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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Waiting Beleid Fiscal lnsentif

Upstream Investment

The planned revision of Government Regulation No. 79/2010 on the cost of operation Refundable Income Tax and the Treatment in the Field Upstream Oil and Gas has emerged since the beginning of the formation of the Cabinet Works.

Upstream oil and gas business actors are still awaiting the results of the revision of PP 79. meskiun Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Wiratmaja Puja explained that the draft revision of a regulation that has been in the Palace.

Regulation that regulates the upstream oil and gas operating costs that can be restored or cost recovery and taxation. In fact, today is no longer valid regime of production sharing scheme cost recovery because it has been replaced with dirty or gross revenue share split.

However, government regulations cost recovery are still needed because there are still 288 working areas using a scheme for the results. Split gross scheme will be used for new oil and gas blocks or working areas which returned to government (termination), whereas the old block contracts continue to use cost recovery scheme.

Through the issuance of such a regulation, businesses hope that the principle or principles assume and discharge responsibility and liberation Additional taxes by governments other than that recorded in the same employment contract can be re-applied as when a regulation has not yet been issued.

Currently, the upstream activities of oil and gas is currently taxed as land and building tax (PBB), tax (income tax), the tax value addition (VAT), the VAT for the costs of shared facilities, local taxes, and the tax transfer of shares of participation working area.

Thus, the contractors do not need to spend money to pay additional taxes although eventually be refunded through the cost recovery scheme.

Expenditure is considered unbalanced because there is a change in the nominal value and the costs incurred at the moment and will be replaced by the government. Contractors may obtain reimbursement if the field already in production which has a range of up to 10 years from the time of the search or exploration of oil and gas resources.

Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong said it could not comment further regarding the impact of the issuance of the revised Regulation 79 of the upstream oil and gas industry.

According to him, it needs to see in advance whether a revision which will published in accordance with industry expectations. "We have not seen the latest draft. So, we wait, "he said.

Meanwhile, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja said it was waiting for the publication of such a regulation. Because the entire discussion with the Ministry of Finance has been completed.


He also hoped that the project could go up the economic field. As an illustration, in general, the ratio of return on capital (internal rate of return / IRR) field ranging from 5% -34%. Field crickets in the Muara Bakau block (ENI), has a lower IRR of around 5% -6%. IRR variation of the field, due to the condition and the risk of developing different field. Therefore, it wants to be a contractor can get a minimum 12% IRR. "IRR varies the pitch there is a very low Crickets 5%, 6%" said Wiratmaja.

There is high to 34%. Because of different pitch, different challenge. We wanted an average pitch of 12%, but there are very low. "

Head of State Revenue Policy Fiscal Policy Office (BKF) Ministry of Finance Goro Ekanto said tax privileges will not be given freely. However, he said, will be given facilities equivalent to assume and discharge that ensures the upstream business activity tax is not charged during the contract period runs.

In addition to publishing the revision of Government Regulation No. 79, it will be issued the Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) to regulate the taxation details. However, he admitted, with these instruments, all taxes can not simply be eliminated because it refers to Article 31 of Law No. 22/2001 on Oil and Gas, a business entity that upstream business activity must pay taxes.

Meanwhile, with tax facilities, there will be no mechanism to recover taxes paid on a regulation before the change is made. According to him, all the changes made will not be contrary to the oil and gas law.

"There should be no refund, assume and discharge in the Act are also not allowed. We adjust there, but we give similar facilities. "May revision of Government Regulation No. 79 forthcoming and more exciting upstream oil and gas investment climate in the country.


Menanti Beleid lnsentif Fiskal

Rencana revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79/2010 tentang biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi sudah muncul sejak awal terbentuknya Kabinet Kerja. 

Pelaku usaha sektor hulu migas hingga saat ini masih menunggu hasil revisi PP 79. Meskiun Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Wiratmaja Puja menjelaskan bahwa draf revisi beleid tersebut telah berada di Istana.

Regulasi itu mengatur soal biaya operasi hulu migas yang dapat dikembalikan atau cost recovery dan perpajakan. Padahal, saat ini sudah tidak berlaku lagi rezim skema bagi hasil produksi cost recovery karena telah digantikan dengan bagi hasil kotor atau gross split. 

