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Friday, March 24, 2017

lnpex Requested Begin Review the LNG Plant

The government requested that lnpex Corporation as operator Masela immediately conduct further studies in the construction of liquefied natural gas on land.

Block located in Iaut Arafuru, Maluku is managed by the master lnpex participation shares of 65% and Shell 35%. President Joko Widodo decided that the construction of liquefied natural gas Liquefied natural gas / LNG) on the ground in March 2016. In fact, the previous scheme carried floating LNG plant or offshore.

Since it was decided on the ground, the project LNG plant was not running yet because there are still some points that have not been agreed by lnpex. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (EBDM) Arcandra Tahar said, the early stages of project design (pre-FEED) Masela LNG plant should have been able to do.

Pre-FEED study is a pre-defining the project which aims to estimate the cost of the investment and project construction schedule. According to him, lnpex should be able to start the pre-FEED although there are still some options pipeline gas production volumes, the capacity of the LNG plant and refinery. With the start of pre-FEED, the Ministry of Industry can begin to map out the company that will buy Masela gas pipeline. Besides processed into LNG, the government requested that the lnpex to allocate gas pipeline for the industry around the Masela block.

"Quickly if can. Start pre-FEED, we engage [include] the Ministry of Industry to build, began to speak who will buy gas, "he said, Wednesday (23/3). Arcandra rate, no more points can be negotiated with lnpex.

Meanwhile, Minister Ignatius Jonan had replied to a letter sent by lnpex since last week. lnpex previously sent a letter in February 2017 to ask for written answers associated with two things that must be decided before the pre-FEED be done. Two things must be decided before running pre-FEED the volume of gas pipeline and LNG plant capacity as well as the islands which will be the location of the refinery.

"There has been a letter. Have been sent since last week. "

There are two options for the production of pipeline gas and LNG. First, gas pipes and Masela 474 million cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and 7.5 million tonnes of LNG per annum (MTPA). Second, the allocation of 150 MMSCFD gas pipeline and LNG capacity of 9.5 MTPA.

In addition, any refinery construction site there are two options namely the Aru Islands and yamdena. lnpex wants the two options it has produced at only one answer so that the time and cost can be saved. Therefore, lnpex proposed that a preliminary study is done before the pre-FEED.

On the other hand, Arcandra rate, the data both options must be complete to be able to make a decision. Preliminary study before the pre-FEED considered could not be used as a reference. Although there is a risk of greater cost, he considered, it would be better if each option supported by strong data.

"More benefitnya than did the [study], will not comprehensive. Must pre-FEED both. "


Senior Manager of Communications & Relations lnpex Indonesia Usman Slamet said it has
receiving letters and Minister Ignatius Jonan on Wednesday (23/3). However, he declined to give further details. "Indeed, we received a letter from the minister yesterday morning (22/3)," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry is still looking for companies that are willing to buy the gas pipeline and Masela as currently estimated at 150 MMSCFD new industrial capabilities.

The Ministry of Industry has proposed to absorb 474 MMSCFD gas pipeline by three companies. However, the 200 MMSCFD gas of which is planned to be absorbed by PT Pertamina.

Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry Muhammad Khayam said, after the industry requires only 150 MMSCFD gas pipeline. It was the beginning of the scheme assuming gas price meets the economic development of the petrochemical plants around USS4 per MMBtu.

Volume is expected to produce 1.8 million tons of methanol to produce polyethylene and polypropylene capacity of around 400,000 tonnes is equivalent to that will awaken in Bintuni Bay, Papua.

Although the volume of gas utilization plan for the industry declined, the Ministry of Industry will review and offer other companies the absorption of gas rose to 274 MMSCFD. Therefore, it would revise the proposed utilization of the gas pipeline and the Masela block.

Khayam call commitments gas buyers must be ensured in July 2017. Thus, he was offered to other companies who might be able to absorb Masela gas pipeline. Three companies are PT Pupuk Indonesia, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri and PT Elsoro Multi Pratama which later coupled PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk.


lnpex Diminta Mulai Kaji Kilang LNG

Pemerintah meminta agar lnpex Corporation sebagai operator Blok Masela segera melakukan kajian lanjutan dalam pembangunan kilang gas alam cair di darat.

Blok migas yang berlokasi di Iaut Arafuru, Maluku itu dikelola oleh lnpex yang menguasai saham partisipasi 65% dan Shell 35%. Presiden Joko Widodo memutuskan agar pembangunan kilang gas alam cair Liquified natural gas/LNG) di darat pada Maret 2016. Padahal, sebelumnya skema pembangunan kilang LNG dilakukan terapung atau lepas pantai.

Sejak diputuskan di darat, proyek kilang LNG itu belum berjalan karena masih ada beberapa poin yang belum disepakati oleh lnpex. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (EBDM) Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, tahap awal desain proyek (pre-FEED) kilang LNG Masela seharusnya sudah bisa dilakukan.

