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Friday, March 24, 2017

Open Access Pipe Boost Pertagas Performance

A subsidiary of PT Pertamina, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) achieved net profit of US $ 159.1 million. 2017, the company is optimistic it will achieve ebih good performance, especially with the completion of three projects open access pipeline segment.

"In 2016 we managed to increase profit by 5.3% from US $ 151 million to $ 159 million," said President Director of PT Pertamina Gas Toto Nugroho in a written statement in Jakarta, Thursday (23/3).

Both in terms of financial performance could not be separated from the stable operating performance that are listed. Over the past year, Pertagas succeeded in increasing the volume of commercial gas from 46 425 BBTU (Billion British Thermal Unit) in 2015 to 51 814 BBTU. Increased speed is also listed with the volume of re-gasified LNG from 25 780 in 2015 to 29 907 BBTU BBTU. In addition Pertagas also succeeded in transporting the gas of 522.1 BSCF (Billion Standard Cubic Feet) and process gas into LPG amounted to 123 259 tons throughout 2016.

This achievement, according Toto is a pride for all human Pertagas where in this new Pertagas even 10 years old. "Especially in the kind of company profits tend to decrease," he said. Toto's hope in 2017, it could improve the performance of the company anymore. "Especially with the completion of three projects segment of pipe open access".

Three major projects that have been completed are the segments Belawan - Regions Industries in Medan (KIM) - Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in North Sumatra along 136.8 km; segment Muara Karang - Muara Tawar (MK-MT) along the 32 km crossing from Jakarta to Bekasi, West Java; and Porong - RoW which stretches along 56 Km of Sidoarjo regency to Pasuruan in East Java.

In terms of investment in 2016 Pertagas has recorded record value of US $ 168.6 million, the value is used for business development and investment projects to improve reliability of existing assets. Forward aggressiveness in 2016 in developing the business, in 2017 it Pertagas continue construction projects such as roads Gresik gas pipeline project - Semarang, the gas pipeline project segment Grissik - PUSRI, gas pipeline Looping Gresik - PKG, and domestic gas network in eight cities.

Toto asserted, as a form of real contribution to the improvement of national economic growth, the main focus is to prepare as soon as possible Pertagas gas infrastructure. "Hopefully gas supply from producers to consumers more easily," concludes Toto.

April fuel prices

Meanwhile, the government is evaluating the price of fuel oil (BBM) the type of gasoline and diesel subsidies. Changes or pricing of both types of fuel are conducted every three months. In January 2017 then, solar subsidies are set unchanged Rp 5,150 per liter. Then premium assignment (outside the Java-Madura-Bali) to Rp 6,450 per liter. Marketing Director of Pertamina M. Iskandar said it had reported to the government regarding the condition of the world oil price movements. But he has not dared to make sure the fuel price adjustment.

"Actually, from January deficit, the benchmark price of US $ 40 per barrel. But the price of oil is US $ 50 per barrel," Iskandar said in Jakarta, Thursday (23/3). Iskandar explains the rise in world oil prices affect the economics of solar. He said the oil price movements that make solar economical price range between USD 8200-8300 per liter.

Similar things affect the economic price of gasoline 88 RON premium Economical Price assignments between USD 6750-6850 per liter. He said, the price refers to the calculation formula set by the government. But Alexander did not mention the proposed changes in prices for diesel fuel and premium subsidies. Although hope there is a price adjustment, he leaves it up to the government. "Pertamina remains appropriate formula, appropriate economic price. That's our proposal as a business entity," he said.

In early January, the government decided there was no change in fuel price subsidies and assignment. This determination is based on the results of coordination across sectors and to consider three aspects, namely the financial capacity of the state or the economic situation, the ability of the community bell, as well as the real economy and society.

Determination per three months pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 191 of 2014 concerning Supply, distribution and retail prices of fuel oil. Then the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 27 Year 2016 concerning calculation of retail prices of fuel oil.

Minister of Mineral Resources to specify the price of fuel and the fuel type Specific Fuel Type Special Assignment. Changes or both types of fuel pricing was done taking into account the developments in oil prices, the average price index and the market value of the rupiah against the US dollar buying rate of Bank Indonesia.


Pipa Open Access Dongkrak Kinerja Pertagas

Anak perusahaan PT Pertamina, PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) meraih Iaba bersih sebesar US$ 159,1 juta. Tahun 2017, perseroan optimistis akan meraih kinerja ebih baik, terutama dengan telah selesainya 3 proyek ruas pipa open access.

“Tahun 2016 kami berhasil meningkatkan laba sebesar 5,3% dari US$ 151 juta menjadi US$ 159 juta," kata Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Gas Toto Nugroho dalam keterangan tertulis di Jakarta, Kamis (23/ 3).

