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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Oil Still Flooded Asia


Policy Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, or OPEC to cut oil production world apparently had little influence in Asia. Carrying supplies to the region is still very high.

Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts declared oil production cuts by OPEC members and non-members such as Russia, so far only a small effect into Asia. Because, during the three months of the policy was done, supplies to Asia rose to record highs. 

    The institution explained, as many as 714 million barrels of oil have been shipped to Asia this month. The number was up 3% since December 2016, or when the policy of cuts announced. Meanwhile, Asia is the biggest market and has the largest oil consumption growth in the world.

"Pruning will not succeed in making the world oil supply is absorbed more quickly and end the problem of excess supply, unless there is a drastic increase in demand," said Leonardo Maugeri, a senior partner at the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, on Friday (17/3 )

Maugeri worry as the region's largest oil consumer in the world, the surplus supply will depress oil prices and burden the producer countries. Meanwhile, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), oil consumption in the Asia-Pacific region in 2017 is expected to reach 33.187 million barrels per day. The number increased from demand last year reached 33.030 million barrels per day.

Meanwhile, Thomson Reuters said, not only supplies from Russia and the Middle East are flooding Asia. Volume shipments also jumped from oil-producing countries in the Americas and Europe.

Rising supplies from the American region seen from the continued rise in US weekly oil reserves have continued to rise for four consecutive weekends until March 3. Before finally began to drop 237,000 barrels to 528.39 million barrels on March 10. As at the beginning of this month, the level of US oil production rose to 9.1 million barrels per day (bpd), which is the highest level since February 2016. In December 2016, the US consistently hold production at the level of 8.7 million bpd.

EIA estimates that US oil production in 2017 reached 9 million bpd, up from last year at 8.9 million bpd. In the next year, production is expected to increase again towards 9.7 million bpd. As a result of this phenomenon, more than 30 supertankers filled with oil still parked off the coast of Singapore and Malaysia, although the prices have increased.


Minyak Masih Membanjiri Asia

Kebijakan Organisasi Negara-Negara Pengekspor Minyak atau OPEC untuk memangkas produksi minyak dunia rupanya tidak terlalu berpengaruh di Asia. Pasokan ke kawasan itu tercatat masih sangat tinggi. 

Thomson Reuters Oil Research and Forecasts menyatakan pemangkasan produksi minyak oleh negara anggota OPEC dan non-anggota seperti Rusia, sejauh ini hanya berpengaruh kecil ke Asia. Pasalnya, selama tiga bulan kebijakan itu dilakukan, pasokan ke Asia justru naik ke rekor tertingginya. Lembaga itu memaparkan, sebanyak 714 juta barel minyak telah dikapalkan ke Asia pada bulan ini. Jumlah itu naik 3% sejak Desember 2016, atau ketika kebijakan pemangkasan diumumkan. Adapun, Asia adalah pasar terbesar dan memiliki pertumbuhan konsumsi minyak terbesar di dunia.

“Pemangkasan tidak akan berhasil membuat pasokan minyak dunia diserap lebih cepat dan mengakhiri persoalan kelebihan pasokan, kecuali jika ada peningkatan permintaan yang drastis,” kata Leonardo Maugeri, senior patner di Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Jumat (17/3)

Maugeri khawatir sebagai kawasan konsumen minyak terbesar di dunia, surplus pasokan akan menekan harga minyak dunia dan membebani negara produsen. Adapun, berdasarkan data US Energy Information Administration (EIA) , konsumsi minyak di kawasan Asia-Pasifik pada 2017 diperkirakan bakal mencapai 33,187 juta barel per hari. Jumlah itu meningkat dari permintaan tahun lalu yang mencapai 33,030 juta barel per hari.

Sementara itu, Thomson Reuters menyebutkan, bukan hanya pasokan dari Rusia dan Timur tengah saja yang membanjiri Asia. Volume pengiriman juga melonjak dari negara produsen minyak di kawasan Amerika dan Eropa.

Meningkatnya pasokan dari kawasan Amerika terlihat dari terus naiknya cadangan mingguan minyak AS terus mengalami kenaikan selama empat pekan berturut-turut hingga 3 Maret. Sebelum akhirnya mulai turun 237.000 barel menjadi 528,39 juta barel pada 10 Maret. Adapun pada awal bulan ini, tingkat produksi minyak AS naik menjadi 9,1 juta barel per hari (bph), yang menjadi level tertinggi sejak Febmari 2016. Pada Desember 2016, AS konsisten menahan produksi di level 8,7 juta bph.

EIA memperkirakan produksi minyak AS pada 2017 mencapai 9 juta bph, atau naik dari tahun lalu sebesar 8,9 juta bph. Pada tahun depan, produksi diperkirakan kembali meningkat menuju 9,7 juta bph. Akibat dari fenomena tersebut, lebih dari 30 supertanker yang terisi minyak bumi masih terparkir di lepas pantai Singapura dan Malaysia, meskipun harga telah meningkat.  Minyak mentah untuk pengiriman Januari 2018 pun hanya 70 sen dolar AS lebih mahal dan pengiriman untuk Mei 2017.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-3, Saturday, March, 18, 2017

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