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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Parliament already Specify Seven Points Discussion

Revised Oil and Gas Law

Completion of the revision of Law 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas seems still far from expectations. Although now back in the national legislation program (prolegnas) in 2017, the Parliament still can not ensure the completion of the revision of the draft rules.

According to Satya W Yudha, Vice Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, the revised draft oil and gas law is still being held up. It had prepared seven points still under discussion with the included Special Enterprises (BUK).

When finished, could easily lead to the Legislative Body (Baleg). Now this process of DPR will be submitted to the Legislative Body. From the Legislation Council for synchronization. "Then the Working Committee (Panja) or Special Committee (Committee). It was decided a new plenary form of legislation by the government," he said after the bill without making sure when this can be done.

The seven points are ready to enter discussions with is, first, related to the upstream sector governance. For example, with regard to the upstream sector implementing agencies, shape, structure, tasks and forms of authority holder of mining rights.

Secondly, with regard to the form of contracts, such as contract type used, the term of the contract, the profit-sharing scheme, the country's sovereignty, as well as clauses that can provide legal certainty.

As for today, has emerged regulation that states should use split gross scheme. "Well, this shall have no translation either as an option or an obligation," he said.

Third, the privilege PT Pertamina and domestic companies in managing oil and gas blocks. Later there will be a format that paved the way for a national company to manage oil and gas blocks. Fourth, privileges for local government.

Fifth, with regard to health, safety and environmental aspects. Sixth, the petroleum fund that already has a deal in the rate of commission VII. "We hope that the petroleum fund could come back as income in the oil and gas sector," he explained.

Seventh, the issue of downstream sector policy, pricing, privatization and market domestic obligations, the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Teguh Pamudji itself is ready to be consulted to discuss the rule.

"Finally, right of initiative in the House. But that draft were immediately sent to the government for consideration," he said.

Revisi UU Migas

DPR Sudah Tentukan Tujuh Poin Pembahasan

Penyelesaian revisi Undang-Undang 22 Tahun 2001 Tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi nampaknya masih jauh dari harapan. Meski sudah kembali masuk ke program legislasi nasional (prolegnas) 2017, DPR masih belum bisa memastikan penyelesaian rancangan aturan revisi tersebut.

    Menurut Satya W Yudha, Wakil Ketua Komisi VII DPR, draf revisi UU Migas masih terus dibahas. Pihaknya sudah menyiapkan tujuh poin yang masih tahap pembahasan bersama termasuk Badan Usaha Khusus (BUK).

Apabila selesai, bisa berlanjut ke Badan Legislasi (Baleg). Sekarang ini prosesnya dari DPR akan diserahkan ke Badan Legislasi. Dari Badan Legislasi untuk sinkronisasi. "Kemudian dibentuk Panitia Kerja (Panja) atau Panitia Khusus (Pansus). Diputuskan paripurna baru berbentuk undang-undang oleh pemerintah," katanya tanpa memastikan kapan RUU Migas ini bisa selesai.

Adapun tujuh poin yang siap masuk pembahasan bersama adalah, pertama, terkait tata kelola sektor hulu. Misalnya, berkaitan dengan institusi pelaksana sektor hulu, bentuk, struktur, tugas dan bentuk kewenangan pemegang kuasa pertambangan.

Kedua, berkaitan dengan bentuk kontrak, misalnya jenis kontrak yang dipakai, jangka waktu kontrak, skema bagi hasil, kedaulatan negara, serta klausul yang dapat memberikan kepastian hukum.

Adapun saat ini, sudah muncul Peraturan Menteri yang menyatakan harus menggunakan skema gross split. "Nah, ini nanti harus ada penjabaran apakah sebagai opsi atau kewajiban,“ katanya.

Ketiga, privilege PT Pertamina dan perusahaan domestik dalam mengelola blok migas. Nanti akan ada satu format yang melancarkan jalan bagi perusahaan nasional mengelola blok migas. Keempat, privilege untuk pemerintah daerah. 

Kelima, berkaitan dengan kesehatan, keselamatan kerja dan aspek lingkungan. Keenam, petroleum fund yang sudah memiliki kesepakatan di tingkat komisi VII DPR. "Kami berharap, petroleum fund bisa kembali menjadi penghasilan di sektor migas," jelasnya.

Ketujuh, soal kebijakan sektor hilir, harga, privatisasi dan kewajiban pemenuhan pasar dalam negeri, Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Teguh Pamudji sendiri sudah siap untuk diajak musyawarah membahas aturan tersebut.

"Terakhir, hak inisiatifnya ada di DPR. Tapi memang draf segera dikirim ke pemerintah untuk dibahas," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

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