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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Oil and Gas Company Still undecided to Applying Gross Split

PT Pertamina Hulu Energy Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) plans to file an amendment to the contract for the result of gross split in ONWJ. This time for the results obtained using the scheme gross Pertamina split is 57.5% for oil, and 62.5% of gas.

The Government will get a share of 42.5% of the oil, and 37.5% of gas. Although the results have been greater, PHE ONWJ still feel less economical. For that PHE ONWJ want the government to add more splitnya. Just so you know, in ONWJ Pertamina gets contract extension from January 2017-January 2038.

The contract extension was changing from a production sharing contract (PSC) PSC gross cost recovery be split. Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said it was still trying to evaluate the possibility of the implementation of efficiency programs. If there are still opportunities without reducing production efficiency in ONWJ, that Pertamina ONWJ not need additional split. "If there is no more chance of efficiency, but the economics did not make sure we will propose the addition of a split," he said.

President Director of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) R. Mount Sardjono Hadi said, PHE ONWJ currently evaluating the economic value of the project ONWJ. The results of this evaluation will determine the pace PHE ONWJ to propose amendments to the contract in the field of oil and gas. The evaluation results are expected to go fast. Therefore, PHE ONWJ could soon submit a proposal to the government to improve the economic ONWJ. All depends on the final results of the evaluation, "said Mount.

In the evaluation, the PHE ONWJ is trying to compare between models of PSC cost recovery with gross split. Pertamina expects the economics of contract scheme for these results could be the same. "We hope to turn into gross split, the economics have not changed," said Mount.

Meanwhile, Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy, Tunggal said the government  open if Pertamina wants to amend a contract which was signed on January 18, 2017. At that time, Pertamina agreed to split the gross scheme for the results differ by wearing PSC cost recovery. "It says not economical, yes, already submitted first (proposal), he said.

Pri Agung, Energy Observer, said figure gross revenue share split issued by the government was indeed most of the forward will not be economical. "Could not be determined in advance". He considered reasonable if PHE ONWJ called for the amendment, because the Minister Regulation No. 8/2017 was not true. "That is a matter of economy, the basis of the figures in the regulation is still questionable," he said. He suggested, that regulation was revised and put the transitional provisions, for PHE ONWJ already invested a contract basis PSC cost recovery, but suddenly in January 2017 were asked to wear cost recovery. "It should still be put on cost recovery a few years." Pri Agung advice.


Perusahaan Migas Bimbang Menerapkan Gross Split

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) berencana mengajukan amendemen kontrak bagi hasil gross split di Blok ONWJ. Saat ini bagi hasil yang diperoleh Pertamina dengan memakai skema gross split adalah 57,5% untuk minyak, dan 62,5% dari gas. 

Pemerintah akan mendapatkan bagian 42,5% dari minyak, dan 37,5% dari gas. Meski bagi hasil sudah lebih besar, PHE ONWJ masih merasa kurang ekonomis. Untuk itu PHE ONWJ ingin pemerintah menambah lagi splitnya. Asal tahu saja, di Blok ONWJ Pertamina mendapat perpanjangan kontrak dari Januari 2017-Januari 2038. 

Kontrak perpanjangan itu mengubah dari kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) cost recovery menjadi PSC gross split. Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pihaknya masih mencoba melakukan evaluasi kemungkinan penerapan program-program efisiensi. Jika masih ada peluang efisiensi tanpa mengurangi produksi di ONWJ, kemungkinan Pertamina ONWJ tidak perlu tambahan split. "Kalau sudah tidak ada lagi peluang efisiensi, tapi keekonomiannya tidak masuk tentu kami akan mengajukan usulan penambahan split," ungkap dia. 

Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) R. Gunung Sardjono Hadi mengatakan, PHE ONWJ sedang mengevaluasi nilai keekonomian proyek ONWJ. Hasil evaluasi ini akan menentukan langkah PHE ONWJ untuk mengajukan amandemen kontrak di bidang migas. Hasil evaluasi diharapkan selesai cepat. Oleh karena itu, PHE ONWJ bisa segera mengajukan proposal ke pemerintah untuk memperbaiki keekonomian ONWJ. Semua tergantung hasil akhir evaluasi," kata Gunung. 

Dalam evaluasi itu, PHE ONWJ sedang mencoba membandingkan antara model PSC cost recovery dengan gross split. Pertamina mengharapkan keekonomian kedua skema kontrak bagi hasil tersebut bisa sama. "Kami berharap dengan berubah menjadi gross split, keekonomiannya tidak berubah," kata Gunung. 

Sementara itu, Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM, Tunggal mengatakan pemerintah terbuka jika Pertamina ingin melakukan amandemen kontrak yang sudah diteken pada 18 Januari 2017. Saat itu Pertamina setuju menggunakan skema gross split yang bagi hasilnya berbeda dengan memakai PSC cost recovery. "Dikatakan tidak ekonomis, ya, sudah ajukan dulu (proposalnya), katanya.

Pri Agung, Pengamat Energi, mengatakan, angka bagi hasil gross split yang dikeluarkan pemerintah itu memang hampir sebagian besar ke depan pasti tidak menjadi ekonomis. "Tidak bisa ditentukan di depan". Dia menilai wajar jika PHE ONWJ meminta amandemen, karena Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 8/2017 itu tidak benar. "Maksudnya dalam hitungan ekonomis itu, dasar angka-angka di Peraturan Menteri itu masih dipertanyakan," kata dia. 

     Dia menyarankan, agar Peraturan Menteri itu direvisi dan memasukkan ketentuan peralihan, sebab PHE ONWJ sudah melakukan investasi dengan dasar kontrak PSC COst Recovery, namun tiba-tiba pada Januari 2017 diminta memakai cost recovery. "Seharusnya masih tetap boleh memakai cost recovery beberapa tahun." saran Pri Agung. 

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 15, 2017

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