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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pertamina President Must Improve Performance

The appointment of Elia Massa Manik as the President Director of PT Pertamina's new by the board of directors should be able to bring the state-owned enterprises more efficient and competitive. The number one Pertamina was also anticipated innovations in the oil and gas industry has yet passionate.

"In addition to improving the collective work internally, externally he must be skilled to face the oil and gas industry is still in the doldrums and be more competitive at the global level," said a member of the House of Representatives Commission VII Rl Rofi Energy Munawar.

Rofi added in the upstream sector, the performance of exploration throughout 2016 should be maintained and enhanced to the maximum. Moreover, the national oil and gas exploration performance stagnated in recent years. For the downstream sector, the community needs are high on fuel oil must be balanced with product diversification and distribution pattern the better. "I ordered that Elijah focus boost corporate performance and should not be stuck on noncorporate interests.


Dirut Pertamina Harus Tingkatkan Kinerja

Penunjukan Elia Massa Manik sebagai Direktur Utama PT Pertamina yang baru oleh dewan komisaris harus mampu membawa BUMN itu lebih efisien dan kompetitif. Orang nomor satu Pertamina itu pun dinanti inovasinya di tengah industri migas yang kini belum bergairah.

"Selain harus meningkatkan kolektivitas kerja secara internal, secara eksternal ia harus terampil menghadapi industri migas yang masih lesu dan makin kompetitif di tingkat global,” kata anggota DPR Rl Komisi Vll Energi Rofi Munawar.

Rofi menambahkan di sektor hulu, kinerja eksplorasi sepanjang 2016 harus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan dengan maksimal. Terlebih, secara nasional kinerja eksplorasi migas mengalami stagnasi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Untuk di sektor hilir, pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat yang tinggi atas bahan bakar minyak harus diimbangi dengan diversifikasi produk dan pola distribusi yang makin baik. ”Saya berpesan agar Elia fokus mendorong peningkatan kinerja perusahaan dan tidak boleh terjebak pada kepentingan nonkorporasi.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Monday, March, 20, 2017

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