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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Transition to Gross Split, Government Prepares Minister Regulation

The government plans to issue a ministerial regulation which regulates the depreciation of assets (depreciation) of oil and gas blocks before the contract runs out will switch to the Cooperation Contract (production sharing contract / PSC) for gross proceeds (gross split). Depreciation was mentioned as one of the gross impact of the split.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja say, a regulation about this depreciation primarily to smooth the transition from the gas block contract cost recovery to gross PSC split. It is now intensively discuss the regulation, especially how to depreciation of fixed acquired Contractor Cooperation Contract (PSC) without burdening existing PSC's subsequent work on the block.

"We are very intensively discuss how accelerated depreciation or depreciation can be carried over to the next contractor," he said in Jakarta, Tuesday (7/3).

The discussion included the impact of the adoption of these two options. if the accelerated depreciation, oil and gas contractors may be reluctant to invest in the times ahead of its oil and gas block contract was completed. This could have an impact on the continuity of oil and gas production in the block. Whereas the transitional government wants the oil and gas contractors have not led to a decrease in production.

"Or it's options, is being discussed, the costs in the carry-over to the next contractor. It is being discussed whether it could be done legally, "he explained.

Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said, if the depreciation can be accelerated, would help the existing contractor. But if it will be in the carry-over, it is necessary to think about the mechanism of accounting and taxation. "Because of the change of operator or ownership share (shares) in the block," he said.

He said he himself has now started to prepare for the transition to eight oil and gas blocks assigned by the government. This preparation is primarily based on the experience of the operator in the Mahakam block transition from Total E & P Indonesie. Inbetween tilled Mahakam Block operator Pertamina and Total since 2015, two years before the block contract runs out on 31 December 2017. Transitional eight blocks it, had called more complicated because there are changes to the contract of PSC gross cost recovery be split. Thus, it must conduct an evaluation in advance to make sure the whole block is quite economical to deploy.

According to him, Pertamina has a number of options for the transition operatorship so kedepalan production oil and gas block is not in free fall. "There are no talks toward an investment. In principle, we will make efforts so that no interruption of operations that have an impact on oil and gas production, "said Alam.

President Director of Pertamina Hulu Energi Mount Sardjono Hadi had said, a problem that can not be depreciated assets (undepreciated cost) appear in the contract the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Undepreciated this cost cut economic value block off the northern coast of Java island. "There is not yet solved the undepreciated cost $ 453 million," he said.

The emergence of undepreciated cost can occur in other oil and gas blocks are terminated and replaced with a split contract gross scheme. It includes eight oil and gas blocks that have been declared assigned to Pertamina. However, he admitted that the amount of undepreciated cost will not be as big as in ONWJ.

Magnitude undepreciated cost in ONWJ quite large initially because this block contract will be extended. However, the government then decided to terminate the management contract and assigned 100% to Pertamina. So the investment should get carried away and replaced during the life of the contract with the scheme cost recovery, can not be obtained by the company when the contract expires January 18 last.

He said he appreciates the efforts of the government are still open at the negotiations if the economics of oil and gas blocks are still lacking. "The government says that things are needed to help economically, you (the oil company) could be proposed," he said. This split additional recognition required oil and gas companies to survive and keep growing.


Transisi ke Gross Split, Pemerintah Siapkan Peraturan Menteri

Pemerintah berencana menerbitkan peraturan menteri yang mengatur soal penyusutan aset (depresiasi) blok migas menjelang habis kontrak yang akan beralih ke kontrak kerja Sama (production Sharing Contract/PSC) bagi hasil kotor (gross split). Depresiasi sempat disebut sebagai salah satu dampak penerapan gross split. 

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengatakan, beleid soal depresiasi ini utamanya untuk memuluskan masa peralihan blok migas dari kontrak PSC cost recovery ke gross split. Pihaknya kini secara intensif membahas Peraturan Menteri tersebut, utamanya bagaimana agar depresiasi tetap diperoleh Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) eksisting tanpa membebani KKKS berikutnya yang menggarap blok tersebut.

