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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Prices Gas Industry in North Sumatra Start Ramps

Government realize its promise to lower gas prices for industry in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). The decline in gas prices are regulated through Keputuan Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia Number 434 K / 12 / MEM / 2017 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry in Medan and surrounding region.

Minister Ignatius Jonan signed on February 13, 2016 and then, a regulation was set:

First: the price of natural gas for industries in Medan and surrounding areas is calculated based on the upstream component of natural gas, distribution rates and the cost of natural gas distribution.

Second: Director General of Oil and Gas on behalf of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to evaluate the price of natural gas as referred to in the second pernytaan every year or at any time if necessary.

Third: the government sets the upstream gas price formula for gas from Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSO purchased by PT Pertamina 6,95-1-1% Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). Prices earlier reached US $ 7.85 per mmbtu.

For the pricing formula of gas purchased by PT PGN of PT Pertamina EP amounted to 6.82 + l% ICP. whereas the previous price of US $ 8.24 per mmbtu. While the pricing formula of gas purchased from Triangle Pase PGN Inc: ICP set 6,95+ 1% from the previous price reached US $ 7.85 per mmbtu.

For the cost of gas transmission through pipelines, the government set the rates of PHE NSO Arun - Belawan amounted to $ 1.88 per mscf, down from the previous price of $ 2.78 per mscf. Rates Pangkalan Susu - Wampu down from US $ 0.92 per mscf to US $ 0.8 per mscf. Rates of gas supply pipeline from Triangle Pase Inc. Arun - Belawan set at $ 1.88 per MMSCF. While the cost of PGN's gas distribution industry in North Sumatra amounting to US $ 0.9 per cubic meter, down from the previous $ 1.35 per cubic meter.

The chairman of the Forum of Industrial Gas Users (FIPGB) Achmad Salim said, the current price for the industry in North Sumatra has been declining since the release of Decision of the Minister.

However, according to Salim, the industry players in North Sumatra is still hoping to get gas prices below $ 9 per mmbtu. "That I'm under US $ 9 per mmbtu, but the release of that much," he said.

Even so, he said the government's decision to reduce gas prices, especially the cost of transmission-distribution is good enough. During this time the price of transmission distribution in North Sumatra lerlalu high. Now the cost of distribution is limited transmission should not be more than US $ 1.8 per mmbtu.

"It's been a great struggle. Distiribusi-down transmission, used US $ 2.5 per mmbtu and now the cost of transmission distribution is set up," said Achmad.

With that provision, if the price of LNG is cheaper, then the price of gas for industry players in North Sumatra would also be cheaper. Moreover, industry players can also get the difference of the price of gas has been paid to Pertamina and PGN.

Because in the Minister of EMR 434 mention gas price reduction is valid as of February 1, 2017. While the new beleid signed on February 13, 2017. "It should be counted backwards, must be returned, is calculated," he said.


Harga Gas Industri di Sumut Mulai Landai

Pemerintah mewujudkan janjinya menurunkan harga gas bagi pelaku industri di Sumatra Utara (Sumut). Penurunan harga gas tersebut diatur melalui Keputuan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Republik Indonesia Nomor 434 K/12/MEM/2017 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri di Wilayah Medan dan sekitarnya.

Ditandatangani Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan pada 13 Februari 2016 lalu, beleid itu mengatur : 

Pertama : harga gas bumi untuk industri di wilayah Medan dan sekitarnya di hitung berdasarkan komponen harga gas bumi hulu, tarif penyaluran dan biaya distribusi gas bumi.

Kedua : Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi atas nama Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral melakukan evaluasi terhadap harga gas bumi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pernytaan kedua setiap tahun atau sewaktu-waktu apabila diperlukan.

Ketiga : pemerintah menetapkan formula harga gas hulu untuk gas dari Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) NSO yang dibeli PT Pertamina 6,95-1-1% Indonesia Crude Price (ICP). Harga sebelumnya mencapai US$ 7,85 per mmbtu.

Untuk formula harga gas yang dibeli PT PGN dari PT Pertamina EP sebesar 6,82+l% ICP. sedangkan harga sebelumnya sebesar US$ 8,24 per mmbtu. Sementara formula harga gas yang dibeli PGN dari Triangle Pase Inc: ditetapkan 6,95+ 1% ICP dari harga sebelumnya mencapai US$ 7,85 per mmbtu.

Untuk biaya transmisi gas melalui pipa, pemerintah menetapkan tarif dari PHE NSO Arun - Belawan sebesar US$ 1,88 per mscf, turun dari harga sebelumnya US$ 2,78 per mscf. Tarif Pangkalan Susu - Wampu turun dari US$ 0,92 per mscf menjadi US$ 0,8 per mscf. Tarif penyaluran gas pipa dari Triangle Pase Inc Arun - Belawan ditetapkan sebesar US$ 1,88 per mmscf. Sementara biaya distribusi gas PGN bagi industri di Sumut sebesar US$ 0,9 per meter kubik, turun dari sebelumnya US$  1,35 per meter kubik.

Ketua umum Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi (FIPGB) Achmad Salim menyebutkan, saat ini harga untuk industri di Sumut sudah mengalami penurunan sejak keluarnya Keputusan Menteri ESDM.

Walaupun begitu, menurut Salim, para pelaku industri di Sumut masih berharap bisa mendapatkan harga gas di bawah US$ 9 per mmbtu. “Justru saya minta di bawah US$ 9 per mmbtu, tapi keluarnya segitu," katanya.

Biarpun begitu, dia menyatakan, keputusan pemerintah untuk menurunkan harga gas terutama biaya transmisi-distribusi sudah cukup baik. Selama ini harga distribusi transmisi di Sumatera Utara lerlalu tinggi. Sekarang biaya distribusi transmisi dibatasi tidak boleh lebih dari US$ 1,8 per mmbtu.

"Ini sudah satu perjuangan bagus. Distiribusi-transmisi turun, dulu US$ 2,5 per mmbtu dan sekarang biaya transmisi distribusi sudah diatur," kata Achmad.

Dengan ketetapan itu, jika harga LNG lebih murah, maka harga gas bagi pemain industri di Sumatera Utara juga akan lebih murah. Terlebih lagi, pelaku industri juga bisa mendapatkan selisih dari harga gas yang telah dibayarkan kepada Pertamina dan PGN.

Pasalnya dalam Keputusan Menteri ESDM No.434 menyebutkan penurunan harga gas memang berlaku per 1 Februari 2017. Sementara beleid tersebut baru ditandatangani pada 13 Februari 2017. "Harus dihitung mundur, mesti dikembalikan, dikalkulasi," ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, March, 1, 2017

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