     Namun, Peraturan Pemerintah cost recovery masih tetap dibutuhkan karena masih ada 288 wilayah kerja yang menggunakan skema bagi hasil tersebut. Skema gross split akan digunakan untuk blok migas baru atau wilayah kerja yang dikembalikan ke pemerintah (terminasi), sedangkan kontrak blok lama tetap menggunakan skema cost recovery.

Melalui penerbitan beleid tersebut, pelaku usaha berharap agar prinsip assume and discharge atau prinsip penanggungan dan pembebasan pajak-pajak tambahan oleh pemerintah selain yang tertulis dalam kontrak kerja sama bisa kembali diterapkan seperti ketika beleid tersebut belum dikeluarkan. 

Saat ini, kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi saat ini dikenakan pajak seperti pajak bumi dan bangunan (PBB), pajak penghasilan (PPh), pajak penambahan nilai (PPN), PPN untuk biaya fasilitas bersama, pajak daerah, dan pajak pengalihan saham partisipasi wilayah kerja.

Dengan demikian, kontraktor tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya untuk membayar pajak tambahan meskipun akhirnya bisa dikembalikan melalui skema cost recovery.

Pengeluaran biaya tersebut dianggap tidak seimbang karena terdapat perubahan nilai dan nominal biaya yang dikeluarkan saat ini dan nantinya diganti pemerintah. Kontraktor bisa mendapat penggantian  biaya bila lapangan sudah berproduksi yang memiliki jarak hingga 10 tahun dari masa pencarian sumber migas atau eksplorasi. 

Direktur Eksekutif  Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengatakan, pihaknya belum bisa berkomentar lebih lanjut terkait dampak penerbitan revisi PP 79 terhadap industri hulu migas. 

Menurutnya, pihaknya perlu melihat terlebih dahulu apakah revisi yang nantinya terbit sesuai dengan harapan industri. “Kami belum melihat draf yang paling akhir. Jadi, kami tunggu dulu,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pihaknya pun menanti terbitnya beleid tersebut. Pasalnya, seluruh pembahasan dengan Kementerian Keuangan telah selesai.


Dia pun berharap agar keekonomian lapangan proyek bisa naik. Sebagai gambaran, secara umum, rasio pengembalian modal (internal rate of return/ IRR) lapangan mulai dari 5%-34%. Lapangan Jangkrik di Blok Muara Bakau (ENI), memiliki IRR yang rendah yakni sekitar 5%-6%. Bervariasinya IRR lapangan, disebabkan kondisi dan risiko pengembangan lapangan yang berbeda-beda. Oleh karena itu, pihaknya menginginkan agar kontraktor bisa mendapat IRR minimum 12%. “IRR lapangan itu bervariasi ada yang rendah sekali Jangkrik 5%, 6%" kata Wiratmaja.

Ada yang tinggi sampai 34%. Karena beda lapangan, beda tantangannya. Kami inginnya rata-rata lapangan 12%, tetapi ada yang sangat rendah sekali.”

Kepala Pusat Kebijakan Pendapatan Negara Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF) Kementerian Keuangan Goro Ekanto mengatakan, fasilitas perpajakan tidak akan diberikan secara bebas. Namun, dia menyebut, akan diberikan fasilitas yang setara dengan assume and discharge yang menjamin kegiatan usaha hulu tidak dibebankan pajak selama masa kontrak berjalan. 

Selain menerbitkan revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79, pihaknya akan mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) untuk mengatur secara detail perpajakan itu. Namun, dia mengakui, dengan instrumen tersebut, semua pajak tidak bisa begitu saja dihilangkan karena mengacu pada Pasal 31 Undang-Undang No. 22/2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi, badan usaha yang melakukan kegiatan usaha hulu wajib membayar pajak.

Adapun, dengan pemberian fasilitas perpajakan, tidak akan ada mekanisme pengembalian pajak yang telah dibayarkan sebelum perubahan atas beleid tersebut dilakukan. Menurutnya, semua perubahan yang dilakukan tidak akan bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Migas.

“Seharusnya tidak ada pengembalian, assume and discharge secara Undang-Undang juga tidak diperbolehkan. Kita sesuaikan disitu, tetapi kita berikan fasilitas setara.” Semoga revisi Peraturan Pemerintah No. 79 segera terbit dan makin menggairahkan iklim investasi hulu migas di Tanah Air.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, March, 7, 2017

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