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Thursday, March 16, 2017

There are two strong candidates Pertamina President

The names of candidates president director of PT Pertamina increasingly pursed. the presidential palace said that there are two strong candidates are likely to occupy the main leaders in the oil and gas SOEs.

However, presidential spokesman Johan Budi not clearly reveal the two names on purpose, including their origin from the internal or external companies. He just said, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants prospective managing director of Pertamina is a figure who has the ability, capacity, capability and integrity.

"That gained two, but do not know it from external or internal. Maybe tomorrow can know. Tomorrow's AGM will be decided directors, "said Johan Budi in the presidential palace in Jakarta.

He said that some time ago there are some names that have been proposed to the President. Before choosing the right figure, the President must first ask a lot of opinions about the names of candidates. One of the main measure is integrity.

"The president has a lot of ear which then provide feedback. The president called a number of proposals from stakeholders, both SOEs and other ministries, which then asked the President to no information, "he said.

As reported, in early February, 2017 and the board of directors of Pertamina overhauled by the Ministry of SOEs. General meeting extraordinary shareholders (EGM) of the company formally dismiss Ahmad Bambang Dwi Soetjipto and from his position as managing director and deputy managing director of the company.

BOC and pointed Director of Pertamina Gas and Renewable Energy Pertamina Yenni Andayani as acting chief executive until a definitive stipulation of the managing director within 30 days.

A number of names, both from internal and external, was mentioned as a candidate for new boss Pertamina. Of internal, names circulating upstream director Syamsu Alam As well as the Director of Processing and Petrochemical Rachmad megaproject Hardadi.

As for external parties, among others, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar, PLN President Director Sofyan Basir, a former Bank Mandiri president director Budi Gunadi Sadikin, as well as Director of PTPN III Holding Elia Massa Manik. Later the name of Elia Massa Manik was widely referred to as a strong candidate for managing director of Pertamina. The plan is the determination of the main director of Pertamina to be passed through the company's AGM today.


Ada Dua Calon Kuat Dirut Pertamina

Nama-nama kandidat direktur utama PT Pertamina semakin mengerucut. lstana Kepresidenan menyebut ada dua nama calon kuat yang berpeluang menduduki pimpinan utama di BUMN migas tersebut.

Walau begitu, Juru Bicara Presiden Johan Budi tidak mengungkap secara jelas dua nama yang di maksud, termasuk asal mereka dari kalangan internal atau eksternal perusahaan. Dia hanya mengatakan, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) menginginkan calon direktur utama Pertamina adalah sosok yang memiliki kemampuan, kapasitas, kapabilitas, dan integritas yang tinggi.

“Yang menguat dua, tapi belum tahu ini dari eksternal atau internal. Mungkin besok bisa tahu. Besok RUPS akan diputuskan direksinya," ujar Johan Budi di lstana Kepresidenan, Jakarta.

Dia menuturkan, beberapa waktu lalu ada beberapa nama yang sudah diusulkan kepada Presiden. Sebelum memilih sosok yang tepat, Presiden terlebih dahulu meminta banyak pendapat mengenai nama-nama calon. Salah satu ukuran yang utama adalah integritas. 

“Presiden punya banyak telinga yang kemudian memberi masukan. Presiden ini diberi beberapa nama usulan dari stakeholder, baik BUMN maupun kementerian lain, yang kemudian diminta Presiden untuk ada informasi," katanya.

Seperti diberitakan, awal Februari, 2017 lalu jajaran direksi Pertamina dirombak oleh Kementerian BUMN. Rapat umum pemegang saham luar biasa (RUPSLB) perseroan resmi memberhentikan Dwi Soetjipto dan Ahmad Bambang dari jabatannya selaku direktur utama dan Wakil direktur utama perseroan. 

Dewan Komisaris Pertamina lalu menunjuk Direktur Gas dan Energi Baru Terbarukan Pertamina Yenni Andayani sebagai pelaksana tugas direktur utama hingga ditetapkannya direktur utama definitif dalam jangka waktu 30 hari.

Sejumlah nama, baik dari kalangan internal maupun eksternal, disebut-sebut sebagai kandidat bos baru Pertamina. Dari internal, nama yang beredar adalah Direktur Hulu Syamsu Alam Serta Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Rachmad Hardadi.

Adapun dari kalangan eksternal antara lain Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, Direktur Utama PLN Sofyan Basir, mantan Direktur Utama Bank Mandiri Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Serta Direktur Utama PTPN III Holding Elia Massa Manik. Belakangan nama Elia Massa Manik santer disebut sebagai calon kuat direktur utama Pertamina. Rencananya penetapan direktur utama Pertamina akan disahkan melalui RUPS perseroan hari ini.

Koran Sindo, Page-1, Thursday, March, 16, 2017

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