“Kami intensif sekali membahas bagaimana depresiasi dipercepat atau depresiasi bisa di carry over ke kontraktor berikutnya,” kata dia di Jakarta, Selasa (7/3).

Pembahasan termasuk dampak dari penerapan kedua opsi tersebut. jika depresiasi dipercepat, kontraktor migas bisa menjadi enggan berinvestasi pada masa-masa jelang kontrak blok migasnya selesai. Hal ini bisa berdampak pada kelangsungan produksi migas di blok tersebut. Padahal pemerintah menginginkan peralihan kontraktor blok migas ini tidak menyebabkan penurunan produksi.

“Atau opsinya, ini sedang dibahas, biayanya di-carry over ke next kontraktor. Ini sedang dibahas secara legal apakah bisa dilakukan,” jelasnya.

Direktur Hulu Pertamina Syamsu Alam menuturkan, jika depresiasi bisa dipercepat, akan membantu kontraktor eksisting. Namun jika akan di-carry over, maka perlu dipikirkan mekanisme akunting dan perpajakannya. “Karena terjadi perubahan operator atau kepemilikan share (saham) di blok tersebut,” kata dia.

Pihaknya sendiri kini sudah mulai menyiapkan transisi delapan blok migas yang ditugaskan oleh pemerintah. Persiapan ini utamanya berdasarkan pengalaman transisi operator di Blok Mahakam dari Total E&P Indonesie. Peralihan operator Blok Mahakam digarap Pertamina dan Total sejak 2015, dua tahun sebelum kontrak blok tersebut habis pada 31 Desember 2017. Transisi delapan blok itu, sempat disebutnya lebih rumit karena ada perubahan kontrak dari PSC cost recovery menjadi gross split. Sehingga, pihaknya harus melakukan evaluasi terlebih dahulu untuk memastikan seluruh blok ini cukup ekonomis untuk dikembangkan.

Menurutnya, Pertamina telah memiliki sejumlah opsi untuk transisi operatorship sehingga produksi kedepalan blok migas ini tidak terjun bebas. “Belum ada pembicaraan ke arah investasi. Prinsipnya, kami akan melakukan usaha-usaha agar tidak ada gangguan operasi yang berdampak pada produksi migas,” ujar Alam. 

Presiden Direktur Pertamina Hulu Energi Gunung Sardjono Hadi sempat menuturkan, masalah aset yang tidak dapat disusutkan (undepreciated cost) muncul dalam kontrak Blok Offshore North West Java (ONWJ). Undepreciated cost ini memangkas nilai keekonomian blok di lepas pantai utara Pulau Jawa itu. “Ada undepreciated cost yang belum solved US$ 453 juta,” ujarnya.

Timbulnya undepreciated cost ini dapat terjadi pada blok migas lain yang diputus kontraknya dan digantikan dengan kontrak skema gross split. Ini termasuk delapan blok migas yang telah dinyatakan ditugaskan ke Pertamina. Hanya saja, diakuinya besaran undepreciated cost itu tidak akan sebesar di Blok ONWJ. 

Besaran undepreciated cost di Blok ONWJ cukup besar lantaran awalnya kontrak blok ini akan diperpanjang. Namun, pemerintah kemudian memutuskan untuk mengakhiri kontrak dan menugaskan pengelolaannya 100% kepada Pertamina. Sehingga investasi yang seharusnya terbawa dan terganti selama masa kontrak dengan skema cost recovery, belum dapat diperoleh perusahaan saat kontrak berakhir 18 Januari lalu. 

Pihaknya menghargai upaya pemerintah yang masih membuka ruang negosiasi jika keekonomian blok migas masih kurang. “Pemerintah menyatakan bahwa hal-hal yang diperlukan untuk membantu keekonomian, anda (perusahaan migas) bisa mengusulkan,” kata dia. Tambahan split ini diakuinya dibutuhkan perusahaan migas untuk bertahan dan tetap tumbuh.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, March, 8, 2017

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