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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Steel Industry charge Industry Gas Prices Down

The increase in the steel industry in the last two years is stable. Every year at least an increase in national consumption is above 10%. That number may increase further if the government wants to lower the price of gas that are components of the steel industry's production costs.

Director PT Kencana Kepuh Arum, Henry Setiawan said, the presence of gas has a big share in the steel industry. During this time a great influence on the energy component of the cost of steel production. "Then the national steel industry is awaiting the government's promise that will lower natural gas prices since last year," said Henry.

He said growth in national steel production continues to grow each year. Needs in the country into one big potential market for the steel industry. It also continues to increase the need for national consumption each year.

The decline in gas prices, it will polish the performance of the steel industry until 2020. Moreover, some time ago the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) promised to provide incentives for the industry in the form of low gas prices in the range of USD 5 to USD 6 per MMBTU.

Progress steel industry also supported the government's efforts in building infrastructure in various regions. One of them is certain road construction using iron or steel. Furthermore, there is also a development of the port would need some equipment made of steel.

Even the steel industry also benefited from the development of the energy sector that is being promoted by the government. One of them is the construction of power plants with a capacity of up to 35 thousand megawatts (MW). "Not to mention the housing construction project that continues planned by the government. The roof of the house now largely been put on mild steel, "he said.

Henry also emphasized that the number of transition manufacture of lightweight steel roof of the house became extremely boost sales. Therefore, the steel industry Lapis Aluminum Zinc (BjLAS) continued to show an increase in national consumption continues to significantly above 10% more, "We are very optimistic to the future development of the steel industry. So if gas prices fall, this will be a breath of fresh air for us to increase the production of steel," he said.

Commerce Director Danny Praditya PGN said that until now it had to do the distribution of natural gas in Indonesia to 1,652 large industrial and power plants, 1,929 commercial customers, such as hotels, restaurants, hospitals, Setra micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

In fact, the distribution pipe PGN East Java Surabaya already scattered along the 552 kilometer (km), along the 404 km in Sidoarjo and Pasuruan reach 199 km so that a total of 1,156 km over the previous year of about 996.15 km. Industrial customers also gave a positive response in the last year.

"PGN's gas pipeline infrastructure in East Java increased by 16% over the previous year. PGN gas pipelines nationwide total reach of more than 7278 km, this amount is equivalent to 80% of the downstream natural gas pipeline network throughout Indonesia, "he said.


Industri Baja Tagih Harga Gas Industri Turun

Peningkatan industri baja dalam dua tahun terakhir stabil. Setiap tahun setidaknya terjadi peningkatan konsumsi nasional di atas 10%. Jumlah itu bisa meningkat lagi jika pemerintah mau menurunkan harga gas yang menjadi komponen biaya produksi industri baja.

Direktur PT Kepuh Kencana Arum, Henry Setiawan menuturkan, keberadaan gas memiliki andil besar di industri baja. Selama ini komponen energi berpengaruh besar atas biaya produksi baja. “Maka industri baja nasional sedang menunggu janji pemerintah yang akan menurunkan harga gas bumi sejak tahun lalu," ujar Henry.

la mengatakan, pertumbuhan produksi baja nasional terus tumbuh tiap tahun. Kebutuhan di dalam negeri yang besar menjadi salah satu pasar potensial bagi industri baja. Pihaknya juga terus meningkatkan kebutuhan konsumsi nasional tiap tahunnya.

Penurunan harga gas, tentu akan memoles kinerja industri baja sampai tahun 2020 mendatang. Apalagi beberapa waktu lalu Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) berjanji akan memberi insentif bagi industri berupa harga gas rendah di kisaran USD 5 sampai USD 6 per MMBTU.

Kemajuan industri baja juga didukung dengan upaya pemerintah dalam membangun infrastruktur di berbagai daerah. Salah satunya pembangunan jalan yang pasti menggunakan besi atau baja. Selanjutnya juga ada pengembangan pelabuhan tentu perlu beberapa peralatan berbahan baja.

Bahkan industri baja juga diuntungkan oleh pembangunan sektor energi yang sedang digalakkan pemerintah. Salah satunya pembangunan pembangkit listrik berkapasitas hingga 35 ribu megawatt (MW). “Belum lagi proyek pembangunan sejuta rumah yang terus direncanakan oleh pemerintah. Sekarang ini atap rumah sebagian besar sudah memakai baja ringan," katanya.

Henry juga menegaskan, banyaknya peralihan pembuatan atap rumah menjadi baja ringan sangat mendongkrak penjualan. Karena itu, industri Baja Lapis Alumunium Seng (BjLAS) tetap menunjukkan peningkatan konsumsi nasional yang terus signifikan di atas 10% lebih. "Kami sangat optimis ke depan perkembangan industri baja. Maka kalau harga gas turun, ini akan menjadi angin segar bagi kami untuk meningkatkan produksi baja," ungkapnya.

Director Commerce PGN Danny Praditya menuturkan, sampai saat ini pihaknya sudah melakukan sebaran gas bumi di seluruh Indonesia ke 1.652 industri besar dan pembangkit listrik, 1.929 pelanggan komersial, seperti hotel, restoran, rumah sakit, setra usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM).

Bahkan, pipa distribusi PGN di Jawa Timur sudah tersebar di Surabaya sepanjang 552 kilometer (km), di Sidoarjo sepanjang 404 km, dan Pasuruan mencapai 199 km sehingga total mencapai 1.156 km dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya sekitar 996,15 km. Pelanggan industri juga memberikan respons positif dalam setahun terakhir ini.

“Infrastruktur pipa gas PGN di Jawa Timur meningkat 16% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Secara nasional pipa gas PGN total mencapai lebih dari 7.278 km, jumlah ini setara dengan 80% jaringan pipa gas bumi hilir di seluruh Indonesia," katanya.

Koran Sindo, Page-9, Tuesday, March, 21, 2017

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