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Saturday, March 4, 2017

President: Saudi Arabia Strategic Partner Republic Indonesia

11 Agreement Signed

President Jokowi is optimistic it can build long-term strategic partnership between the Republic of Indonesia (GoI) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, both in economy and politic. In a meeting at the Bogor Palace on Wednesday (1/3), the two countries signed 11 agreements in the fields of economy, education, technology, and health. On this occasion, Pertamina and Saudi Aramco also signed Refining Masterplan Development Program (RDMP) Cilacap between PT Pertamina and the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) worth US $ 6 billion. The Head of State said Saudi Arabia is one of the important partners of Indonesia in the Middle East in terms of both political and economic.

The Indonesian delegation led by President jokowi, composed of Menko maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Legal and Security Affairs Wiranto, CMEA Nasution, Menko PMK Puan Maharani, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita Cabinet Secretary Pramod President said he was happy to be reunited with His Majesty King Salman. He considered the visit His Majesty the King is a very historic visit.

 "For Indonesia, Saudi Arabia is one of the most important partners in the Middle East both political and economic. Visits Majesty the King has become the starting point for the improvement of relations between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are united by Islam, by brotherhood and mutually beneficial relationship, "said President Jokowi.

On this occasion, President Jokowi welcomed the signing Refining Masterplan Development Program (RDMP) Cilacap between PT Pertamina and the Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) worth US $ 6 billion. President Jokowi will push the two companies that formed the basic engineering design and establishment of the joint venture.

"Mr. President, welcomes the signing refining development masterplan program Cilacap between Pertamina and Aramco worth US $ 6 billion," said Foreign Minister (FM) Reno Marsudi when giving a press conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Nizar bin Obaid Madani, at the Palace Bogor.

At the meeting which took place in an atmosphere of intimacy, the two leaders also discussed a number of projects, offered by the Government of Indonesia. Projects offered by the Government of Indonesia, among others, refining project masterplan development program in Dumai, Balongan, and Bontang, totaling US $ 14 billion. In addition, the construction of the project Iistrik Steam Power (power plant) Mine Mouth in Jambi, construction of infrastructure, roads, water resources, drinking water, sanitation, and housing.

"The projects are welcomed Saudi King and declared immediately sent a team to follow up on what was discussed with President Jokowi," said the Foreign Minister. On the other hand, President Jokowi will send the relevant minister to Saudi Arabia to follow up cooperation between the two countries.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Nasution previously said the arrival of King Salman on March 1 to 9 is closely associated with the investment. He estimates there are an additional investment of around Rp 300 trillion, including investments Saudi Aramco refinery in Cilacap worth US $ 6 billion.

Saudi Arabia, which has a population of 33 million people has a GDP of US $ 2.145 trillion, the 13th largest in the world with a GDP per capita of US $ 65,000 or tenth largest in the world. Workforce based on data from 2009 to reach 7.63 million people. However, approximately 80% of the workforce in the services sector comes from abroad.

11 Agreement

At the meeting, President Jokowi and King Salman also witnessed the signing of 11 agreements, among other things, cooperation in trade, (health, marine and fisheries, and increased levels of the session of the Joint Commission.

Indonesian cooperation with Saudi Arabia so far this only involves the improvement and capacity building (upgrading) Cilacap refinery represented by the national oil company of each country, namely PT Pertamina and Saudi Aramco. In December, the two companies have agreed to form a joint venture to work on projects worth US $ 5 billion of it. The project is targeted for completion by 2021.

Still included in the Cilacap refinery project, Saudi Aramco also has the right to supply crude oil to the refinery. Of the total requirement of 400 thousand bare] per day (bpd), Saudi Aramco agreed quota of 70%, while the remainder will be sought from other sources Pertamina. Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja expects investments of Saudi Arabia can enter the Indonesian energy sector. From upstream oil and gas sector, Indonesia is very open if Saudi Aramco as the state-owned oil company of Saudi Arabia, entered manage the block here.

"However, we would hope that Pertamina could be given a field there, the acquisition of oil fields there. If it is granted, its reserves (oil and gas blocks that can be acquired by Pertamina in Saudi Arabia), could become a national reserve, "he said in a meeting with the media in Jakarta, Wednesday (1/3).

Potential joint cooperation, is related to the establishment of strategic oil reserves (strategic petroleum reserve / SPR) nationwide. Indonesia wants to cooperate with Saudi Arabia to realize this reserve, in addition to exploring also with Iran and Kuwait. Later, Saudi Aramco can put oil in Indonesia to markets in Asia Pasitik. "We are processing the regulation (regulatory president) about this SPR. The hope rises as soon as possible, "said Wiralmaja.

