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Monday, March 20, 2017

Sinopec's acquisition of Chevron Oil Refinery in South Africa

China intensified to secure its oil needs. The latest, China Petroleum and Chemical Corp. (Sinopec) will acquire Chevron's refinery in the Southern African region. If the deal comes to pass, then this will be the first refinery Sinopec on the African continent.

Valuation acquisition in Africa's largest oil refinery is US $ 1 billion. At present, Sinopec announced in the last deals with Chevron. Source Reuters explains, the auction which has been opened for one year was won Sinopec that beat other bidders such as Total, the French oil company from Glencore and Gunvor.

Even so, the acquisition process is still confronted with obstacles. For South African government wants to maintain refinery operations. While Sinopce reportedly prefer to convert the oil into storage terminals because it is considered more profitable. Sinopce still discussing with the South African Government to maintain oil refinery production remains smooth.

Oil production should be kept 110,000 barrels per day refinery in Cape Town. In addition to control assets ambitious oil refinery, formerly Sinopec also are changing China's petrochemical products to a high quality. Sinopec Chairman Wang Yupu said it will invest US $ 29.05 billion for the upgrade of four distillation throughout the years 2016 to 2020.

With a refining capacity to renew the production would increase to 130 million tons per year or the equivalent of 2.6 million barrels per day. Also, reduce logistics costs and optimize the product structure. 

    Braden Reddal Chevron spokesman said the sale of the business in South Africa including the Chevron oil refinery in Cape Town is still in process. "There is still discussed requests ownership interest of 75%," said Reddal Reuters. The remaining 25% stake held by a consortium of Black Economic Empowerment and employee combined.

In addition to the refinery, Chevron also has a lubricant factory on the east coast of Durban. The plant has a storage tank and Caltex service station network. Rothschild & Co will help Chevron to sell its assets.


Sinopec Akuisisi Kilang Minyak Chevron di Afrika Selatan

China makin gencar mengamankan kebutuhan minyaknya. Terbaru, China Petroleum dan Chemical Corp (Sinopec) akan mengakuisisi kilang minyak milik Chevron di wilayah Afrika Selatan. Jika kesepakatan tersebut
terwujud, maka ini akan menjadi kilang pertama Sinopec di benua Afrika. 

Valuasi akuisisi kilang minyak terbesar di Afrika tersebut mencapai US$ 1 miliar. Saat ini, Sinopec dikabarkan dalam penawaran terakhir dengan Chevron. Sumber Reuters menjelaskan, lelang yang telah dibuka selama satu tahun tersebut berhasil dimenangkan Sinopec yang mengalahkan penawar lain seperti Total, perusahaan asal minyak Prancis, Glencore dan Gunvor.

Meski begitu, proses akuisisi masih menemui hambatan. Sebab Pemerintah Afrika selatan ingin menjaga operasi kilang. Sementara Sinopce dikabarkan lebih memilih mengonversi minyak ke terminal penyimpanan karena dinilai lebih menguntungkan. Sinopce masih berdiskusi dengan Pemerintah Afrika Selatan untuk menjaga produksi kilang minyak tetap lancar. 

Produksi minyak harus dijaga 110.000 barel per kilang per hari di Cape Town. Selain berambisi menguasai aset kilang minyak, sebelumnya Sinopec juga sedang mengubah produk petrokimia China ke kualitas tinggi. Chairman Sinopec Wang Yupu mengatakan akan berinvestasi US$ 29,05 miliar untuk upgrade empat penyulingan sepanjang tahun 2016 sampai 2020.

Dengan memperbaharui kapasitas penyulingan tersebut maka produksi akan bertambah menjadi 130 juta ton per tahun atau setara 2,6 juta barel per hari. Juga, mengurangi biaya logistik dan mengoptimalkan struktur produk. 

    Juru bicara Chevron Braden Reddal mengatakan, penjualan bisnis Chevron di Afrika Selatan termasuk kilang minyak di Cape Town masih dalam proses. "Masih didiskusikan permintaan kepentingan kepemilikan saham sebesar 75%," kata Reddal seperti dikutip Reuters. Sisanya, saham 25% dikuasai oleh konsorsium Black Economic Empowerment dan gabungan karyawan.

Selain kilang, Chevron juga memiliki pabrik pelumas di pantai timur Durban. Pabrik tersebut memiliki tangki penyimpanan dan jaringan stasiun layanan Caltex. Rothschild & Co akan membantu Chevron menjual asetnya.

Kontan, Page-22, Monday, March, 20, 2017

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