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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Government Difficulties to Debt Charge Upstream Oil and Gas

Ministry of Energy gave the repayment time until June.

Inspector General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mochtar Husein, admitted it is difficult to collect receivables countries in the upstream sector of oil and gas. Because, he said, most contracts with the state oil company had ended. "A lot of the termination of the contract, what can we do?" Said Mochtar

The Ministry of Energy has submitted the debt collection authority to the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). According to Mochtar, until mid-March, 25 companies in the upstream oil and gas sector accounts had not submitted a firm commitment (firm commitment) to the state.

The government gives time for the defaulters to pay the debt until June. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) receivable classify oil as a finding that could potentially harm the state. These findings come from 143 cooperation contracts (PSC) who have not paid the remainder of the financial liabilities at 30 work areas with the status of the termination.

The arrears include the rest of the firm commitment in the working area 25 of US $ 310 million signature bonus of US $ 2.5 million, goods and services amounted to US $ 575 thousand, and guarantee operations totaling $ 5.8 million. The Commission also found that the contractor has not completed 141 environmental liabilities in the form of environmental assessment based on 319 working area.

In addition to arrears, Chairman of the Commission Agus Rahardjo disputed oil and gas data management is not uniform at the Geological Agency, Research and Development, Directorate General of Oil and Gas, and SKK Migas, "There is also no data available for the contractor fuzzy"

One of the contractors who have arrears are ExxonMobil, Block manager Scissors, East Java. The Commission said the US oil and gas company that has to pay arrears of a firm commitment of US $ 8 million, ExxonMobil had already returned an exploration concession to the government since 2014.

Vice President of Public and Government Affairs for ExxonMobil, Erwin Maryoto, dismiss the note. According to Erwin, the company has paid in accordance with contractual commitments. Erwin suspect recording receivables arise from differences of perception. He promised to immediately clarify it to SKK Migas.

"Probably because there are different viewpoints. We feel it meets all exploration commitments as agreed in the contract, "said Erwin.


Pemerintah Kesulitan Tagih Utang Hulu Migas

Kementerian Energi memberi waktu pelunasan hingga Juni.

Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Mochtar Husein, mengaku pihaknya sulit menagih piutang negara di sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi. Sebab, kata dia, sebagian besar kontrak perusahaan migas dengan negara sudah berakhir. “Sudah banyak yang terminasi kontrak, mau bagaimana lagi?” kata Mochtar 

Kementerian Energi sudah menyerahkan kewenangan penagihan utang kepada Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Menurut Mochtar, hingga pertengahan Maret lalu sebanyak 25 perusahaan di sektor hulu migas belum menyerahkan piutang komitmen pasti (firm commitment) kepada negara. 

Pemerintah memberi waktu bagi para penunggak untuk membayar utang hingga Juni. Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menggolongkan piutang migas sebagai temuan yang berpotensi merugikan negara. Temuan ini berasal dari 143 kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) yang belum melunasi sisa kewajiban keuangan di 30 wilayah kerja yang berstatus terminasi.

Tunggakan tersebut meliputi sisa komitmen pasti di 25 wilayah kerja sebesar US$ 310 juta, bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 2,5 juta, barang dan jasa sebesar US$ 575 ribu, dan jaminan operasi sebesar US$ 5,8 juta. KPK juga menemukan 141 kontraktor yang belum menyelesaikan kewajiban lingkungan berupa environmental based assessment di 319 wilayah kerja.

Selain tunggakan, Ketua KPK Agus Rahardjo mempermasalahkan pengelolaan data migas yang tidak seragam pada Badan Geologi, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, dan SKK Migas, "Ada juga data tidak tersedia karena kontraktor kabur”

Salah satu kontraktor yang memiliki tunggakan adalah ExxonMobil, pengelola Blok Gunting, Jawa Timur. KPK menyebutkan perusahaan migas asal Amerika Serikat itu harus membayar tunggakan komitmen pasti sebesar US$ 8 juta, ExxonMobil sudah mengembalikan konsesi eksplorasi kepada pemerintah sejak 2014.

Vice President for Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil, Erwin Maryoto, menampik catatan tersebut. Menurut Erwin, perusahaannya sudah melunasi komitmen sesuai dengan kontrak. Erwin menduga pencatatan piutang terjadi karena perbedaan persepsi. Dia berjanji segera mengklarifikasi hal ini kepada SKK Migas. 

“Mungkin karena ada perbedaan sudut pandang. Kami merasa sudah memenuhi semua komitmen eksplorasi sesuai kesepakatan dalam kontrak,” ujar Erwin.

Koran Tempo, Page-18, Wednesday, March, 29, 2017

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