, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The depth of the well ABP Approaching Peak. - MEDIA MONITORING OIL AND GAS -->

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Monday, March 6, 2017

The depth of the well ABP Approaching Peak.

Drilling wells White Albatros 01 (ABP-01) in the District Jamprong D688 Kenduruan depth approaching the peak. After going 'disturbance' at a depth of about 1,200 meters, is currently drilling continued to reach the top of the depth in accordance with the targets set. "Targeted drilling to a depth of 1,275 meters," said Field Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field, Agus Amperianto.

He said, when drilling into decline. Initially, the targeted depth of drilling to peak during the 58 days, starting from 20 December. However, because of the constraints faced by these, to date drilling is still in progress. "The problem that arises during drilling can be addressed. It will further drilling again, he said.

However, behind the disturbances which occurred, there is no indication of oil reserves in wells drilled in it. Because, when there bursts out of the well when it drilled partially in the form of gas bursts. Blowouts, according to him, indicated in the existing hydrocarbon wells.

   Only, whether hydrocarbons exist in the form of oil wells or gas yet to be proven. Because after blowouts, followed by a torrent of water. "After the next drilling target, do research on the material in the well. It was to ascertain whether or not the oil reserves in there," he said.

Just to note, when drilling is at a depth of about 1000 meters, some issues such as gas and water bursts occur. Therefore, the focus of work in the effort to cope with these bursts. For example, with patching a leaky pipe bursts or replacing lead pipes that burst so it appears bursts.

The drilling is performed to search for new oil sources. It is estimated that in the well there are millions of barrels of oil reserves. To prove and confirm the presence of oil, carried out exploration drilling. If it is found and oil can be produced, will resume drilling exploitation.


Sumur ABP Mendekati Kedalaman Puncak.

Pengeboran sumur Albatros Putih 01 (ABP-01) di D688 Jamprong Kecamatan Kenduruan mendekati kedalaman puncak. Usai terjadi ’gangguan' di kedalaman sekitar 1.200 meter, saat ini pengeboran dilanjutkan untuk mencapai puncak kedalaman sesuai dengan target yang ditetapkan. "Target pemboran sampai kedalaman 1.275 meter,” ujar Field Manager Pertamina EP Field Cepu, Agus Amperianto.

Dia mengatakan, waktu pengeboran mengalami kemunduran. Semula, pengeboran sampai puncak kedalaman ditargetkan selama 58 hari, sejak 20 Desember lalu. Namun, karena kendala-kendala yang dihadapi tersebut, sampai saat ini pengeboran masih berlangsung. "Masalah yang muncul selama pengeboran sudah bisa diatasi. Akan lanjut pengeboran lagi, katanya.

Namun, di balik gangguan ang terjadi, ada indikasi terdapat cadangan minyak di dalam sumur yang dibor itu. Sebab, saat terjadi semburan dari dalam sumur ketika dibor sebagian semburan berupa gas. Semburan gas, menurut dia, mengindikasikan di dalam sumur itu ada hidrokarbon. 

    Hanya, apakah hidrokarbon yang ada dalam sumur itu berupa minyak atau gas masih harus dibuktikan. Karena setelah semburan gas, diikuti dengan semburan air. "Setelah nanti pemboran sesuai target, dilakukan penelitian dari material di dalam sumur. Itu untuk memastikan apakah ada cadangan minyak atau tidak di dalam sana,” kata dia.

Sekadar diketahui, saat pengeboran berada pada kedalaman sekitar 1000 meter,  beberapa persoalan seperti semburan gas dan air terjadi. Karena itu, fokus pekerjaan pada upaya menanggulangi semburan tersebut. Misalnya, dengan menambal pipa bocor yang menyebabkan semburan atau mengganti pipa yang pecah sehingga muncul semburan.

Pengeboran ini dilakukan untuk mencari sumber minyak baru. Diperkirakan di dalam sumur tersebut terdapat jutaan barel cadangan minyak. Untuk membuktikan dan memastikan keberadaan minyak, dilakukan pengeboran eksplorasi. Jika ditemukan dan minyak bisa diproduksi, akan dilanjutkan pengeboran eksploitasi.

Radar Bojonegoro, Page-4, Saturday, March, 4, 2017

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