more than US $ 58 trillion). It's a huge savings, nearly Rp 5 trillion, "said Energy Minister Ignatius Jonan after inaugurating an offshore plant Crickets.

Jonan appreciate contractors accelerate development faster refineries a year ahead of schedule. Thus, starting in May 2017, the refinery can operate simultaneously with gas production field crickets. Crickets gas refinery capable of processing up to 450 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and condensate as much as 4,100 barrels per day.

According Jonan, vessel dimensions 200 x 46 x 40 meters it is the largest oil and gas processing facilities in Indonesia. Refinery supporting oil and gas production from deepwater gas project (Indonesia Deepwater Development) who worked ENI in the Muara Bakau block. Located about 70 kilometers from the coastline of East Kalimantan. The gas will be sucked out of 10 production wells connected by subsea pipeline 79 km.

Jonan said the refinery product used by consumers in East Kalimantan. Most of the domestic gas allocation will be utilized by PT PLN. Crickets project contracts signed by the government together with ENI since 2002. The new contractor discovered gas in 2009 in line Crickets-1 wells, which followed the discovery of a second in 2011. The gas project consists of two documents development (plan of development / POD) integrated government approved on 2011 and 2013.

These crickets gas project controlled ENI (ITALY) Muara Bakau, which holds a 55 percent stake. The rest is owned engie E & P and PT Saka Energi Muara Bakau respectively 33.3 percent and 11.7 percent. Jonan ask ENI expand refining capacity to 800 MMSCFD. The goal, so that the refinery facilities could be managed along with Chevron Indonesia Company, which manages the project IDD Bangka and Gendalo-Gehem.

According to the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), today Chevron Indonesia Company have yet to make a revised proposal deepwater gas project Gendalo-Gehem. Spokesman SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, said the continuation of projects located in the Makassar Strait halted oil prices are still low. Meanwhile, IDD project phase 1 (Field Bangka) has been in production since August 2016. "The price of oil is still low, the economics are still marginal," said Taslim.


Biaya Investasi Kilang Gas Jangkrik Turun

Jonan meminta kontraktor proyek gas berbagi fasilitas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mengumumkan pembangunan fasilitas pengolahan gas terapung (floating production unit) Lapangan Jangkrik memerlukan biaya US$ 4,2 miliar (Iebih dari Rp 54 triliun). Angka tersebut turun dari perkiraan investasi oleh kontraktor Lapangan Jangkrik, ENI Muara Bakau BVQ sebesar US$ 4,5 miliar (lebih dari Rp 58 triliun).  Ini penghematan yang besar sekali, hampir Rp 5 triliun,” kata Menteri Energi Ignasius Jonan setelah meresmikan kilang terapung Jangkrik.

Jonan mengapresiasi kontraktor yang mempercepat pembangunan kilang lebih cepat setahun dari jadwal. Dengan begitu, mulai Mei 2017, kilang bisa beroperasi bersamaan dengan produksi gas Lapangan Jangkrik. Kilang Jangkrik mampu mengolah gas hingga 450 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD) dan kondensat sebanyak 4.100 barel per hari.

Menurut Jonan, kapal berdimensi 200 x 46 x 40 meter itu merupakan fasilitas pengolahan migas terbesar di Indonesia. Kilang ini menyokong produksi migas dari proyek gas laut dalam (Indonesia Deepwater Development) yang digarap ENI di Blok Muara Bakau. Letaknya sekitar 70 kilometer dari garis pantai Kalimantan Timur. Gas akan disedot dari 10 sumur produksi yang terhubung oleh pipa bawah laut 79 km.

Jonan menuturkan produk kilang ini dimanfaatkan oleh konsumen di Kalimantan Timur. Sebagian besar alokasi gas domestik akan dimanfaatkan PT PLN. Kontrak proyek Jangkrik ditanda tangani pemerintah bersama ENI sejak 2002. Kontraktor baru menemukan gas pada 2009 di garis sumur Jangkrik-1, yang disusul penemuan kedua pada 2011. Proyek gas terdiri atas dua dokumen pengembangan (plan of development/POD) terintegrasi yang disetujui  pemerintah pada 2011 dan 2013.

Proyek gas Jangkrik ini dikendalikan ENI (ITALY) Muara Bakau, yang memegang 55 persen saham. Sisanya dimiliki Engie E&P dan PT Saka Energi Muara Bakau masing-masing 33,3 persen dan 11,7 persen. Jonan meminta ENI memperbesar kapasitas kilang menjadi 800 MMSCFD. Tujuannya, supaya fasilitas kilang bisa dikelola bersama Chevron Indonesia Company yang mengelola proyek IDD Bangka dan Gendalo-Gehem.

Menurut Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), sampai hari ini Chevron Indonesia Company belum menyetorkan revisi proposal proyek gas laut dalam Gendalo-Gehem. Juru bicara SKK Migas, Taslim Z. Yunus, mengatakan kelanjutan proyek yang berlokasi di Selat Makassar itu tertahan harga minyak yang masih rendah. Sementara itu, proyek IDD tahap 1 (Lapangan Bangka) sudah berproduksi sejak Agustus 2016. "Harga minyak masih rendah, keekonomiannya masih marginal,” kata Taslim.

Koran Tempo, Page-21, Thursday, March, 23, 2017

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