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Saturday, March 4, 2017

Upstream Oil and Gas Not Attractive

Oil and Gas Investment

Climate of investment in the upstream oil and gas in the country is not attractive so that no investors are interested in the auction three non-conventional oil and gas blocks and 14 conventional working area. There is only one investor who predicted interest in the conventional oil and gas blocks.

In the auction on October 2016, the government is still implementing a contract for operating cost results are returned or cost recovery. In fact, when the auction is conducted, the government has set out in Regulation No. 38/2015 on the Acceleration of Regional Development of Non-Conventional Oil and Gas Working, but until now could not be applied.

Stated that he had written several types of contracts that might be applied in developing non-conventional oil and gas blocks. The three types of contract listed the production sharing contracts and contracts for dynamic results as it applies to conventional oil and gas blocks and split sliding scale gross.

Unlike the two other contract schemes, split sliding scale gross scheme is defined as a form of profit-sharing contract based on the division of production comprehensively and progressively every year. Proceeds from the sale will be divided based on the provisions for the results indicated on the cooperation contract. The implementation of this scheme does not impose a cost recovery mechanism.

The Beleid removed when Regulation No.8 / 2017 on Contracts Gross Split issued. However, such a regulation out when the auction process has been completed so it does not add to the interest of investors. Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Wiratmaja Puja IGN said of the three work areas of non-conventional oil and gas auction no one was continued until the signing of the contract.

To block the King Coal Bed Methane and Shale Hydrocarbon Blocks Batu Ampar is not desirable at all. Meanwhile, for Coal Bed Methane Blocks Bungamas only one interested, but from the proposal is incomplete. Of the occasion, he also concluded that the appeal of upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia is still low. As a result, none of the Work Area signed cooperation contract.


Investasi Minyak dan Gas Bumi

Hulu Migas Tidak Menarik

Iklim investasi sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi di Tanah Air belum menarik sehingga tidak ada investor yang tertarik terhadap lelang tiga blok migas non-konvensional dan 14 wilayah kerja konvensional. Hanya ada satu investor yang diperkirakan berminat terhadap satu blok migas konvensional.

Dalam lelang yang dilakukan pada Oktober 2016, pemerintah masih menerapkan kontrak bagi hasil biaya operasi yang dikembalikan atau cost recovery. Padahal, saat lelang dilakukan, pemerintah sudah mengatur dalam Peraturan Menteri No. 38/2015 tentang Percepatan Pengembangan Wilayah Kerja Migas Non-konvensional, tetapi hingga saat ini belum bisa diterapkan.

Dalam beleid tersebut dituliskan beberapa jenis kontrak yang mungkin bisa diterapkan dalam mengembangkan blok migas non-konvensional. Ketiga jenis kontrak yang tertera yakni kontrak bagi hasil dan kontrak bagi hasil dinamis seperti yang berlaku pada blok migas konvensional serta gross split sliding scale.

Berbeda dengan dua skema kontrak lainnya, skema gross split sliding scale didefinisikan sebagai suatu bentuk kontrak bagi hasil berdasarkan pembagian produksi secara menyeluruh dan progresif setiap tahun. Hasil penjualan nantinya akan dibagi berdasarkan ketetapan bagi hasil yang tertera pada kontrak kerja sama. Penerapan skema ini tak memberlakukan mekanisme cost recovery.

Beleid tersebut dihapus ketika Peraturan Menteri No.8/2017 tentang Kontrak Gross Split dikeluarkan. Namun, beleid tersebut keluar ketika proses lelang sudah selesai sehingga tidak menambah minat investor. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, dari tiga Wilayah kerja migas non-konvensional yang dilelang tak ada yang berlanjut sampai penandatanganan kontrak.

Untuk Blok Gas Metana Batubara Raja dan Blok Shale Hidrokarbon Batu Ampar tidak diminati sama sekali. Sementara itu, untuk Blok Gas Metana Batubara Bungamas hanya satu yang berminat, tetapi dari sisi proposal tidak lengkap. Dari kesempatan tersebut, dia pun menyimpulkan bahwa daya tarik industri hulu migas di Indonesia masih rendah. Alhasil, tidak ada satupun Wilayah Kerja yang diteken kontrak kerja samanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, March, 2, 2017

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