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Monday, March 27, 2017

lnpex Asked to Perform Study Refinery in Two Island

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) asked Inpex Corporation immediately undertake an early review of the detailed design (prefront engineering design / pre-FEED) liquefied natural gas (liquefied natural gas / LNG) in two locations. The location of onshore refineries that have the Aru Islands and Island Jamdena.

Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said the request was submitted formally through a letter that was sent last week. The letter is a response from a letter the previous Inpex. "The decision remains. Pre-Feed is made to the capacity of two, two locations, "said Arcandra in Jakarta, Thursday (23/3).

Arcandra said the decision was taken with consideration of more profit. Rather than just doing an initial review in one location. Pre-feed aims to estimate the cost of investment and project construction schedule. Besides the capacity and location of the LNG plant, can only be ensured through the implementation of the Pre-FEED first. "Must be pre-feed both," he said.

He explained that there are two options Masela LNG plant capacity offered, ie 7.5 million tonnes per year, or 9.5 million tons per year. This option appears because of lack of agreement ration gas for petrochemical plant will be built near the Masela block. The government wants the petrochemical allocation amounting to 474-480 million standard cubic per day / MMSCFD, while Inpex proposes 150 MMSCFD.

Although the total gas production target remains the same even though there are two options it is around 10.2 to 10.3 million tons per year. "Start pre-feed, we engage the Ministry of Industry to build a start talking who buy gas," he said.

The government wants woke petrochemical industry in Indonesia. The reason, Indonesia has not had a petrochemical plant capable of converting gas to propylene and polyethylene. This prompted the Indonesian imports of this product to be quite large.

The government was targeting so that the final investment decision (final investment decision / FID) Masela can be implemented in 2019. Furthermore, the first block gas production is expected to flow in 2026.

At the end of March 2016 the government yesterday rejected the proposed revisions filed POD Inpex Masela. In the POD revision Masela with the development of floating LNG. Inpex was asked to resubmit the POD with the scheme as directed by the government.


lnpex Diminta Lakukan Kajian Kilang di Dua Pulau

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) meminta Inpex Corporation segera melakukan kajian awal desain rinci (prefront engineering design / pre-FEED) kilang gas alam cair (liquefien natural gas/ LNG) di dua lokasi. Adapun lokasi kilang darat yang dipilih yakni Pulau Aru dan Pulau Jamdena.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan permintaan tersebut disampaikan secara resmi melalui surat yang dilayangkan sejak pekan lalu. Surat tersebut merupakan jawaban dari surat Inpex sebelumnya. “Keputusannya tetap. Pre-Feed dilakukan untuk kapasitas dua, lokasi dua,” kata Arcandra di Jakarta, Kamis (23/3).

Arcandra menuturkan keputusan tersebut diambil dengan mempertimbangan lebih banyak keuntungan yang didapat. Ketimbang hanya melakukan kajian awal di satu lokasi saja. Pre-feed bertujuan mengestimasikan biaya investasi dan jadwal pengerjaan proyek. Selain itu kapasitas dan lokasi kilang LNG, hanya dapat dipastikan melalui pelaksanaan Pre-FEED terlebih dahulu. “Harus pre-feed dua-duanya,” ujarnya.

Dia menjelaskan terdapat dua opsi kapasitas kilang LNG Blok Masela yang ditawarkan, yakni 7,5 juta ton per tahun atau 9,5 juta ton per tahun. Opsi ini muncul karena belum adanya kesepakatan jatah gas bagi pabrik petrokimia yang bakal dibangun di dekat Blok Masela. Pemerintah menginginkan alokasi petrokimia sebesar 474-480 million standard cubic per day/mmscfd, sementara Inpex mengusulkan 150 mmscfd.

Walaupun total produksi gas yang ditargetkan tetap sama meski ada dua opsi itu yaitu sekitar 10,2-10,3 juta ton per tahun. “Start pre-feed, kami engage Kementerian Perindustrian untuk membangun mulai bicara siapa yang beli gasnya,” katanya.

Pemerintah ingin agar industri petrokimia terbangun di Indonesia. Pasalnya, Indonesia selama ini belum memiliki pabrik petrokimia yang mampu mengubah gas menjadi propilena dan polietilena. Hal ini mendorong impor Indonesia atas produk ini menjadi cukup besar.

Pemerintah sempat menargetkan agar keputusan investasi akhir (final investment decision/FID) Blok Masela dapat dilaksanakan pada 2019. Selanjutnya, produksi gas pertama blok ini diharapkan dapat mengalir pada 2026.

Pada akhir Maret 2016 kemarin pemerintah menolak usulan revisi POD Blok Masela yang diajukan Inpex. Dalam revisi POD itu masela dengan pengembangan kilang LNG terapung. Inpex pun diminta mengajukan kembali POD dengan skema sesuai arahan pemerintah.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, March, 25, 2017

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