Kinerja baik dari sisi keuangan tersebut tidak lepas dari stabilnya kinerja operasi yang dicatatkan. Sepanjang tahun lalu, Pertagas berhasil meningkatkan volume niaga gasnya dari 46.425 BBTU (Billion British Thermal Unit) pada 2015 menjadi 51.814 BBTU. Peningkatan lajunya juga dicatatkan melalui volume re-gasifikasi LNG dari 25.780 BBTU di 2015 menjadi 29.907 BBTU. Selain itu Pertagas juga berhasil mentransportasikan gas sebesar 522,1 BSCF (Billion Standard Cubic Feet) dan memproses gas menjadi LPG sebesar 123.259 Ton sepanjang tahun 2016.

Prestasi ini, menurut Toto menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi seluruh insan Pertagas di mana pada tahun ini Pertagas baru genap berusia 10 tahun. “Apalagi di saat laba perusahaan sejenis cenderung mengalami penurunan," ujarnya. Toto berharap di tahun 2017 ini, pihaknya bisa meningkatkan lagi performa perusahaan. “Terlebih dengan telah diselesaikannya 3 proyek ruas pipa open access,”.

Tiga proyek besar yang telah dirampungkan tersebut yakni ruas Belawan - Kawasan lndustri Medan (KIM) - Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) di Sumatera Utara sepanjang 136,8 Km; ruas Muara Karang - Muara Tawar (MK-MT) sepanjang 32 Km yang melintas dari DKI Jakarta hingga Bekasi, Jawa Barat; serta ruas Porong - Grati sepanjang 56 Km yang membentang dari Kabupaten Sidoarjo hingga Kabupaten Pasuruan di Jawa Timur.

Dari sisi investasi di tahun 2016 Pertagas telah mencatatkan membukukan nilai sebesar US$ 168,6 juta, nilai tersebut digunakan untuk proyek pengembangan bisnis dan investasi guna meningkatkan kehandalan aset eksisting. Meneruskan agresivitas pada 2016 dalam mengembangkan bisnis, pada 2017 ini Pertagas melanjutkan pembangunan proyek antara lain proyek pipa gas ruas Gresik - Semarang, proyek pipa gas ruas Grissik - PUSRI, pipa gas Looping Gresik - PKG, dan jaringan gas rumah tangga di 8 kota.

Toto menegaskan, sebagai bentuk kontribusi nyata bagi peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional, fokus utama Pertagas adalah mempersiapkan secepat mungkin infrastruktur gas. “Harapannya penyaluran gas dari produsen ke konsumen lebih mudah,” tutup Toto. 

Harga BBM April

Sementara itu, pemerintah sedang mengevaluasi harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis premium dan solar subsidi. Perubahan atau penetapan harga kedua jenis BBM tersebut dilakukan setiap tiga bulan sekali. Pada januari 2017 lalu, solar subsidi ditetapkan tidak berubah Rp 5.150 per liter. Kemudian premium penugasan (luar Jawa-Madura-Bali) Rp 6.450 per liter. Direktur Pemasaran Pertamina M. Iskandar mengatakan pihaknya sudah melaporkan kepada pemerintah terkait kondisi pergerakan harga minyak dunia. Namun dia belum berani memastikan adanya penyesuaian harga BBM tersebut.

"Sebenarnya dari Januari defisit, harga patokan US$ 40 per barel. Tapi harga minyaknya US$ 50 per barel," kata Iskandar di Jakarta, Kamis (23/ 3). Iskandar menjelaskan naiknya harga minyak dunia berpengaruh pada nilai keekonomian solar. Dia mengatakan, pergerakan harga minyak itu membuat harga keekonomian solar berkisar antara Rp 8.200 - 8.300 per liter.

Hal serupa pun berpengaruh pada harga keekonomian bensin RON 88. Harga keekonomian premium penugasan antara Rp 6.750 - 6.850 per liter. Dia mengatakan, harga tersebut mengacu pada formula perhitungan yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Namun Iskandar tidak menyebutkan usulan perubahan harga untuk solar subsidi dan premium. Meski berharap ada penyesuaian harga, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kepada pemerintah. "Pertamina tetap sesuai formula, sesuai harga keekonomian. Itu usulan kami sebagai badan usaha," ujarnya. 

Pada awal januari, pemerintah memutuskan tidak ada perubahan harga BBM subsidi dan penugasan. Penetapan ini berdasarkan hasil koordinasi lintas sektor serta mempertimbangkan tiga aspek, yakni kemampuan keuangan negara atau situasi perekonomian, kemampuan daya bell masyarakat, serta ekonomi riil dan sosial masyarakat.

Penetapan per tiga bulan itu berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden No. 191 Tahun 2014 tentang Penyediaan, Pendistribusian dan Harga Jual Eceran Bahan Bakar Minyak. Kemudian Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral No. 27 Tahun 2016 tentang Perhitungan Harga Jual Eceran Bahan Bakar Minyak.

Menteri ESDM menetapkan harga jual BBM jenis BBM Tertentu dan Jenis BBM Khusus Penugasan. Perubahan atau penetapan harga kedua jenis BBM itu dilakukan memperhitungkan perkembangan harga minyak, rata-rata harga indeks pasar dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar Amerika dengan kurs beli Bank Indonesia.

 Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, March, 24, 2017

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