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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Related Holding, Government Must Give Explanation to Parliament

Government asked to explain openly to the House of Representatives (DPR), in this case specifically the Commission VI, about the planned establishment of state-owned holding in the oil and gas sector. It is necessary to avoid negative perceptions and allegations regarding the plan.

"We hope that soon SOE Minister explain to Parliament as representatives of the people. It is not yet been submitted. In fact, if the SOE Minister explained openly, I am sure everyone can run well, given that the concept itself is also holding well, "said a member of House Commission VI Sidik Pangarso Bowo.

According to him, should the government be more pro-actively explain to the House. In addition, the government must also explain to the public more transparent. Not to make people guess that there are special agenda behind the formation of the holding, eg related to state-owned assets. 

    In this case Bowo pointed out that holding himself has done, including cement and fertilizer holding holding. And as a result, formation of a holding is indeed very positive. For that Bowo asserted, that the House of Representatives Commission VI in principle does not reject the establishment of state-owned holding, including Government Regulation 72 in 2016.

Parliament was to support the government, especially the holding is intended for the benefit of the nation. For this reason, the House would like to hear the explanation openly. Communication problems, according Bowo is very important. Especially developed at this time is, a concern if the holding is formed, then the House's monitoring function is lost. 

     Bowo himself argued, that the monitoring of the holding will not be lost. Because Parliament could still ask the holding concerned. Including, when it will sell the shares, which must be done with the approval of Parliament. We can accept the explanation of the Minister of Finance.

"But the explanation must also be delivered 'SOE Minister to Parliament. From there, we could swatch solution if there are obstacles, it's just the truth, "said Bowo. Bowo said Commission VI can understand, relevant SOE Holding urgency formation of oil and gas. Including that the holding could support the conversion of fossil fuels to gas, and efficiency through the establishment of a holding itself. 

     Previously, SOE Ministry explained that the establishment of state-owned holding Migas able to give effect does little to increase state revenues.

According to Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, Deputy for Energy, Logistics, Metro and Tourism Ministry of SOEs, the most significant multiplier effect and the formation of the Oil and Gas Holding creates value creation that directly affect the income tax and dividend increase state. Industry revenue increase and will impact on tax revenue, Edwin said during a working meeting with Commission VI of the House some time ago.


Terkait Holding, Pemerintah Harus Beri Penjelasan ke DPR

Pemerintah diminta segera memberikan penjelasan secara terbuka kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), dalam hal ini khususnya Komisi VI, mengenai rencana pembentukan holding BUMN di sektor migas. Hal ini diperlukan untuk menghindari persepsi dan dugaan negatif mengenai rencana tersebut.

“Harapan kami, Menteri BUMN segera menjelaskan kepada DPR sebagai wakil rakyat. Ini yang belum pernah disampaikan. Padahal, jika Menteri BUMN menjelaskan dengan terbuka, saya yakin semua bisa berjalan baik, mengingat konsep holding sendiri juga baik,” kata anggota Komisi VI DPR Bowo Sidik Pangarso.

Menurut dia, harusnya, pemerintah bisa lebih pro aktif menjelaskan kepada DPR. Selain itu, pemerintah juga harus lebih transparan menjelaskan kepada publik. Jangan sampai membuat masyarakat menduga-duga bahwa ada agenda-agenda khusus di balik pembentukan holding, misal terkait aset BUMN. 

    Dalam hal ini Bowo mencontohkan bahwa holding sendiri pernah dilakukan, termasuk holding semen dan holding pupuk. Dan hasilnya, pembentukan holding tersebut memang sangat positif. Untuk itulah Bowo menegaskan, bahwa Komisi VI DPR pada prinsipnya tidak menolak pembentukan holding BUMN, termasuk Peraturan Pemerintah 72 tahun 2016. 

DPR justru mendukung pemerintah, terlebih holding memang ditujukan untuk kepentingan bangsa. Untuk itulah, maka DPR ingin mendengar penjelasan tersebut secara terbuka. Persoalan komunikasi, menurut Bowo memang sangat penting. Apalagi yang berkembang saat ini adalah, kekhawatiran jika holding dibentuk, maka fungsi pengawasan DPR menjadi hilang. 

    Bowo sendiri berpendapat, bahwa pengawasan terhadap holding tidak akan hilang. Karena DPR masih bisa bertanya kepada holding bersangkutan. Termasuk diantaranya, ketika akan menjual saham, yang harus dilakukan dengan persetujuan DPR. Kami bisa menerima penjelasan Menteri Keuangan. 

“Namun penjelasan itu juga harus disampaikan’ Menteri BUMN kepada DPR. Dari sana, kami bisa carikan solusi jika terdapat kendala, hanya itu sebenarnya,“ lanjut Bowo. Bowo mengatakan, Komisi VI bisa memahami, terkait urgensi pembentukan Holding BUMN migas. Termasuk diantaranya bahwa holding bisa mendukung upaya konversi bahan bakar fosil ke gas, serta efisiensi melalui pembentukan holding itu sendiri. 

   Sebelumnya, Kementerian BUMN menjelaskan bahwa pembentukan holding BUMN Migas mampu memberikan efek tidak sedikit terhadap peningkatan pendapatan negara. 

Menurut Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, Deputi Bidang Usaha Energi, Logistik, Kawasan dan Pariwisata Kementerian BUMN, multiplier effect paling signifikan dan pembentukan Holding Migas adalah dapat menciptakan value creation yang langsung berpengaruh meningkatkan pendapatan pajak dan deviden negara. Pendapatan industri meningkat dan akan berimbas pada penerimaan pajak, kata Edwin saat rapat kerja dengan Komisi VI DPR beberapa waktu lalu.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, March, 15, 2017

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