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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Pertamina president in Table President

Race for President Director of Pertamina getting hot. BOC Pertamina already provides three recommendations of the best names of the five internal Pertamina.

Of the three candidates that will have one as the number one Pertamina. '' The names have been submitted and there on the desk of President Joko Widodo, "said Mr. Abeng, Commissioner of Pertamina

Deputy Energy, Logistics, and Tourism Region ministerial SOE also Pertamina Commissioner Edwin Hidayat Abdullah said, actually there are five internal candidates proposed BOC Pertamina Pertamina. Three of them are Rachmad Hardadi, Director of Mega Project Processing and Petrochemicals, Syamsu Alam, Pertamina Upstream Director and Acting (Pit) Director of Pertamina Yenni Andayani. Related to the two candidates again, Edwin reluctant openly.

"The board asked for a five-fifths in the assessment, but there are three best," said Edwin, Wednesday (8/3). He explained that a number of criteria skipper of Pertamina. Among these are the ability to lead and control the business. Pertamina president also able to synergize this state. Edwin also hope, president director of Pertamina has integrity and experience. But he stressed that the main criterion is Zeaidership.

"We're not likely to find that understands all the technical, essential leadership, have a vision, have a good strategy to bring Pertamina up to the vision set forth as a world class energy company," he added.

In addition to the three internal candidates for Pertamina, Edwin also revealed that there will be candidates from the external. But he said he did not know the number of candidates Pertamina chief come from external sources, as well as the names of the candidates.

Outstanding is the name Arcandra Tahar, Elia Massa Manik, PTPN Holding CEO and President Director Sofyan Basir PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Usually candidates SOE president presented to the president consisting of three to five people. The process of appointing the number one Pertamina done tiered.

Minister of SOEs submit names of candidates to the President. The target, in March 2017, the President has chosen the new Pertamina chief.


Dirut Pertamina di Meja Presiden

Perebutan kursi Direktur Utama Pertamina semakin panas. Dewan Komisaris Pertamina sudah memberikan rekomendasi tiga nama terbaik dari lima orang internal Pertamina.

Dari tiga nama kandidat itulah akan dipilih satu sebagai orang nomor satu Pertamina. "‘Nama-namanya sudah diserahkan dan ada di meja Presiden Joko Widodo," kata Tanri Abeng, Komisaris Utama Pertamina

Deputi Bidang Energi, Logistik, Kawasan dan Pariwisata Menetri BUMN yang juga Komisaris Pertamina Edwin Hidayat Abdullah menyebutkan, sejatinya ada lima kandidat internal Pertamina yang diusulkan Dewan Komisaris Pertamina. Tiga di antaranya adalah Rachmad Hardadi, Direktur Mega Proyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia, Syamsu Alam, Direktur Hulu Pertamina dan Pelaksana Tugas (Pit) Direktur Utama Pertamina Yenni Andayani. Terkait dua calon lagi, Edwin enggan buka-bukaan.

"Dewan komisaris meminta lima-limanya di assessment, tapi ada tiga terbaik," jelas Edwin, Rabu (8/3). Ia menjelaskan sejumlah kriteria nakhoda Pertamina. Di antaranya adalah kemampuan memimpin dan menguasai bisnis. Dirut Pertamina juga mampu mensinergikan BUMN ini. Edwin juga berharap, Dirut Pertamina memiliki integritas dan pengalaman. Tapi ia menegaskan, kriteria paling utama itu adalah Zeaidership.

"Kami tidak mungkin mencari yang mengerti semua teknikal, yang penting leadership, punya visi, mempunyai strategi yang jitu membawa Pertamina sampai ke visi yang ditetapkan sebagai world cLass energy company," imbuhnya.

Selain tiga calon internal Pertamina, Edwin juga mengungkapkan, akan ada calon dari eksternal. Namun dia mengaku tidak mengetahui jumlah calon Dirut Pertamina yang berasal dari eksternal, begitu juga dengan nama calon-calon tersebut.

Yang beredar adalah nama Arcandra Tahar, Elia Massa Manik, CEO PTPN Holding, dan Sofyan Basir Dirut PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Biasanya nama calon dirut BUMN yang disodorkan kepada presiden berjumlah tiga hingga lima orang. Proses penunjukan orang nomor satu Pertamina dilakukan berjenjang. 

Menteri BUMN menyerahkan nama calon-calon ke Presiden. Targetnya, pada Maret 2017 ini, Presiden sudah memilih Dirut Pertamina yang baru.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, March, 9, 2017

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