In addition, Pertamina hopes to purchase directly liquefed petroleum gas / LPG from Saudi Aramco. According to Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Daniel Purba, so far Indonesia has taken LPG from Saudi Arabia, but did not directly purchase from Saudi Aramco. Direct purchases have only to crude oil with a volume of 110 thousand bpd through long-term contracts.

The same thing also expressed by Wiratmaja. It encourages the sale and purchase of LPG can be done directly by the government-owned oil and gas companies of both countries. Director megaproject Processing and Petrochemical added, it is still an opportunity to join Saudi Aramco refinery project investment in other parts of Indonesia. Three other refinery project is the construction of a new refinery in Bontang, East Kalimantan, as well as upgrading Balongan refinery and Dumai Refinery. The total value of this project reached more than US $ 14 billion.

"It's for Project Expose Bontang to find a partner, so of course the opportunity opened seluasnya. Saudi Aramco course we give a chance, "he said. The goals of Vision 2030 include changing the Saudi Public Investment Fund into a sovereign fund with assets of US $ 2.5 trillion, the largest in the world. This investment firms will control 10% of global investment capacity. Arabia also launched non-oil revenues rose six-fold from about US $ 43.5 billion per year to US $ 267 billion and increase non-oil exports from 16% of GDP to 50% of GDP.

The world's largest oil exporter that have total assets in foreign countries recorded in the central bank around US $ 555 billion. Most of the investments are invested in United States


11 Kesepakatan di Tandatangani

Presiden: Arab Saudi Mitra Strategis Republik Indonesia

Presiden Jokowi optimistis dapat membangun kemitraan strategis jangka panjang antara Republik Indonesia (RI) dan Kerajaan Arab Saudi, baik di bidang ekonomi maupun poltik. Dalam pertemuan di lstana Bogor, Rabu (1/3), kedua negara menandatangani 11 kesepakatan di bidang ekonomi, pendidikan, teknologi, dan kesehatan. Pada kesempatan ini, Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco juga menandatangani Refining Development Masterplan Program (RDMP) Cilacap antara PT Pertamina dan Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) senilai US$ 6 miliar. Kepala Negara menyebutkan Arab Saudi merupakan salah satu mitra penting RI di Timur Tengah baik dari segi politik maupun ekonomi.

Delegasi Indonesia yang dipimpin Presiden jokowi, terdiri dari Menko Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Menko Polhukam Wiranto, Menko Perekonomian Darmin Nasution, Menko PMK Puan Maharani, Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi, Menteri Perdagangan Enggartiasto Lukita, Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Presiden mengaku senang dapat bertemu kembali dengan Sri Baginda Raja Salman. Dia menilai, kunjungan Sri Baginda Raja merupakan kunjungan yang sangat bersejarah.

 “Bagi Indonesia, Arab Saudi merupakan salah satu mitra penting di Timur Tengah baik politik maupun ekonomi. Kunjungan Sri Baginda Raja ini menjadi titik tolak bagi peningkatan hubungan Indonesia dan Arab Saudi yang dipersatukan oleh Islam, oleh persaudaraan, dan hubungan yang saling menguntungkan,” kata Presiden Jokowi.

Pada kesempatan ini, Presiden Jokowi menyambut baik ditanda-tanganinya Refining Development Masterplan Program (RDMP) Cilacap antara PT Pertamina dan Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) senilai US$ 6 miliar. Presiden Jokowi akan mendorong kedua perusahaan itu membentuk basic engineering design dan pembentukan joint venture.

“Bapak Presiden menyambut baik ditandatanganinya refining development masterplan program Cilacap antara Pertamina dan Aramco senilai US$ 6 miliar,” kata Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) Reno Marsudi saat memberikan keterangan pers bersama Menteri Urusan Luar Negeri Kerajaan Arab Saudi Nizar bin Obaid Madani, di Istana Bogor. 

Pada pertemuan yang berlangsung dalam suasana penuh keakraban, kedua pemimpin juga membahas sejumlah proyek, yang ditawarkan Pemerintah Indonesia. Proyek-proyek yang ditawarkan Pemerintah Indonesia, antara lain, proyek refining development masterplan program di Dumai, Balongan, dan Bontang senilai total US$ 14 miliar. Selain itu, proyek pembangunan Pembangkit Iistrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) Mulut Tambang di Jambi, pembangunan infrastruktur, jalan raya, water resources, drinking water, sanitasi, dan perumahan. 

“Proyek-proyek tersebut disambut baik Raja Arab Saudi dan menyatakan segera mengirim tim untuk menindaklanjuti apa yang dibahas dengan Presiden Jokowi," kata Menlu. Di sisi lain, Presiden Jokowi akan mengirim para menteri terkait ke Arab Saudi untuk menindaklanjuti kerja sama kedua negara.

Menteri Koordinator bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution sebelumnya mengatakan, kedatangan Raja Salman pada 1-9 Maret sangat erat kaitannya dengan investasi. Dia memperkirakan ada tambahan investasi sekitar Rp 300 triliun, termasuk investasi kilang minyak Saudi Aramco di Cilacap senilai US$ 6 miliar.