Pre-FEED merupakan kajian pra pendefinisian proyek yang bertujuan untuk mengestimasikan biaya investasi dan jadwal pengerjaan proyek. Menurutnya, lnpex seharusnya bisa memulai pre-FEED meskipun masih terdapat beberapa opsi volume produksi gas pipa, kapasitas kilang LNG, dan lokasi kilang. Dengan dimulainya pre-FEED, Kementerian Perindustrian bisa mulai memetakan perusahaan yang akan membeli gas pipa Masela. Selain diproses menjadi LNG, pemerintah meminta agar kepada lnpex untuk mengalokasikan gas pipa bagi industri di sekitar Blok Masela.

“Kalau bisa secepatnya. Start pre-FEED, kami engage [mengikutsertakan] Kementerian Perindustrian untuk membangun, mulai bicara siapa yang akan beli gasnya,” ujarnya, Rabu (23/3). Arcandra menilai, tidak ada lagi poin yang bisa dinegosiasikan dengan lnpex. 

Sementara itu, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan telah membalas surat yang dikirim oleh lnpex sejak pekan lalu. lnpex sebelumnya mengirim surat pada Februari 2017 untuk meminta jawaban tertulis terkait dengan dua hal yang harus diputuskan sebelum pre-FEED bisa dilakukan. Dua hal yang harus diputuskan sebelum menjalankan pre-FEED yakni volume gas pipa dan kapasitas kilang LNG serta pulau yang nantinya menjadi lokasi kilang.

“Sudah ada suratnya. Sudah dikirim sejak minggu lalu.”

Ada dua opsi produksi gas pipa dan LNG. Pertama, gas pipa dan Blok Masela 474 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd) dan kilang LNG 7,5 juta ton per tahun (MTPA). Kedua, alokasi gas pipa 150 MMscfd dan kapasitas kilang LNG 9,5 MTPA.

Selain itu, lokasi pembangunan kilang pun masih terdapat dua opsi yakni Pulau Aru dan Pulau Yamdena. lnpex menginginkan agar dua opsi itu sudah menghasilkan pada satu jawaban saja sehingga waktu dan biaya bisa dihemat. Oleh karena itu, lnpex mengusulkan agar cukup dilakukan kajian pendahuluan sebelum pre-FEED.

Di sisi lain, Arcandra menilai, data kedua opsi harus lengkap untuk bisa memberi keputusan. Kajian pendahuluan sebelum pre-FEED dianggap tidak bisa dijadikan acuan. Kendati terdapat risiko biaya yang lebih besar, dia menilai, akan lebih baik bila masing-masing opsi didukung dengan data yang kuat.

“Lebih banyak benefitnya daripada lakukan satu [kajian], nanti tidak komprehensif. Harus pre-FEED dua-duanya.”


Senior Manager Communication & Relation lnpex Indonesia Usman Slamet mengatakan, pihaknya telah
menerima surat dan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan pada Rabu (23/3). Namun, dia enggan memberikan keterangan lebih lanjut. “Memang kami menerima surat dari Pak Menteri kemarin pagi (22/3),” katanya.

Sebelumnya, Kementerian Perindustrian masih mencari perusahaan yang bersedia membeli gas pipa dan Masela karena saat ini diperkirakan kemampuan industri baru 150 MMscfd.

Kementerian Perindustrian telah mengusulkan untuk menyerap 474 MMscfd gas pipa oleh tiga perusahaan. Namun, 200 MMscfd gas di antaranya rencananya akan diserap PT Pertamina.

Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian Muhammad Khayam mengatakan, setelah industri hanya membutuhkan 150 MMscfd gas pipa. Hal itu merupakan skema awal dengan asumsi harga jual gas memenuhi keekonomian pengembangan pabrik petrokimia yakni sekitar USS4 per MMBtu.

Volume tersebut diperkirakan menghasilkan 1,8 juta ton metanol dengan kapasitas menghasilkan polietilena dan polipropilena sekitar 400.000 ton setara dengan yang akan terbangun di Teluk Bintuni, Papua.

Kendati rencana pemanfaatan volume gas bagi industri menurun, Kementerian Perindustrian akan mengkaji ulang dan menawarkan perusahaan lain agar penyerapan gas naik menjadi 274 MMscfd. Oleh karena itu, pihaknya akan merevisi usulan pemanfaatan gas pipa dan Blok Masela.

Khayam menyebut komitmen pembeli gas harus di pastikan pada Juli 2017. Dengan demikian, dia pun menawarkan kepada perusahaan lain yang mungkin bisa menyerap gas pipa Masela. Ketiga perusahaan itu PT Pupuk Indonesia, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, dan PT Elsoro Multi Pratama yang nantinya ditambah PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk.

Dia menilai, dibutuhkan konsorsinun untuk menyerap gas yang nantinya akan dipimpin oleh PT Pupuk Indonesia.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Friday, March, 24, 2017

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