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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Medco shares ahold South Natuna Sea Block B

Medco holds a majority stake South Natuna Sea Block B. The reason, Medco bought a 35% stake in Block B Inpex Corporation through PT Medco Power Sentosa (Medco), a subsidiary of PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. Previously, Medoo buy 40% stake in Conoco-Phillips in this block. Thus, in addition to Medco, only Chevron holds a 25% in this block.

In a release on Monday (27/3) lnpex writing, the value of the acquisition (transfer pride) shares reached US $ 167 million. Targeted the entire process of acquisition of shares in Inpex Natuna Ltd. by Medco could be completed by late May 2017.

Senior Manager of Communication and Relations Inpex Corp Usman Slamet said, Inpex still will continue its cooperation with the Government of Indonesia. "We've been 50 years in Indonesia and we will continue to continue the cooperation," said Usman.

lnpex currently listed as the operator in the LNG project Masela Abadi field since 1998 and the operator in Block Babar Selaru since November 2011. Inpex also has a right of participation in Berau Block and West Sebuku.


Medco Kuasai Saham Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan

Medco menguasai mayoritas saham Blok B Laut Natuna Selatan. Pasalnya, Medco membeli 35% saham Inpex Corporation di Blok B lewat PT Medco Daya Sentosa (Medco), anak usaha dari PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. Sebelumnya, Medoo membeli 40% saham Conoco-Phillips di blok ini. Dengan begitu, selain Medco, hanya Chevron yang memegang 25% di blok ini.

Dalam rilisnya, Senin (27/3) lnpex menulis, nilai akuisisi (transfer pride) saham tersebut mencapai US$ 167 juta. Ditargetkan seluruh proses akuisisi saham Inpex Natuna Ltd oleh Medco bisa selesai akhir Mei 2017. 

Senior Manager Communication and Relation Inpex Corp Usman Slamet mengatakan, Inpex masih akan melanjutkan kerjasama dengan Pemerintah Indonesia. "Kami sudah 50 tahun di Indonesia dan kami akan terus lanjutkan kerja sama," kata Usman.

lnpex saat ini tercatat sebagai operator di proyek LNG Lapangan Abadi Blok Masela sejak tahun 1998 dan operator di Blok Babar Selaru sejak November 2011. Inpex juga memiliki hak partisipasi di Blok Berau dan Sebuku Barat.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 29, 2017

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