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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Pertamina is targeting Asia

Rental Services Oil

PT Pertamina is targeting owners of oil refineries in the Asia Pacific region to participate in the auction of crude oil processing services provider. Senior Vice President Supply Chain Integrated Pertamina Daniel Purba said, the previous contract to process 1 million barrels of crude oil per month in the period from July to December 2016 has ended. The company is seeking opportunities to rake in companies other than Shell has completed crude processing services with a total volume of 6 million barrels per month.

Owners of the refineries in the Asia Pacific region, he said, will be the target in this auction. According to him, the location and the price is a major consideration in the selection of candidates for the cooperation partners of oil processing services. The problem, now refining capacity in the country is not directly proportional to the level of consumption of fuel oil (BBM).

BP Statistical Review also noted a trend of fuel consumption continues to rise. In 2005, fuel consumption was at the level of 1.3 million barrels per day (bpd). Five years later in 2010, the fuel consumption rose to 1.4 million bpd and rise to 1.6 million bpd in 2015.

To reduce the import of oil products, Pertamina innovate by using the service if the oil in refineries abroad. As an illustration, he mentioned that the need for imported Premium 7 million barrels per month. Meanwhile, 1 million barrels of which are filled with crude oil processing agreements. The rest is done by auction with a long-term contract with Integrated Supply Chain (ISC).

Daniel explained that the procurement of fuel oil processing services through a mechanism that is more efficient than importing finished products. However, it does not mean it becomes a fixed reference for the number of bidders who increasingly make deals more competitive opportunities.

Sewa Jasa Pengolahan Minyak

Pertamina Bidik Asia

PT Pertamina membidik pemilik kilang minyak di Asia Pasifik untuk mengikuti lelang penyedia jasa pengolahan minyak mentah. Senior Vice President lntegrated Supply Chain Pertamina Daniel Purba mengatakan, kontrak sebelumnya untuk mengolah 1 juta barel per bulan minyak mentah pada periode Juli-Desember 2016 telah berakhir. Perseroan mencari peluang dengan menggaet perusahaan lainnya selain Shell yang telah merampungkan jasa pengolahan minyak mentah dengan volume total 6 juta barel per bulan.

Pemilik kilang di Asia Pasifik, menurutnya, akan menjadi incaran dalam lelang kali ini. Menurutnya, lokasi dan harga menjadi pertimbangan utama memilih kandidat mitra dalam kerja sama jasa pengolahan minyak. Pasalnya, kini kapasitas kilang minyak dalam negeri belum berbanding lurus dengan tingkat konsumsi bahan bakar minyak (BBM).

BP Statistical Review pun mencatat tren konsumsi bahan bakar minyak yang terus naik. Pada 2005, konsumsi BBM berada di level 1,3 juta barel per hari (bph). Lima tahun kemudian yakni pada 2010, konsumsi BBM naik ke level 1,4 juta bph dan naik ke 1,6 juta bph pada 2015.

Untuk mengurangi impor produk BBM, Pertamina melakukan inovasi dengan menggunakan jasa olah minyak di kilang luar negeri. Sebagai gambaran, dia menyebut bahwa kebutuhan impor Premium 7 juta barel per bulan. Adapun, 1 juta barel di antaranya dipenuhi melalui kesepakatan pengolahan minyak mentah. Sisanya, dilakukan melalui lelang dengan kontrak jangka panjang melalui Integrated Supply Chain (ISC). 

Daniel menjelaskan, pengadaan BBM melalui mekanisme jasa pengolahan minyak itu lebih efisien daripada mengimpor produk jadi. Namun, tidak berarti hal itu menjadi acuan tetap karena jumlah peserta tender yang semakin banyak membuat peluang penawaran semakin kompetitif. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, March, 22, 2017

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