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Monday, March 27, 2017

Reset Distribution of Gas

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) will reorganize the distribution of natural gas to be cheaper. Gas distribution will be set primarily in the midstream side. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources said Ignatius Jonan, factor distribution, transportation and regasification are the things that make high gas prices and should be adjusted. 

"At Banca, the pipe 5 km. Im later in the harbor all sorts who charge up to approximately gas dariBontang (hu1u, Red) below USD 6 per mmbtu. Cost midstream, transportation, distribution, and regasification roughly well over USD 5'per mmbtu. It should be adjusted, "he said.

Jonan said the decline in gas prices is one of the government's efforts so that the domestic industry can compete. "If energy is essentially not competitive when compared with other countries, then the industry is not competitive. What's worse, later electricity rates continue to rise," he said.


Atur Ulang Distribusi Gas 

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (Kementerian ESDM) akan mengatur kembali distribusi gas bumi agar harganya lebih murah. Distribusi gas yang akan diatur terutama di sisi midstream. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan menuturkan, faktor distribusi, transportasi, dan regasifikasi merupakan hal-hal yang membuat harga gas tinggi dan harus disesuaikan. 

"Di Banca, pipanya 5 km. Im nanti di pelabuhan macam-macam yang charge sampai kira-kira gasnya dariBontang(hu1u, Red) di bawah USD 6 per mmbtu. Biaya midstream, transportasi, distribusi, dan regasifikasi kira-kira juga lebih dari USD 5‘per mmbtu. Ini harus disesuaikan," ujarnya.

Jonan menyatakan, penurunan harga gas adalah salah satu upaya pemerintah agar industri dalam negeri dapat berkompetisi. "Kalau energi dasarnya tidak kompetitif jika dibandingkan dengan negara lain, nanti industrinya tidak kompetitif. Yang lebih parah, nanti tarif listrik naik terus,” katanya. 

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Monday, March, 27, 2017

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