Arab Saudi yang berpenduduk 33 juta jiwa memiliki PDB sebesar US$ 2,145 triliun atau ke-13 terbesar di dunia dengan PDB per kapita US$ 65.000 atau kesepuluh terbesar di dunia. Angkatan kerjanya berdasarkan data 2009 mencapai 7,63 juta orang. Namun, sekitar 80% tenaga kerja di sektor jasa berasal dari luar negeri. 

11 Kesepakatan

Pada pertemuan itu, Presiden Jokowi dan Raja Salman juga menyaksikan penandatanganan 11 kesepakatan, di antaranya, kerja sama perdagangan, (kesehatan, kelautan dan perikanan, dan peningkatan level sidang Komisi Bersama.

Kerja sama Indonesia dengan Arab Saudi sejauh ini baru menyangkut proyek perbaikan dan peningkatan kapasitas (upgrading) Kilang Cilacap diwakili perusahaan migas nasional masing-masing negara, yakni PT Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco. Pada Desember lalu, kedua perusahaan telah sepakat membentuk perusahaan patungan untuk menggarap proyek senilai US$ 5 miliar itu. Proyek ini ditargetkan selesai pada 2021.

Masih termasuk dalam proyek Kilang Cilacap, Saudi Aramco juga memiliki hak untuk memasok minyak mentah untuk kilang ini. Dari kebutuhan total 400 ribu bare] per hari (bph), jatah Saudi Aramco disepakati 70%, sementara sisanya akan dicarikan Pertamina dari sumber lain. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengharapkan investasi dari Arab Saudi bisa masuk ke sektor energi Indonesia. Dari sektor hulu migas, Indonesia sangat terbuka jika Saudi Aramco selaku perusahaan migas milik pemerintah Arab Saudi, masuk mengelola blok di sini.

“Namun, kami lebih berharap Pertamina bisa diberikan lapangan di sana, akuisisi ladang minyak di sana. Kalau itu diberikan, cadangannya (blok migas yang bisa diakuisisi Pertamina di Arab Saudi), bisa menjadi cadangan nasional,” kata dia dalam pertemuan dengan media di Jakarta, Rabu (1/3).

Potensi kerja sama lain, adalah terkait pembentukan cadangan minyak strategis (strategic petroleum reserve/SPR) nasional. Indonesia ingin bekerja sama dengan Arab Saudi untuk mewujudkan cadangan ini, selain menjajaki juga dengan Iran dan Kuwait. Nantinya, Saudi Aramco dapat menaruh minyaknya di Indonesia untuk pasarnya di Asia Pasitik. “Kami sedang memproses Perpres (peraturan presiden) soal SPR ini. Harapannya sesegera mungkin terbit," ujar Wiralmaja.

Selain itu, Pertamina berharap dapat membeli langsung liquefed petroleum gas/LPG dari Saudi Aramco. Menurut Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Daniel Purba, selama ini Indonesia sudah mengambil LPG dari Arab Saudi, namun tidak langsung membeli dari Saudi Aramco. Pembelian langsung selama ini hanya untuk minyak mentah dengan volume 110 ribu bph melalui kontrak jangka panjang.

Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan oleh Wiratmaja. Pihaknya mendorong jual beli LPG ini dapat dilakukan langsung oleh perusahaan migas milik pemerintah kedua negara. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia menambahkan, pihaknya masih membuka peluang Saudi Aramco untuk ikut investasi di proyek kilang lain di Indonesia. Tiga proyek kilang lainnya ini adalah pembangunan kilang baru di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, serta upgrading Kilang Balongan dan Kilang Dumai. Total nilai proyek ini mencapai lebih dari US$ 14 miliar.

“Ini untuk Project Expose Kilang Bontang untuk mencari partner, jadi tentu kesempatan dibuka seluasnya. Saudi Aramco tentu kami berikan kesempatan,” ujar dia. Sasaran-sasaran dari Visi 2030 antara lain mengubah Saudi Public Investment Fund menjadi sovereign fund dengan nilai aset US$ 2,5 triliun atau yang terbesar di dunia. Lembaga investasi ini akan menguasai 10% lebih kapasitas investasi global. Saudi juga mencanangkan pendapatan non-minyak naik enam kali lipat dari sekitar US$ 43,5 miliar per tahun menjadi US$ 267 miliar dan meningkatkan ekspor non-minyak dari 16% PDB menjadi 50% PDB.

Negara eksportir minyak terbesar dunia itu memiliki total aset di mancanegara yang tercatat di bank sentralnya sekitar US$ 555 miliar. Sebagian besar investasi tersebut ditanamkan di Amerika Serikat

Investor Daily, Page-1, Thursday, March, 2, 2017

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